Skynet Architect

Chapter 300: Immediate Departure Part 6

Because the author is poor and has no air-conditioning, and he can’t stay in Internet cafes, he can’t code. Please bear with it. I’ll watch it in a few days and make up for it. Thank you, “Brother Saber, why do we give them food? As for the five-star hotel-level chefs provided by the company, we only had one meal ourselves, and we can only eat leftovers from yesterday at noon, and they eat freshly made food." The younger brother on the side was a little bit aggrieved.

Saber looked at them indifferently.

"Look carefully, they will leave in the afternoon." What Saber said was true.

But the other party has already started a gluttonous feast. There are all kinds of delicacies in front of them. There is no one who is not happy. The deliciousness is really delicious, and everyone is very happy to eat.

Saber happily watched them eat.

He whispered to the younger brother beside him: "Look carefully, they will leave in a short time."

He smiled happily. At this time, most of the people in the family were eating well, but soon, they discovered the embarrassing situation.

The amount of water everyone can drink is limited. They only carry a day's worth of water, at most two bottles of water, which should be almost enough, but now the embarrassing situation has been discovered. They eat a lot and need to drink water up.

Everyone is thirsty.

And there are swamps nearby, so there is no chance at all.

Looking at their sabers at the gate, he pointed at them and said.

"Do you remember what I offered them? Hot pot. BBQ, braised meat, spicy crayfish."

"These things are all very strong and delicious to eat, but they will suffer if they don't have water to drink. They don't bring much water. Everyone only has one or two bottles. No one brings a lot of water."

Needless to say later, they all understand that the taste of no water is much stronger than hunger. They still have water to drink when they are full. When all the drinking water is gone, they are all confused. Especially those who eat spicy food.

As long as it is spicy, you need to drink a lot of water.

It's so useless now.

There is no water.

Saber looked at them mockingly, and many of these people had already begun to react. They were looking for drinks and water everywhere.

Find something to drink.

But there are swamps all around, and they can drink a fart. At this time, their mentality really collapsed.

Those who can insist on not eating are a small number of people. Now they are eating one by one, their mouths are full of oil, and they also feel deep malice.

The aunt in the crowd who ate first, looked at the braised pork rice and a pile of spicy crayfish that she had just finished eating, she really hesitated, stood up, turned around and left.

"It's worth it. This meal won't cost you hundreds of dollars. Even if you go back now, it's worth it." She said this, and went back directly along the road.

There are buses coming from several small villages nearby, and she can choose such buses to go to hotels in cities in the south of the Yangtze River.

As for staying in a qualified pharmaceutical factory, it's just a joke.

Seeing some of them leave, the saber in the pharmaceutical factory was still smiling, and the younger brother next to him couldn't help complaining: "Our boss must not simply feed them ordinary crayfish."

Others also nodded.

Only the saber did not speak.

That's right, he did add ingredients. In these meals, they added a lot of monosodium glutamate. When there is too much monosodium glutamate, it prompts people to drink more water, otherwise it cannot be broken down at all.

The food is delicious, but it's up to them whether they can swallow it or not.

The group of people who ate crayfish there were full of oil, and now they are running around, looking at the swamp puddles on the ground, wanting to drink a few sips.

Seeing this, the saber in the distance quickly took out a loudspeaker from the side: "people in front, please don't drink water indiscriminately, there are a lot of parasites and eggs in the swamp water, after drinking the water People will die!"

He roared loudly, constantly reminding those people.

When it comes to having parasites,

A group of people fell into embarrassment and didn't speak for a long time. There was really nothing to say. Of course, they should leave quickly and run away.

Mouth full of spicy taste, thirsty people go crazy, the longer the time, the thirstier.

When there was the first wave, others followed.

It was like following the trend, and gradually there was no one there.

Saber looked at them and wanted to die laughing, staring at the group of people in the distance, almost all of them trotted to find water.

"Hahahahaha! Let's wait, they will probably come tomorrow." Saber smiled happily.

While a group of people were having fun, there were already new movements outside.

Just two to three hundred meters away, on a huge platform that had been cleaned up long ago, dozens of large trucks rushed over and directly entered the platform

The saber doesn't care, after all, that place is also the site of the Skynet Group, and it's all around here, and the construction machine is the Skynet Group with a logo on it.

He was just curious about what these construction vehicles were here for.

Just when he was curious, the construction vehicles had already started leveling the land.

But at this time in the sky, dozens of helicopters suddenly approached, floating in the air like an antelope's horns, passing over his head, and then landed directly on the apron behind.

This pharmaceutical factory really has a landing pad. There are a total of more than 20 special parking pads for helicopters. They are not used to park ordinary small helicopters. Instead, there will be special special drugs in the future. If they leave the factory, they may use transport helicopters. Some special The shelf life of the medicine is only a short time, and it should be used immediately after it is prepared.

At this time, the value of the transport helicopter will be there.

In the pharmaceutical factory, there will also be a special small hospital that is responsible for the use of this special drug.

Here you need to use a helicopter.

Anyway, in this era of three-dimensional transportation, air transportation is actually very convenient.

When the plane landed steadily, Saber and the others also approached nearby, but they didn't have much defense, but someone in the distance had already aimed their weapons here.

This is a hidden facility of the pharmaceutical factory, all built secretly, in case someone jumps over the wall in a hurry.

But when the cabin door opened, all the armaments stopped immediately.

I saw a strong man coming down from the first helicopter. He was about two meters tall and he was extremely strong. He didn't have any weapons on his body, but he looked more dangerous than everyone else.

And when he got down a few seconds later, everyone knew the man who came down from behind.

Saber hurried up to meet him. Of course, he knew the rules, not too close.

"Boss, you are finally here." He called loudly.

Si Fan, who got off the plane, looked at Saber carefully, and sighed: "Oh, Saber, I didn't expect you to have wrinkles on your face."

Saber is an old team member of the security company, of course Si Fan remembers it. ps: Book friends, I am Bu Tianji, and I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu Book friends, please pay attention!

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