Skynet Architect

Chapter 210 Do business first

[Book Title: Skynet Architect Chapter 210 Do Business First Author: Bu Tianji]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Skynet Architects! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k Novels", easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Godfather of Entertainment, the Gate of the Profound Realm of the Five Elements, the Choice of the Sky, the King of Yongye, Nilin, the Overlord of the Holy Market, the Lord of the Snow Eagle, and the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King. The planes gradually began to land. Si Fan looked at the city and listened Complaints from young people around. Slightly smiling.

"My friend, don't you see that the housing prices in those cities in Kyoto are declining steadily? This shows that there is room for housing prices to decline, not only in those cities, but also in Pingcheng and Ancheng." Si Fan said.

Hearing Si Fan's words, the young man was about to cry.

"Brother, have you just returned to China? The news is too unclear. These cities are only where the Skynet Group started to cut prices, but other locations still maintain the previous prices."

"As long as the price does not increase, the price will be reduced."

That's how young people think.

Si Fan also felt his deep helplessness.

He is already suppressing housing prices, the effect is very significant, but not very significant.

In the second and third tier cities, housing prices have been lowered to normal prices.

But first-tier or even super-first-tier cities are still expensive.

Who is behind the scenes, Si Fan doesn't know? He knows very well that only officials have this ability.

Si Fan looked at the city in silence. Pingcheng is already a first-tier city, and he is even striving to become a special zone.

And this young man may not be able to buy a suite.

This is talking about a lifetime.

"Ah!" With a sigh, he felt that after returning, what happened to him because of the problem in the room was too depressing.

Moreover, after getting in touch with too many people about the shared area, he thought it was a joke. Because of this problem and some other estimated losses, the actual usable area inside the room was not even the price he paid for it.

If this area will be added. Then the ranking in the world will go up.

The plane descended slowly, and the young man told Si Fan the story of the city.

"Now all the companies related to construction and environmental protection and medicine have to build their headquarters here. Pingcheng has really become an international metropolis. It is very easy to find a job. I am now working in the field of medicine. Working, the salary is close to 10,000 a month." When it comes to salary, he is very satisfied. In this city, a salary of 10,000 has become common, but in other cities, it is more difficult.

This country is still that country, and the respect and changes brought by Si Fan did not change the income of ordinary people much.

As for the reason, Si Fan didn't bother to deal with it.

There are many things that he can't intervene and can't change.

The plane landed with some turbulence in the air.

He always thought he had landed, but he was still in the sky when he saw it, and he was waiting to actually reach the ground.

Instead, I still feel in the sky. Looking at the wings of the plane fluttering up and down, Si Fan was really afraid that he would break.

Although the possibility of this is slim.

But there is still unavoidable worry.

"Brother, don't worry, you will fall in love with this city in the end, work hard." Si Fan said to the young man.

He's all very relaxed.

When he left, the young man behind him was already very helpless.

"Brother, you are a native of Pingcheng. You have moved several houses. We are different. We bought a house after going bankrupt." The young man was helpless, but he could only remain helpless.

Si Fan was like a lonely warrior in front, only he knew what he was doing.

He is fighting for the rights of ordinary people and the capital for most people to live a good life.

Only by suppressing prices in certain aspects can ordinary people have a chance to live well.

They are the foundation of a nation,

Of course...the development of the world is led by a small wave of elites, there is no doubt about this.

After getting off the plane, no one greeted him today, so he came back first with his bodyguard, Comrade Niubi.

After getting off the plane, he walked out of the airport with twists and turns, and finally saw the driver he had reserved, got in the car and said directly: "Go to Skynet Group!"

A simple sentence is a very simple target in the driver's ear.

He went straight to Skynet Group without any hesitation.

To say that the Skynet Group is really in the center of the city. There is a skyscraper in the best position. The top floor of this building always belongs to one person.

The speeding car went straight to the gate of Skynet Group, and Si Fan was also thinking about the reactions of these pharmaceutical companies in the car.

How exactly did they develop and how did they get their hands on the formula.

But Si Fan never thought that domestic pharmaceutical companies could survive like this.

The car was driving a bit fluttering, the driver was very relaxed, and the place he went straight to was the Skynet Group.

More than half of the building of this very huge company has been blacked out. This is very rare in modern companies. The intensity of overtime work in modern companies is simply scary. The working time is almost ten hours from morning to night. As for overtime pay Such a thing does not exist.

They are all obliged to work overtime.

It seems that there is no way to go home without draining the last ounce of energy.

But in the Skynet Group, try to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible. You still have to sleep when you should sleep at night. Even robots have to rest, let alone humans.

Therefore, there are very few people who work overtime in Skynet Group, and there are very few people who work overtime.

Many of them still work in three shifts, and often have night shift employees.

Here, the current company only has a small number of people. Si Fan comes in from the outside. There are security guards here, but they don't check all the people in detail, because this company has a very domineering security system.

When Si Fan entered the company's gate, the security guards had already turned their attention, and they had to be careful with anyone.

Si Fan calmly walked to the security gate, and then just walked through.

It's very common, there is a gate on the opposite side, if you don't pass the security check, you can't enter.

When Si Fan entered, the door opened directly.

The security personnel were quite nervous at first, but now they are suddenly not nervous.

Unlike the security systems of other companies, the security system of Skynet Group can be challenged by hackers all over the world, allowing you to find faults at will, as long as you have the ability.

Si Fan and Niubi entered the company together, and then went straight to his office.

At this moment, all the big bosses of the pharmaceutical companies in Pingcheng have been notified to come to the headquarters of Skynet Group tomorrow.

Si Fan has something to say.

Regardless of whether they were against Si Fan, those who were not against it, or even those who were indifferent, these big bosses sat up in shock in the middle of the night, silently thinking about what big moves the Skynet Group had made.

They believe that as long as the Skynet Group moves, it will be a big move. 2k novel reading network

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