Skynet Architect

Chapter 224 Battle Damaged Horror

With an order, many fighters gathered instantly, and they stood together, ready to go, ready to attack any creature other than their own people at any time.

The attack just now was simply too terrifying, with hundreds of casualties, but what about the bugs they encountered? There were only dozens of them, and only one was killed.

That's right, only Edward killed a bug, and the others didn't have any chance at all. Heavy machine guns couldn't kill these guys, and individual grenades couldn't succeed either.

None of these guys succeeded, only Edward threw the grenade directly into the bug's interior.

All other lethal weapons cannot escape the nightmare of being absorbed by them.

Claire quickly calculated the battle damage, and her heart was almost cold. This battle almost didn't take any advantage, and she just wanted to die.

Never thought this bug was so difficult to deal with.

Claire, who was on the front line of the battlefield, then gave the order.

"You must bring that damn bug back to me, bring me back to the landing craft, it must be taken away." Claire roared to his subordinates.

All his subordinates listened one by one, and several teams nearby began to approach the corpse of the bug, ready to take it away at any time.

A group of people desperately wanted to get the body back.

Just as they were looking for the body, someone appeared in another direction.

"Fake squid, what are you officials and lords doing on my land if you don't restore your city. I bought the land here!" A rough voice came from the depths of the volcanic ash.

I knew it was Anthony's voice

Claire's heart, which was gradually preparing to retreat, began to rise again. He really wanted to retreat quickly and then strike from a long distance. He already felt very strenuous to be tough.

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

Subconsciously, he has already given the order, and he already knows who Anthony is, after all, they have enough databases.

It is because I know that I know that this guy is difficult to deal with.

A very violent mine owner massacred everyone in the entire mine in a dark night, and was sentenced to hundreds of years, and he would never be able to get out in this life.

But I don't know why, he can actually command the bugs, and he can run out.

Now it's such a big deal.

Looking at this bastard, Claire didn't move.

He can only see the tricks, and all the soldiers have now formed a sufficient battle front.

But without any defensive measures, they never thought that one day they would encounter an enemy with such powerful melee capabilities.

The ultimate goal of human thermal weapons is only one, and that is to use saturated attacks to make the opponent unable to fight in close quarters.

The saturation attack they use has reached the extreme, that is, the so-called attack power is completely higher than the defense power by countless times.

but! But if there is a defense higher than attack power in the world, they will be very vulnerable.

That's how the bug came into being.

Anthony seemed to appear quietly, but he didn't seem to show up at all.

"You idiots, just wait to die. I will never let you leave like this. How dare you hurt my little baby, you are looking for death." Anthony roared loudly, as if he was extremely angry.

Claire knew at this second that the war had begun.

"Everyone, saturated attack!" Claire fired first after giving the order.

Or grenades.

Ordinary bullets are useless, this is tried and tested, they must use high-powered weapons.

Anthony didn't seem to care about the attack at all, and his bugs were dispatched very quickly.

Claire knew, even Xiao Hei behind Claire knew, that they were going to be over.

Someone has to get out.

The formation must be maintained, and death is inevitable.

as expected.

When Claire's order was given, everyone started to fire in salvo, spraying ammunition into the thick smoke ahead.

There's no crossfire, they're meant to strike before the enemy rushes by.

It doesn't matter what the bullets are, the rear is being transported, the main thing is to withstand the first wave.

"Roar!" In the distance, suddenly the first bug appeared in the thick fog.

When he appeared, he was already covered by a hail of bullets. After all, everyone only had one target, so it was very easy to focus fire.

Then came the second, third, fourth.

Groups of bugs came out of the dense fog and gradually entered their eyes.

Countless bullets swept past like a torrent.

Break them into a sieve.

The bug that was very difficult to solve just now was killed like this.

That's right, it was killed, it looked very simple.

But the intensity of the bullets, grenades, grenades and other weapons they use has exceeded the usual small-power missiles.

That's how it kills the bug.

But it's useless, it's really useless, when the tide-like bugs appear behind, everyone's mentality collapses.

When they saw the swarm, they subconsciously threw out all the weapons they had.

That's right, just throw them out and release them all.

In an instant, countless explosions occurred.

At this time, they turned around and ran.

Those who don't run will never live.

This is a rout. They were defeated the first time.

Claire has already retreated. He is the commander and cannot die for the time being because he still has missions.

When he saw so many bugs, he had already retreated to the battleship. After all, he was the commander and could directly return to the ship by helicopter.

Other fighters were not so lucky.

The most comprehensive data can only be seen on the battleship, and the early warning aircraft in the air are constantly providing data.

Every second, Claire's heart bleeds and falls.

He watched the shadow of death covering himself, he really had to make a decision without gritting his teeth.

"Call the sea support force! The predetermined target position has been locked, and all firepower is covered."

"Confirm the order, fire coverage!" Claire almost shouted the order by roaring.

At the same time, the Admiral of the Navy pressed the launch button.

Almost instantly, the missiles in the sky landed from the sky as accurately as a meteor shower.

When they landed, just as they landed, they had already locked on to the target.

Many of the soldiers had already taken their own guns and shot them. These were marking guns.

After hitting the target, as long as the target can move, it will be assigned a missile attack.

This is a last resort and a maximum estimate.

As for some big toys with super power and radiation, they will not release them on their own land.

What's more, when that thing is released, it will never end. It is only suitable for deterrence, not suitable for real use.

And at this second, Claire's heart was bleeding.

Because he found that more than half of his soldiers had been lost, and a large number of them were still dying.

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