Skynet Architect

Chapter 310 Small Target

No one knows how much influence Murdoch has had on him. Those presidents also had the same impact just now, and it may be even greater than this.

But in fact Murdoch is He Ping's idol, so a lot of points have to be added.

Si Fan didn't know, after the introduction, he would be considered retired.

He looked at He Ping.

"My younger sister will be taken care of by you from now on. No matter when you have to remember, she has an older brother named Si Fan." Si Fan's words were very simple.

But its implication made it difficult for He Ping to breathe.

When others envied him, never thought about his pressure.

The pressure was so great that he couldn't even breathe. ;

Seeing that the empty air in front of him seemed to have substance, he was dizzy from being suppressed.

As for the man in front of him, he will be shadowed for the rest of his life. How dare he provoke Si Qian? The original flirt seems to have lost all motivation. When he raised his hand to molest his wife, You will find that it seems that there are two invisible big hands in the air that are constantly putting pressure on him.

Let him not dare to do this.

Power is sometimes a poison that makes people immobilized.

He Ping is a poisoned bug, struggling desperately in this circle.

"Today is my sister's wedding day. Even if the sky falls, we have to have fun." Si Fan led the crowd to the carnival, and the other presidents felt differently.

In the United States, it is even different.

One of the huge ports on the west coast, an aircraft carrier gradually drifted here, surrounded by countless warships.

The combat capability of the aircraft carrier itself is scum, but it is the headquarters, and it can carry strategic aircraft.

And all kinds of warships around them are to open the way for the aircraft carrier. Protect the forward movement of the aircraft carrier.

They can't avoid it. Now that the aircraft carrier is coming out of the port, he usually hides it. It's nothing to be exposed now. But his military intentions are very obvious.

All over the world, several aircraft carrier battle groups slowly assembled, leading all the infantry to form individual regiments, and then they entered a state of combat readiness, and when everything was ready, they headed to the ocean.

On the bridge of the aircraft carrier, as the command room, all the officers are here.

"Now you are temporarily authorized to be the commander-in-chief of the East China Sea Fleet of the Four Seas Fleet, responsible for the implementation of the strategy of cutting the East Road." On the opposite side of the monitor is the little black president of the United States.

This order was handed over to a man in his forties, who gave a military salute energetically.

"Yes! Sir." He shouted loudly.

The little black president on the opposite side was very satisfied, nodded and gave up all hope of recovery. He is going to use the cruelest means to solve the problem as soon as possible.

The fleet in the East China Sea was established in an instant, and then rushed to their destination.

In the West Sea, the calm ocean is still extraordinary. Submarines under the ocean slowly dive up, and then gradually reach the surface. The huge submarines are like monsters in the ocean.

A submarine airtight compartment was opened, and a young man came out, breathing in the slightly salty sea breeze, and embracing the big sun in the sky with open arms.

Around each of the submarines, a huge fleet gradually came from a distance. This is a complete aircraft carrier battle group. Countless warships are slowly advancing nearby, and these former sea wolves have become a whole. keep going.

At this time, the North Sea and the South China Sea were the same, each battle group was formed.

But these two battle groups are different. They are a collection of super aircraft carrier battle groups. They have a larger battle group system and a more powerful battle group group.

Here is the cluster of most of the ocean-going combat capabilities of the United States.

And in the back, there are a large number of transport warships and more landing ships.

Such groups are terrifying, very terrifying. They are ready to attack and kill all the enemies at any time.

There is nothing good or bad, anyone standing in front of them will be killed.

If they set out this time,

There will be no mercy, they will destroy all creatures in sight, wage the fastest aggressive war, crush all enemies, and then get the land they want

The land, that is bound to be stained with blood.

The United States is ready to pay the price in blood.

The whole world is in turmoil. This is a ferocious beast that can split tigers and leopards. Those countries that claim to be able to do it are now collectively shut up, and everyone is silent and waiting for things to continue to ferment.

Maybe things will never ferment either.

This is what people look forward to, as if to look forward to some savior.

On the territory of the United States, there is such a headquarters. They are in the direction of New York, and they are very far away from the Yellowstone Park super volcano. They don't have to worry about being dealt with by an earthquake.

But they are still nervous, because the people here say that the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the four fleets on the ocean are at their disposal at any time.

The meaning of only four fleets is also very clear, which is to arrange four goals, three small goals and one big goal.

The United States' move is bound to shake the ground.

In the command center in New York, the person sitting in the middle is Xiao Hei.

He looked at the data gloomily, trying to analyze what happened.

"Why are most of the casualties caused by this earthquake in the cities we built, while the cities of the Tian Group suffered so little?" He was very puzzled. The damage is very light, it can even be said that there is not much.

They just want to know why Uranus has suffered so little loss, even though it is the heart of disaster.

It hurts to say that.

The secretary was obviously a little confused, and he was a little embarrassed when he took out the data and didn't speak for a long time.

Xiao Hei said on the spot: "Hurry up and tell me the result, I don't want to hear you faltering."

The secretary is in the mood to cry, this number cannot be said.

"The Uranus safe zone developed by the Sky Group has no personal casualties, and all buildings remain intact. For them, the super volcanic eruption in Yellowstone Park may just be a trampoline." The secretary was in a dilemma.

Xiao Hei's face immediately turned darker. It is conceivable that if he could hit someone, he would.

Tens of thousands of people died on my side, and they lost their lives, but the people of Uranos? Enjoyed getting off the trampoline.

It's that simple.

If it's really that simple, then should they ask God's unfairness for their data of more than 100,000 deaths?

Xiao Hei knew that there was a reason for this.

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