Skynet Architect

Chapter 295 Departure is imminent

There are really some people in Jixia Academy who formally entered this school. They come from all corners of the world. Walk into this world, and then have your wings broken by reality.

It's not just angels whose wings are broken, but also dreams with wings.

Li Bailong is such a medical genius. He studied in the highest medical school in China. Such a person is placed with high hopes by his parents, hoping that his children will have such a chance after graduation to make a fortune.

If he enters the hospital, he can start from scratch and gradually become the people that pharmaceutical companies need to curry favor with, but he chose scientific research, which is a bottomless pit in the pharmaceutical field.

This is hard work. When he enters the laboratory, everyone is a master or doctor, and those who follow behind are all graduate students. If they want to have a project to work on, it is just a daydream. They may stay forty or fifty. Only at the age of 10 have the opportunity to really get started with the project.

There are always people who give up their dignity for their own dreams.

That's right, they are still doing research work after graduating from doctoral degrees, that is, the legendary postdoctoral fellows, but now they have to enter high school and compete with high school students for capital.

And all the high school students in Jixia Academy stayed in the school. It was useless for any world famous school, no one took the exam, they just wanted to be in Jixia Academy.

What is Jixia Academy? It is the title of the highest institution in the world, and it is the place people yearn for in the era of contention among a hundred schools of thought.

Now this place has become a place that everyone yearns for. The internal system makes them a new world. Another world belongs to academics. You can do business, but treachery is not allowed. The rules here are stricter, and the resources here are the most in the world. .

It's like drawing a circle in this world, inside is Jixia Academy, and outside is the ordinary earth. People in the circle are people from another parallel world. All elites who yearn for learning go in and go through honing You can become an elite and fulfill your dreams. If you don’t have the ability, there is no way to survive in it. This is a world of survival of the fittest, belonging to the elite.

It has long been said that the evolution of this world depends on a small group of elites, and these elites are now in Jixia Academy.

But Li Bailong just didn't have the best opportunity to enter Jixia Academy. When he got his Ph.D. and was engaged in scientific research with his tutor, he suddenly found that there were a group of rising stars using the equipment that his tutor envied his eyes to turn green. , wasting a lot of money on a lot of experiments.

All their experimental materials are made public within the school, but in the eyes of outsiders, you can't see them at all. It is impossible for them to let the students of the school bring out the materials.

Would they lower their identities to steal information for you? Don't dream, they won't give it to you even if it is public. Money is not as important as credits in their eyes. It is already a lower level of currency. If you want cash, there are countless ways to get it. If you want credits, you can only study in the field and Contributions are required, which cannot be exchanged for money.

Some freshmen borrowed money, but some did not borrow credits. Now Li Bailong wants to die in Jixia Academy.

This place was really what he yearned for, so when Jixia Academy said that it would recruit some talents as advanced students, they would study here for an unknown number of years.

Of course, the so-called don't know how many years, it is not necessarily someone willing to graduate. So I don't know how many times no one went to the graduation exam school.

Feeling apprehensive, Li Bailong flew directly from Shanghai to the airport of Jixia Academy by plane.

That's right, Jixia Academy has already had its own airport, and there is an endless stream of people coming to the nearby area every year. This school has become the core of a large city, and the surroundings have gradually acquired an urban atmosphere. Although many people Can't enter the school, but still buy a house around, even if it is a little bit of the atmosphere of the gods.

Even if they can't enter the Jixia Academy for the rest of their lives.

When Li Bailong landed from Saji Airport, he felt a different humanity.

When people come here, their necks will be raised unconsciously, and they will pay more attention to their clothes. They will not be in a hurry when they walk, and everyone is more elegant.

The restlessness of the society is gone. In this city, all you experience is culture. Walking in the airport, you can clearly feel that modern airports are full of advertisements, but it is different here.

Advertisements everywhere are absolutely not allowed here. All the walls are the works of students. The students of the Art Department of Jixia Academy will participate in the bidding every three years to bid for these free art walls in the whole city. , display your work on it.

When a work is reserved for three consecutive sessions, it will be kept for ten years. If it is still undoubted after ten years, this wall will be the proof of the student's life.

Therefore, each wall is different. When walking out of the passageway of the airport, the wall you see head-on is a calligraphy and painting.

These are pure brush characters. Li Bailong really can't tell what he wrote, but the characters on them are really elegant and smart, which makes people remember them in their hearts.

The same person who got off the plane like him subconsciously turned on his phone and started taking pictures.

If you want to take pictures, it is estimated that you will be exhausted.

After walking through this passage, there are a series of realistic-themed paintings on the wall.

Each painting is super real, completely using modern paints to imitate real things, using three-dimensional forms of expression, as long as you get a little closer, when you look at it, you will not find that it is a wall at all.

This is what the students prefer now, and it was displayed at the airport.

As for the abstract paintings, they are no longer so sought after in Jixia Academy, because ordinary people cannot appreciate them, and only a few people are still studying them in school.

Come here, Li Bailong is really convinced, people here can wear anything, you can show yourself as much as possible, but they are definitely very qualified, the ground has never been spotless.

People who have just arrived here will unconsciously follow others to the exclusive dust removal room to clean up the mud and sand brought by them.

So when you get here, even the soles of your shoes are clean.

There are not too many cleaning aunts. Here you will automatically realize yourself. If you are not conscious, you will be expelled if you are caught too many times.

For the first time, really for the first time, Li Bailong felt that he had come to a highly civilized world.

Just a city, a city that turned out to be barren mountains. Now it has its own charm.

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