Skynet Architect

Chapter 314 Just be happy

Si Bufan, who had just left, was in the corner of the elevator, a little angry in his heart, and a little sad about his misfortune, and he was indisputable. These guys never wanted to really do a good job, but first thought about buying the inspectors so that their The work becomes easier and the inspection of the project becomes easier.

This seems to be a fixed way of thinking. When something happens, the first thing that comes to mind is not to use formal channels to solve the problem, but to take a detour to find other solutions, such as...human relationship.

This is simply a cancer, okay? People can’t ignore human relationships, but when things like human relationships are mixed into work, the quality of work will be ruined. When these improper relationships are mixed, the fairness of work will be reduced. Sex is gone.

Si Bufan can understand the usual small inclinations, but now such a blatant way of wanting to hug his thigh first, and then let his own review ignore the inspection and scoring, and pass directly, makes Si Bufan very disgusted.

Standing here, Si Bufan became more and more angry, and finally decided to contact Hong Hou to change the city management regulations.

That's right, he is not an ordinary worker, he is Si Fan, he is waiting in the elevator to descend, and he is waiting for the lobby restaurant on the first floor below.

The descending speed is very fast, and the fast elevator is used. It is very convenient to descend from the 26th floor.

When the elevator stopped, a very modern decorated lobby came into view immediately, and the cafeteria was here when you turned left.

If the dormitory here is a small nest, then this cafeteria is much more majestic. There are a lot of food on the table, and every piece of food is carefully quantified, and all of them are made according to the optimal ratio. The cooks are also their co-workers. Several chefs from all over the world have a full range of kitchen tools, so almost all kinds of food from all over the world can be tasted here.

Here, that is the kingdom of food, you can enjoy their delicious food.

Si Fan was only satisfied when he came here. He found some ingredients at random and ordered two seafoods.

Others were exaggerating. All kinds of fresh seafood, meat, fruits and vegetables were placed on the dinner plate, and then one by one they found the table to taste the gluttonous feast.

The food here is all subsidies purchased from all over the world, and many of them are post-disaster reconstruction materials donated by various fields.

There are a lot of things, so they can enjoy them easily.

After all, Li Tiezhu and Lao Liu still shared the same table with Si Fan.

"Si Bufan, tell me how rich Skynet is. The house they gave us was even more exquisite than the one we bought with our own money. They bought so much delicious food for lunch, and they won't be caught Are you poor?" Li Tiezhu asked.

It seems that he can only ask Si Fan here.

Si Fan looked at the delicate vegetables on the plate, nodded and said: "If you follow your salary standard, of course you can't enjoy this kind of food, but now we not only belong to special types of work, but also work in dangerous areas, so we will There are additional subsidies."

This time Li Tiezhu couldn't eat anymore, he looked at Si Fan, a little embarrassed;

"Our job is still a special type of work? Does it mean that we still have to work in the disaster area in the end?" He continued to ask.

If there is news, then the supervisor named Si Bufan is the most likely to have access to the news.

Si Fan shook his head: "I don't know. Probably not."

He just said that, but Li Tiezhu and Lao Liu in front of him seemed to never be able to understand their current work, and they were always terrified.

"We must work in a dangerous area, otherwise how could we have such good treatment, can they Americans do their current jobs? Don't let us come?" Li Tiezhu was always very worried.

Si Fan didn't bother to explain, there are some things that you can never explain clearly, let him go through it himself.

The thing is very simple, and the time passes very quickly. A good meal not only does not make these workers feel relaxed, but also makes them more nervous. They don't know what is waiting for them.

After a month of training, everyone has the basic working ability and the certificates they should have. After that, it depends on their own efforts and experience.

This takes time to accumulate.

The delicious food entered his stomach, but Lao Liu began to worry. He looked at the delicious food he ate, and then recalled it carefully, and suddenly tears seemed to be coming down.

Li Tiezhu, who was about to eat and work, was also a little curious after seeing it.

"What's wrong with you? We were ready to die when we came here? What are you afraid of?" Li Tiezhu was very straightforward, making Si Fan roll his eyes uncontrollably.

If you let them come after death, Si Fan is not insane.

Old Liu was a little choked up.

"I feel very guilty now. It's enough to cheat my stomach to eat. If you have the cost, you can exchange it for money and send it to me." Old Liu is a sin of eating.

Si Fan also looked at him curiously, what kind of brain circuit is this guy.

Who knows, Li Tiezhu is also like this.

"Yeah, how much does this meal cost? My Xiaojie doesn't know what life is like now! Whether he can adapt to college or not." Li Tiezhu also began to worry.

Si Fan asked: "Your child has gone to college? He should be happy, why are you still worried?"

Now Li Tiezhu almost went crazy.

"It's a good thing that my child can go to college, but if I don't come out this time, he won't be able to go to college at all. If there is more money, I hope he can have a better life in school, even if I work hard. It doesn't matter if you are a little tired, and it doesn't matter if you eat." Li Tiezhu also said.

This left Si Fan speechless. They are like the most simple pioneers. They only want to make more money and save more money. Even if they are exhausted when they come out to work, their lives are worth it. up.

But Si Fan will never allow such a thing to happen. If you don't sleep well, how can you have the energy to work? If you don't eat well, how can you have the energy to work?

Even cleaners need to be working, and Si Fan hopes that they can all be working.

Can use the best state to face every day.

Instead of squeezing as much as possible, squeezing every day, until one day I was overwhelmed and fell to the ground.

This is the last thing Si Fan wants to face.

"Our fact, it's not just about working hard to make money, make money, and earn more money. We should also have our own life and enjoy life. After all, we are not machines!" Si Fan really said earnestly.

The two people on the opposite side looked at Si Fan as if they were looking at a monster.

With this look, Si Fan knew that they didn't understand, and he could only let life teach them something.

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