Skynet Architect

Chapter 327 Development and Development

Extreme situations are rare, but today's extremes let everyone know the truth.

I saw that the animal Anthony was in the center of the big pit, and on the left was the direction they were ambushing just now. A large group of terminators were coming, and the ground had already crystallized, with tiny crystals everywhere, and the center was even more so. Condensation like a large area of ​​crystal has appeared.

It seems to be flowing on the ground like a liquid.

The viscous liquid had even covered Anthony's body.

This is a normal phenomenon. There must be crystals in the sand after high temperature, but the yellow sand on the other side is scary.

No! Perhaps it should not be called yellow sand, because the sand here has become finely divided, with a fragile white color, no stickiness at all, and no useful substances at all.

After seeing this white sand, Si Fan's heart went cold.

Countless planets, countless abandoned planets have sandy soil like this. Even if the planets can allow creatures to survive and have suitable temperature and water, such sandy soil cannot breed any life.

As if it represented death.

They are useless in the universe.

Si Fan's heart turned cold. Originally, even if Anthony was mining or making money, Si Fan could spare his life no matter what, but now it's over. Really useless.

He didn't give him the slightest chance. If he didn't kill Anthony, the earth would really be ruined. Let him toss for a few years, and not only America, maybe half of the earth would become a desert.

This guy is a scourge.

Si Fan looked at Anthony on the screen, and his heart was already cold.

It must be killed.

This Anthony was bombarded deep in the desert by a group of crazy bombers.

Attacks from afar also arrived.

but! but! but!

There is always someone who is completely different from everyone else.

This person is Liam, who appeared in the Terminator wearing a chemical protective suit.


It should be said that he is in front of the Terminator.

When the Terminator charged, Liam had already charged more than half the distance. He was carrying a special firearm on his back, and the chemical protective suit on his body was constantly spraying heat.

This is the battle armor's air conditioner is constantly adjusting the temperature.

It's Liam in there who is the real, down-to-earth lunatic, running as hard as he can.

"Kill, kill, kill! Anthony, I'm back, hahaha!" Liam charged like a lunatic.

The Terminator behind him didn't give him any face. Even if he ran halfway ahead, what speed was the Terminator? Not much time has passed, and the Terminator's shield soldiers have rushed over.

They are the first to charge, carrying stage shields.

Because it is a sickle-footed bug, the shield is full of holes, and the holes are all blades, which can effectively break the enemy's sickle-foot.

That's all, Zhou Lu could die that day, and the lock ring on the broken sickle foot can still bind these damn bugs.

At this time, it is time for other terminators to kill the bugs.

This is the plan, but there is always a spoiler, and the spoiler is Liam.

He was sprinting well at first, but he was almost close to the bug, but when he didn't pay attention, suddenly there was a wind blowing from behind, and then he saw a terminator rushing out suddenly.

The speed is fast, and the running speed is even comparable to the speed of the high-speed rail.

This is beyond comparison, Liam's tears are about to come out.

"You guys... you guys are cheating." He was originally planning to become a pioneer, but who knew that these robots were so scary and they were running so fast.

He could only scream desperately, but it was still useless. Isn't it a waste of emotion to talk to the Terminator?

I saw the Terminator rush to the front line, and the Terminator who rushed to the front immediately held the shield at the first second of contact.

The shield of the first line is always the tower shield, and the entire shield has two sides, and the triangular bracket below it instantly withstands the first front line.

After that came a second Terminator, and a third.

They are all almost at the same speed, and the quick build looks like a simultaneous shot, building a strong barrier on the ground. Iron shields are like forests.

"Hiss!" The swarm of insects had already arrived at this time, all lying on the shields, and then began to cross.

The worm who is waiting for work can reach out and attack, fall on the shield, and then attack.

They are much bigger than the Terminator.

It's just that they have no chance at all, and being big is not a good thing.

When they just stretched their heads, the second batch of terminators rushed over. Their hands were full of spears, and they aimed at the bug's head and stabbed it violently.

The control center of the bugs' whole body is on the head, but their heads are so strong that they cannot be penetrated at all.

The hardness of this skull exceeds the attack power that most terminators can achieve.

But there is only one chance to kill with one blow.

There are no absolutes in the world, as long as he opens his mouth, there is a piece of soft flesh on the palate, which leads directly to his mind.

When the bugs attack, that's when they open their mouths.

The tower shield was nailed to the front, so that they couldn't use the sickle legs to attack recklessly. They were all stuck on it, so they had to stretch their heads and attack with sharp teeth.

This is the best time to attack.

Everything is ready. Whether Zhou Lu's idea will succeed or not is all an idea.

Liam is all witnesses. He was still running, still running, and while he was striding forward, his eyes were full of jealousy.

Jealousy, the Terminator at the front set up the tower shield and fixed it, and the people behind are rushing over.

And behind it is the Terminator.

"Boom!" The bug slammed on the shield.

The little ripples produced slowly spread.

There is no damage on the shield, and the power of the attack is all on the Terminator.

Their legs were all slapped on the ground, and the half of the huge shield sank a lot.

Jealousy. Liam is really jealous.

"Let me come too." This is such a cheap thing to do.

As long as you reach out, you can kill bugs. He doesn't have a long gun, but you can kill bugs with a special rifle.

It's greedy, but let alone the second wave of attacks, the third wave can't be mixed.

Because the second wave has arrived.

The impact force generated by the instant impact of tens of thousands of bugs forced open a large number of gaps, and the Terminator inside quickly retreated.

They don't have the weapons to fight, so they must quickly retreat and change weapons.

And the second wave has finally arrived.

Almost all bugs attack subconsciously with mouthparts, which are their secondary offensive weapons.

But now this second is being targeted.

It's just that the three-and-a-half-meter spears were erected, and they poked them down by themselves.

Next, it depends on whether you can withstand the impact!

The formation at this time can still be maintained.

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