Skynet Architect

Chapter 168 First Generation Founder

There is no need to think too much, Si Fan knows that this is some of the flaws here.

In the rebuilding of the city just now, many rules were thought out by brainstorming. At this time, a very serious problem appeared, that is, some people would take advantage of loopholes.

Obviously, these people are here to take advantage of the loopholes. They have good ideas and could have implemented them, but if they meet Si Fan today, I'm sorry.

This is the beginning of the tragedy.

If Si Fan can make them succeed, then Si Fan is really stupid.

So, Si Fan just smiled, the people in front of him seemed to be very happy, and they seemed to be showing off, explaining to Si Fan one by one that Chinese people are willing to go bankrupt and go to Visa City in the United States to find opportunities to immigrate.

This made Si Fan feel uncomfortable. Looking at these guys, Si Fan listened to their show off with gritted teeth.

These guys actually came here with more than a dozen orders. As long as the house and supporting facilities are in place, they can earn a lot of money, and even the cost of subsequent English training, living expenses, and finally, if they introduce jobs, they can also earn money. a sum.

This is endless money, they are so excited.

It was the excitement that led them to rush into Weishi City, and they were going to pursue happiness.

Si Fan looked at them, just looked at them.

Suddenly, the guy in the car poked his head out of the car window and laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, Huaxia guy, even if you know what we want to do, even if you know our business, you can't stop us, you You can't stop the pigs in your country from giving us money, they are really rich. Hahahahahaha!"

Standing Si Fan watched these arrogant boys leave. Their laughter echoed in Si Fan's ears and in Si Fan's mind. Their wild smiles made Si Fan feel like he wanted to laugh.

Watching them walk into the distance, Si Fan looked at the red queen.

"What do you think, how about we go and find the mayor of West City? How did he let these bastards take advantage of the loopholes, it's easy for people who want to work, but now let them spoil my countrymen like this, I don't agree .” Si Fan can be said to be very angry.

Huaxia's workers have become the ones they can squeeze. Those people have worked so hard to get out, and now they have become pigs in their mouths. This deep anger made Si Fan's eyes a little red.

The Red Queen stood beside Si Fan,

Just looking at it like this, when Si Fan asked, she had done what a military adviser should do: "Mr. Si Fan, no matter what they say, you can do what you want according to your own ideas. According to the system's estimation, You want to do these peripheral things that have very little impact on you."

This is the opinion given by the Red Queen, which is very important to Si Fan. Listening to his words, Si Fan calmly analyzed the specific matters, and quickly understood the connotation.

It's nothing more than these small things are not important to Si Fan, and he doesn't need to do them.

I just told Si Fan tactfully.

But Si Fan couldn't remain indifferent.

"Don't worry, I will make them regret it." Si Fan gritted his teeth and said.

These words will definitely come true. When he finished speaking, the car has already started to move on, but Si Fan is not even in the mood to eat fried chicken, so he is ready to contact his good buddies.

Song Yang, this former prodigal son is now a big boss. He has thousands of large ships and countless small ships under his banner. He has nearly 100,000 employees. It can be said that he is powerful. In such an environment Now, it is difficult for ordinary people to make him bow his head or respect him.

But today is different. He is now standing at the door of the office, answering the phone very respectfully.

His eyes didn't even have the usual sharpness, but had become very calm.

When talking about the company's recent development, he would also be very happy, but he knew that the so-called "Nothing can go to the Three Treasures Palace", let alone Si Fan's phone call.

Sure enough, Si Fan's voice came from the phone: "Song Yang, I hope you can go through the procedures for some people and tell them that they can apply for labor services in the United States and apply for long-term work visas."

This is what Si Fan said, since you cannot leave, let the market punish you.

As long as there is no market, their business will inevitably fail.

Song Yang who answered the phone said on the spot: "No problem, you can arrange manpower, whether you appoint or hire, I promise to handle it properly for you."

This is a very reliable guarantee. You can brag and talk nonsense with others, but in the face of Si Fan, the promise must be fulfilled.

He is ready for the whole company to work hard to tackle key problems.

Si Fan said on the opposite side: "Okay, I hope you can get it done, I will contact the official of the United States, and it will be very easy to get back when it comes to approval."

After finishing speaking, he hung up.

But Song Yang here is not. He carefully analyzed the matter, carefully recalled every word of Si Fan, and finally even found all the senior executives of their company for analysis.

The final answer made them unexpected.

Si Fan actually wants to arrange for people to work in the United States for a long time, and it is likely that they don't care about immigration.

At this time, Si Fan was under strict supervision. If such a thing happened again, he didn't know what the result would be.

But he knew it had to be done.

Things will be executed quickly. For Si Fan, Song Yang will do it even if he loses his fortune, because he believes that even if he loses his fortune, it will be easy to recover.

In a very quiet small city in the inland area, in a small shop in a corner of the city, a man in his forties was sitting at home, smoking one after another. son.

The woman looked very tired, but she still smiled, but the son was more bitter. He sat here, looking at his parents, a little embarrassed and a little bitter.

"Dad, if I don't want to go to this university, let me come down and work." When he spoke, tears were about to flow down.

The man frowned and looked at his son.

"Is it true that the student loan can't be paid? Our family's application for special poverty was unsuccessful last time, and this time?"

The child nods.

Now, the family was silent again. They didn't say anything for a long time, but the man lowered his head and looked at his hands with some distress.

It was a pair of calloused hands, but they were trembling slightly at this moment.

His eyes were already red, but he held back, tears rolled in his eyes, but he knew that he was a man. the man who supports the family

At this time, suddenly the door of their house was knocked.

"Hi sir, are you Li Tiezhu? I was entrusted by Skynet Group to inquire that you are applying for a student loan, and it was rejected. This time I am looking for you to ask if you want to work in the United States. We can pay you three months in advance. month's salary."

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