Skynet Architect

Chapter 163 Unexpected New Changes (6)

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If they want to play local tyrants with Si Fan, they have to practice ten thousand years.

There is no way, the most wealthy person in the world, whoever is She Sifan, just standing here now represents wealth, and the success of the marriage proposal is the only thing now in the link of meeting the parents later.

Si Fan doesn't need to meet his parents at all, Zhao Jianjia's relationship with his family is very stiff now, there is no question of marriage, and they don't even need much proof, as long as two people love each other, then invite the pastor and related organizations to come After witnessing the marriage, everything will be resolved, and they will be considered married.

Easy, simple and fast, according to Si Fan's current status as the savior, it is very simple to do this.

There is no way, the United States still needs his rescue, his Uranus still needs to be developed, and it is still the future of the United States.

It's really unavoidable. Si Fan's identity is already very important. After the marriage proposal, Li Danning and the others have left silently. Having a beautiful dinner with his fiancée will definitely feel different.

Not long after, Si Fan actually settled his sister's wedding first, and then his girlfriend. Sometimes he himself felt that the world was very strange.

There may even be some doubts, is this true?

The occasional smirk may just be because I think of my own wedding scene or a certain happy moment in the future.

So Si Fan seemed to be stupid.

In a very classical castle on the outskirts of Uranus, Si Fan just sat there stupidly, looking at a cup in front of him. The coffee in the cup didn't move, but the coffee was a little cold.

There are no people here. This is Si Fan's new home. It is built for leisure and vacation in the future. It is also open to the public during normal times. It mainly accepts things like catering, parties, and receptions. The rent is really not cheap, but Now the decoration and everything are new, of course Si Fan has been using it for a while.

As for directly using it for others, don't dream, Si Fan is not a philanthropist. Of course he wants to enjoy it first.

All of this is inevitable. In this fortress, there is already the joy of getting married, saying that they are married and happy, but Si Fan and his wedding are not available to ordinary people.

It is in this castle of Uranus that in the recent period it was all Sifan's time,

He can entertain as he pleases.

And Zhao Jianjia is also here at this time, the couple is not enjoying a beautiful love in the castle.

It's boring work.

Zhao Jianjia was in a small office next to him, and he was having a video conference. There were hundreds of people attending the meeting at the same time. They watched Zhao Jianjia's speech quietly in the meeting, and every sentence was very standard. Tell them Every direction of development in the future.

The Tianwang Environmental Management Company controlled by Zhao Jianjia is really very busy. What they have to control now is not only the construction of the company, but also the management of the entire company and the normal operation of the trading market for new materials. This is equivalent to With the operation of two large international companies, plus some other tedious work, there are simply not too many busy things.

She held a meeting here, sat on the seat and watched every detail, and then slowly started to solve the problems one by one.

This is her job, she is very smooth, and in the other direction, Si Fan is also working, not resting, really very busy, because in Si Fan's direction, what they have to do seems to be of no value to Skynet Environmental management companies have high profits.

However, Skynet Environmental Governance Company is already on the right track, and it would be fine to develop on its own there, and there will be no problems, but Si Fan's company is different now, and he must personally supervise this project, otherwise it will be easy. Died.

"Boss, do you really want to build such a long glass tunnel? Eight rows of parking spaces are needed? The cost of each kilometer is calculated at 100 million yuan." In another small office, Mou Jianping and Si Fan said.

Si Fan is sitting here looking at a model. This model is a very large model. This room is a model of the entire United States. One of the places here is the city of Uranus. The model of this city is very delicate, but in this The overall shape of the location is very neat, which is also the shape of the whole city.

It's just very small, and now there is a slender passage in the shape of the city, leading from the city to the distance.

This distance is in the south of Uranus, directly leading to New York, this is really far.

Because the location of New York is already in the south relatively speaking, it is easier to purify the air in this direction, and New York is relatively better because of Si Fan's emphasis on purification.

This passage leads directly to New York.

Mu Jianping looked at this plan with a bit of trance in his eyes, and he almost gritted his teeth to speak.

"Boss, our company's economic strength is indeed capable of building this channel, and the generated economy is enough to support a project of this level, but this should be done by the country, not by us personally. This project has been going on for decades. It may not be able to recover the cost, and the real beneficiaries of the whole road are New York and Uranus, but not our company." Mu Jianping's starting point is very clear, this is not what Skynet Group should do.

The middle distance is more than 2,100 kilometers. It is very difficult to build a highway for such a long distance, not to mention covering it with a high-thickness glass tunnel, which is really very expensive.

For Mu Jianping, it is simply unbearably expensive. How much land can be developed and how many buildings can be developed. If you invest in Tianwang Environmental Management Company, you can exchange too many resources. You can arrange a large country in the world All the resources of the super garbage treatment plant are gone.

They are really distressed, all the high-level people here are silent, they really don't dare to toss, they really don't talk nonsense.

The cost of this thing will not be recovered in decades, it is a bottomless pit.

The country-level investment is to revitalize some cities, but this road is not. This road only satisfies the city of Uranus, and no one has paid for the road.

It was Si Fan who did it himself. This is just nonsense.

Si Fan sat here, looking at the model in front of him.

"To be a businessman is to pursue profits, but you still have to pursue. If I want to find my pursuit, I will go crazy once and continue regardless of the cost. The city's benefits generated by the entire road should be able to maintain capital... Maybe." (Tian Net Architect..6363039)--( Skynet Architect )

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