Skynet Architect

Chapter 158 Unexpected New Changes (1)

In the city of Uranus, a new scene started a week ago. This scene has made many people unable to understand it. Huge freighters arrive at the nearby seaport from afar, and then they are transported to Ula by rail. North, the real 27 freight railway lines, never said that there was no time to stop. They entered the city with a large amount of materials, and then left the city with the products they produced, and exchanged them for a large amount of resources.

Money doesn't matter anymore, it's just a very small gene that supports the development of this city.

In this city, people's lives will get better and better, and they can enjoy the demographic dividend to their heart's content.

Life is like this sometimes, there are always people who deprive others of their living space.

This city occupies the resources of the entire United States. If it still cannot develop, Si Fan can jump off the building, but suddenly one day, people feel different. The different thing is that there is another construction in the southern suburbs of the city. A large-scale super air purification factory was established, which represented a development in one direction for Uranus, and this factory was still in a polluted area, which had to make people have a lot of reverie.

The Super Air Purification Factory is the country of the United States, and it is a necessary fulcrum for the development of Uranus. As long as this factory exists, a new small city will appear. Now that there is such a factory, people have long known that there must be a large action occurred.

But in fact, no one can go to this area, and there is a heavily polluted area in the middle. In this purified area, people are not qualified to live.

It’s just that there are always pioneers in this world, and Little Gies is such a person. He is the child of the second wave of immigrants from Uranus. He entered the city of Uranus after many difficulties at that time. Assuming the identity of this citizen, he really has everything for him, and the resources he can control become many.

There are many things you can do to find yourself in this area, but he, an explorer, seems to have nothing serious to do. Explorers have become a bad job in the United States, and the death rate of explorers here is higher than before. Too much, the equipment is not very useful, they are just taking their lives to explore.

Those brave seniors have already proved with their lives that this road will not work. He is still hesitating. This time he saw the actions of the Skynet Group and the rapid construction of a new super air purification plant. Come out, this cannot be concealed, and the Skynet Group has never intended to conceal it, and directly announced the specific location on the official website.

Little Keith also kept this position in his heart, and now he is setting off.

On his arm is the continuous video recording of go pro.

There is also a bottle of emergency oxygen bottle inserted in the huge backpack on his back.

The equipment is really complete, coupled with the firm eyes, I don’t know how many laymen can be fooled, but once a senior explorer sees his equipment, he will probably scoff. He brought too many useless things, all kinds of props introduced by an unknown neuropathy on the Internet, such as anti-wolf spray, tactical daggers, he brought them all.

For a real explorer, this is a child's play house, but for him, this is an adventure. He stood on the edge of the city and slowly put on the mask.

This mask has a small microphone inside that allows him to speak.

"Friends, don't be nervous, I'm about to enter the death zone, into the zone occupied by the damned volcanic ash." Little Gies whispered to the go pro.

It seems that he is nervous, not the audience, after all, the audience can't see it now.

He checked the equipment for the third time to make sure that every piece of equipment was working, and carefully turned on the air quality testing equipment to ensure that it was not a real dead zone.

When he saw that the air pollution index was only 270, he was already a little relieved. After all, the air pollution here is not as good as some particularly heavily polluted cities, that is, survivable areas.

As long as he doesn't die, he must ensure that he can come back alive.

After the inspection, he faced the camera again: "Let's go now."

Did he really step into the red line this time? He has encountered, when he went to the ruins to find useful things to exchange for money, they were gophers. Outside, there is a dangerous area, a place that is usually forbidden to enter. After entering here, he can clearly feel that the quality of the air is slowly declining, and the visibility is plummeting. It is already foggy in his sight. One piece.

"Friends, when you enter the dangerous area, the visibility is really decreasing. Every step you take, you can feel the decrease in air quality. The ground under your feet is also very soft and there is no sense of force." Little Gies explained slowly.

The quality of the ground in front of him was indeed decreasing, every step was soft, and the surroundings became very dark, as if it could swallow him up at any time.

"There is a straight-line distance of five kilometers from the destination here. There is only one directly connected road. The road is a little difficult to walk. The volcanic ash probably..." At this time, he shut up because he could feel that the road had been cleared recently Been many times.

He is not a fool, although the volcanic ash has been submerged in the instep, but what does the volcanic ash look like in other places? On the outskirts of Uranus, he lived with his father for a period of time. He knows the environment there. He has encountered the harsh environment every day. When they went to the ruins to find useful things for money, they were Gophers.

In the days of gophers, they have seen volcanic ash more than ten meters high, which is really spectacular. This world seems to have become a world of volcanic ash, completely covered.

People can only find such little gaps in the ground and survive with difficulty.

They are really called survival! Born to live. In this world, he has seen the power of volcanic ash. He would be joking if he said that no one died, so he deeply knows the horror of this thing. The black terror has spread to the entire American continent and spread to other continents.

People's lives are not guaranteed. They can only linger on and persist.

The family persisted and had a good life now, but looking at the volcanic ash under their feet, it couldn't possibly be like the volcanic ash in this dangerous area.

There is only one possibility, this road is often cleared.

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