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"Next weapon, I want to see your true strength." Si Fan continued.

This next week Lu is very confident.

"In the face of bugs, after our tests, they still have joint tissues on their bodies. Their bodies are much less vital than humans, and they can survive for a period of time even after their internal organs are all messed up. But only There is a way to take them out of combat."

"That is to attack their joints, so we developed this forced attack hammer." Zhou Lu said and showed the next weapon.

This is a hammer that looks very small.

"Joint hammer, weighing 220 jin, specially developed for attacking joints." Zhou Lu pointed to the next hammer

This is a very strange hammer, because it is funnel-shaped, that is, cone-shaped.

Looking at this thing, Si Fan knew what it was for.

This is a weapon specially designed to attack joints like knees. As long as the attack bursts out in an instant, the opponent's ability to move will be completely lost.

The biggest advantage of this bug is speed, their speed is very fast.

If all their joints are smashed, the opponent will be useless.

As for why not kill the opponent directly.

This is funny, many times it is impossible to kill this bug, their defense is really amazing.

This is a more conservative approach.

Of course, if it could be hacked to death directly, it would be a clean hack.

The display of this thing is simple and rough. I found a very strong artificial joint and smashed it violently.

Instant kill, without even making too much noise, the problem has been solved, just smash it into pieces.

Those leaders in the back almost sat on the ground. They really had never seen so many weapons, and they couldn't imagine so many ways for war.

After looking at these weapons, Si Fan continued to look down.

Regardless of the fact that these things are relatively stereotyped, almost all of them have their prototypes in ancient times, and they just need to be transformed. If we simply count the gold content, Zhuang Zhou's gold content is still relatively large.

So Si Fan was actually more entangled. He was more optimistic about this guy's ability, but he didn't expect that what they made was just a little bit worse.

Then there are shields and weapons. It is worth mentioning that there are more exaggerated weapons almost at the end.

This is a very crazy idea, because what is in front of me is a net woven with a lot of steel wires, and the net openings are all sprayed, just like the kind of net used to catch animals, and it may also be anti-riot.

Anyway, this thing is very powerful, Si Fan is completely speechless looking at this net.

Lu really thought of a lot of things this week, and as long as each of the terminators carries a net, they can at least trap a bug.

After watching the exhibition, Si Fan has already confirmed that all the equipment is installed, and then waits for the real battlefield experience. '

He can't wait.

On the other side, Xiao Hei and the others couldn't wait for Si Fan to send out his men.

It's just that at the scene, these executives were still there, especially Mou Jianping, who didn't have much reaction after watching these displays, but his eyes kept staring at the Terminator.

When it was all over, he came over to ask Si Fan.

"May I ask if most of the construction workers and decoration workers in our company are this kind of robots." Mu Jianping asked.

He has long seen that this is not human at all. Although he has a human appearance, he is definitely a robot inside.

And during the real test, he can use the device directly on his body.

This is the characteristic of robots.

Si Fan nodded: "That's right, our company's construction workers and decoration workers are all robots, from the very beginning."

Now Mou Jianping stopped talking nonsense, he silently calculated the company's cost savings and already knew the company's profit.

It is much more profitable than previously expected.

With no one talking anymore, Si Fan relaxed a lot. When he looked at them, Anthony in the Death Valley of the United States had already made new movements.

In the depths of Death Valley, if anyone can see, they can see Anthony now.

Now Anthony has almost no human appearance. His body is full of strange horny skin, and his legs are gone, replaced by knife feet. There are dense patterns on his body, and even white fluff has begun to grow.

"You want to deal with me? You want to kill me? Let's see if you have the strength, wishful thinking guys, do you really think that I have no way to resist?" He kept yelling wildly.

And continue to send signals.

Beside him is a fat man who seems to be very bloated, and this fat man is constantly typing codes.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the fat man handed the microphone to Anthony.

It was at this time that Anthony started talking.

It was a long call, and the topics discussed were very important.

These are not important anymore, after all, they will always disappear silently all over the world.

They are talking about important collaborations and starting to find their own supporters.

After such a long period of development, the Skynet Group is still not qualified to do whatever it wants, but this guy seems to have done it.

After Anthony accepted the other party's video voice, the first request surprised the other party.

"If I am threatened by nuclear weapons, I ask you to support me. If the other party launches, you must help me intercept or directly retaliate." Anthony said in the video.

The few people on the opposite side are going crazy, why should Anthony order them.

This is impossible, they are all bosses, what the hell is Anthony? nothing.

But Anthony has spoken and is making them compromise.

Of course, Si Fan didn't know about these things, he took his Terminator and started to change clothes as a whole.

You must know that these terminators have never dealt with the situation on the battlefield, and this time they used weapons directly.

It is still tailor-made, but Si Fan still has something to worry about. After all, there is another important problem, that is, the basic software problem.

The Terminator's fighting power is understandable, but he has no news of fighting. No one has ever handled this thing before, and they are all ignorant.

It's just that Si Fan already knew the answer,

"All set up, we are going to hunt." Si Fan gave an order, and all the terminators were ready to continue, just waiting to kill those damn bugs, and then let his company develop smoothly.

He didn't know what a beautiful house he would design in the next second, but he knew that if he didn't kill Anthony now, the chances in the future would be less and less. (Skynet Architects)

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