Skynet Architect

Chapter 146 The Little Romance of a Big Man

"Which day is another day? How about today, let's choose clothes quickly." Si Fan rushed to the clothing store with Zhao Jianjia.

There are no shop assistants in the small clothing store, and the operating costs have been reduced to a very clean level, leaving only a comfortable store where people can shop to their heart's content. Zhao Jianjia feels like coming home when she walks here. She doesn't have to A store of big-name luxury goods, but any store will do.

This is the best thing about the Oriental Empire Building. In this shopping mall, the quality control has reached the limit. Even the clothes of other brands are very superior, and they are absolutely incomparable with those clothes of other brands before.

The quality is definitely very fraudulent, reaching the level of the first-line international brands.

The store the two walked into was a brand produced by Huaxia itself, and the price was considered a mid-range product. As soon as they entered, Zhao Jianjia was attracted by the dazzling array of clothes.

"Let's go shopping together!" Si Fan pulled Zhao Jianjia into the store, looked at the clothes here, and frowned.

When I got here, all I saw were men's clothes, and the whole person was not good.

"This is a men's clothing store." Si Fan asked.

Zhao Jianjia smiled and said, "Come in, I will pick out clothes for you!"

She didn't give Si Fan a chance at all, and pulled Si Fan into the clothing store, and pushed him to the door of the changing room with a smile on his face.

"Stand here, and I'll pick out clothes for you."

Si Fan really saw what it means for a woman to choose clothes. It was really terrifying. While he was waiting, a dozen pieces of clothes were brought over, and the shopping guide lady behind him just watched. There is damage, everyone's information here is recorded, and no one can escape.

Si Fan, who was at the door of the changing room, saw so many clothes, and suddenly had a feeling that this is another thing that can be compared with buying clothes with his girlfriend, and that is to let his girlfriend choose clothes for him.

When the clothes arrived at the side, a row of clothes had already been hung on the racks, and the shopping guide lady took all the hangers very thoughtfully.

"Change this one first, and match it with these pants." Zhao Jianjia didn't give Si Fan a chance at all, picked out the clothes and pants, and pushed Si Fan to let him in to change clothes, which was really efficient.

Si Fan didn't even have a chance to refuse, so he could only go into the changing room bitterly, looked at the clothes in front of him again and again, and finally put them on slowly.

The clothes were so uncomfortable to wear that Si Fan looked bitter.

For a person who wears sportswear or casual clothes for a long time, this kind of store is simply killer.

That's right, this store sells clothes similar to trendy brands, which Si Fan didn't object to at first, and Huaxia's real support was to produce more trendy brands.

But when he wears it, he has to consider whether it is comfortable. After wearing the clothes, he feels a sense of restraint. Even though he usually rests most of the time, he still has exercise. Wearing this shirt feels that the clothes are stretched. very tight. Just felt very uncomfortable.

No way, that's it. This clothes is not worn by oneself at all, but for others to see. In the mirror next to Si Fan, he is quite handsome. The clothes show his muscles a little bit, and the crotch of the trousers is a little bit Er Gao made his legs seem to have grown out of thin air. Si Fan really felt very depressed in such clothes.

Wearing it is for others to see, and the comfort has really plummeted, but Si Fan still wears it to go out.

He walked out of the fitting room awkwardly, looking at Zhao Jianjia with an ugly face.

This dress is really awkward.

Zhao Jianjia stood in front of Si Fan, carefully sizing up his figure, carefully looking at every inch of his injured muscle.

For a long time, I groped lightly with my hands for a long time, and then looked at Si Fan and said, "Yeah, I seemed to take the clothes a size down just now, you go and change into this set."

Immediately, Si Fan felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, which was about to spurt out.

This is too heart-wrenching, just now I was lamenting that the clothes were poorly designed, but it turned out to be because of the carelessness of this woman, Zhao Jianjia.

How could he not think so, Zhao Jianjia would choose the wrong number? Just kidding, this is absolutely impossible, it can only be done on purpose.

As for why, just look at the little beauties standing at the door watching the fun, they are watching Si Fan snickering.

In this day and age, there are too few people who cover their mouths and snicker. People just smile openly, and their eyes seem to be able to tear off Si Fan's clothes. Those are really Hong Guoguo's eyes.

In this gaze, Si Fan ran away in despair, turned around and entered the dressing room.

Quickly changed clothes.

When it comes to changing clothes at this time, Si Fan feels that it is different. There is a small difference between the changing room of Skynet Group and other changing rooms.

That is, there is a ventilation fan in the dressing room, which can quickly change the air.

The stuffy locker room is stuffy most of the time, and now this makes the locker room more comfortable.

Anyway, Si Fan was very happy, so he quickly changed his clothes, then found the new clothes he found for himself just now, and put them on.

At this time, he seems to be able to feel the pain of being a model. You can change whatever clothes you are asked to change. There is no choice at all, and after you finish changing your clothes, you have to go out and show them to others.

This is simply a pit.

After changing his clothes, Si Fan carefully arranged his clothes to ensure that there would be no wrinkles before going out.

With the ventilation system, you don't have to worry about sweating all over your body when you go out.

Don't be too anxious, the second you walk out. Now Si Fan was stunned, and saw all the girls nearby looking at Si Fan, and everyone started taking pictures the second they went out.

"Look, this guy looks like Si Fan, the richest man in the world. His figure is really good." This is what one of the girls said.

Another girl said: "It's a pity that the same people have different fates. Si Fan is the richest man in the world, and he will definitely not come to the store we patronize."

A group of people began to chatter, but taking pictures is absolutely indispensable.

Si Fan finally understood how the conversion formula that one woman equals one hundred ducks came out. How could this be one hundred ducks? Shouting too much.

But Zhao Jianjia seemed completely indifferent. She just looked at Si Fan like this, then silently took out another set of clothes, and said domineeringly, "Take this set and see."

Si Fan smiled wryly: "My lord, obey." With a teasing laugh, the two looked at each other and smiled. Immediately feel comfortable.

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