Skynet Architect

Chapter 292 Tailor Made

Great Literature recommends reading to readers: Chapter 292 Tailor-made in the main text of Skynet Architect

(Big Literature) People are going crazy, the speed of the car increases so fast, everyone is very nervous, and Peter behind him is sitting in the car and yelling constantly, he has lost the style of the original scientist.

"The volcano erupted, the Yellowstone Park super volcano erupted, I'm going to die, what should I do, go to the scientific research of the squid, the funding of the squid, the Uranus of the squid, I just want to live now!" Peter roared loudly, and he wanted to lose control frantically.

Magma could already be seen behind him, the ground became scorching hot, and the flames had already followed behind him.

The convoy in front suddenly began to turn left.

That's right, turn left and head in the other direction.

And the direction they were originally attacking was Uranus. There is a safe place in his heart.

But when I got to this place, there was a sudden sound of braking, and then I saw the car drifting suddenly, drifting laterally and then going straight ahead.

There is another unknown direction, passing by the volcano behind him, but still near the volcano, this is advancing along the edge of the volcano, the volcano is beside him, the person in front has already run a long way, And there are not many people behind him.

More should actually be those security guards, but in his opinion, those security guards are here to protect them, and their lives are the most important. What is security? That's the guy who sells his life for money.

At this time, he found that he was so close to the volcano, but the car chose to give up the escape route. His heart was struggling, then collapsed, and then went crazy.

He unbuttoned his seat belt and suddenly rushed to the driver in front.

"Bastard, we should be driving to Uranus now, not in this direction, we need to escape." He roared loudly. Pull on the driver's shoulder.

But it's useless, the driver is the Terminator, he faithfully executes the system's orders, faithfully executes Si Fan's orders.

He had a dynamic reaction to Peter, and he heard his voice: "Idiot, Uranus is very difficult to reach now, we only have a short time to escape, the eruption of the volcano is only the initial stage now, and there will be several consecutive times in the next A massive outbreak, and we're going to have nowhere to go."

But Peter didn't care about this, he yelled hysterically: "You bitch, let me drive, I want to go back to Uranus, not to die with you." He rushed over like crazy, and then pushed terminator.

At this time, the terminators are similar to ordinary humans, because the opponents are humans, and the power they use cannot exceed too much, so when they are entangled with Peter, the speed of the car has gradually slowed down, and they don't have much time to toss , In less than a minute, when they were still entangled, when the Terminator was kicked out of the car by Peter, the last scene of Peter's life also began to freeze.

In front of his eyes was the Terminator who fell outside the car. He kicked it down wildly, and then stepped on the brake with his right foot.

All he could do in his mind was turn around and drive to Uranus, without even thinking about the delay behind him, the spreading of the volcano.

When he slammed on the brakes to stop the car, flames swept from behind, and the monstrous magma buried him like a torrential rain.

It burned and gasified in an instant, and the car door was still open. He couldn't bear the alcohol at all, and died instantly.

He deserved his death. If he waited a little longer, he would be cooked. After all, the temperature in this place was more than 300 degrees, and he would be steamed the moment the car door was opened.

It's just that he didn't feel it at all when he was angry.

The flames buried a scientist, but more people left. They quickly went straight to their destination, chased by the flames and magma, and went straight to the underground shelter.

This is pretty much their last resort.

Si Fan was at the front of the convoy, followed by countless scientists, followed by bodyguards. ;

They are very fast,

Use the fastest speed.

But the tricky thing is that they are now walking in the direction of the volcano. Their speed is very fast, but there is still a distance from the refuge. The volcano is approaching, right behind and right in front.

Si Fan's car gritted its teeth and rushed forward.

"The fastest speed, everyone use the fastest speed, don't care about other things." Si Fan ordered loudly, and the fast-speed team became even faster.

In the distance, right in front, not far ahead is the shelter. They can now see the superstructure of the shelter. It used to be a very wide air-raid shelter, and the shelter was inside.

A distance of 100 kilometers is not a big deal when the speed is fast.

The magma is about to submerge here, and this place will definitely be sealed in the future.

But Si Fan and the others can't control that much, only this place can take refuge now.

After riding Juechen, Si Fan rushed inside first.

I couldn't see the figure at all, and then more people behind me slowly entered the refuge.

Flame followed closely, and soon almost caught up, and then completely collapsed, all of them died.

At this moment, the convoy behind suddenly changed direction, they were looking for other shelters, or it would be easier for the Terminator to survive.

After Si Fan and the others rushed in, the door was slowly closing.

Starting from the first safety gate, anyone can close this first safety gate, because there is no password at all, it just blocks the dangerous valve.

After that, when we got to the second safety valve, we needed a passcode. Of course, Si Fan had the passcode in his hand, and the Terminator Niubi comrade in front got out of the car and entered the passcode.

His speed is very fast. They entered this corridor first, so parking is no problem, but there is no place for cars to drive behind the second gate.

Niubi directly opened the second gate.

Si Fan walked in through the gate.

From the first gate to the second gate of this tunnel, it looks like an air-raid shelter. There is no change, but when the second gate is opened, you can see what it looks like inside.

This is a very luxurious and wide hall, where there are countless passages leading to each room, and this has actually begun to slowly go underground.

No one knew their way, and the signal began to disappear from here. Their connection with the outside world needs to be in the room before they can use the network.

But at this time, the outside world has already caused huge waves, and the world seems to be going crazy again.

On the web, a giant headline pops up.

The earth is going to be destroyed.

While everyone was paying attention to the disaster, a woman was looking at a message.

Si Fan and many scientists have disappeared, and the disappearance happened for 7 hours.

big literature

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