Old Tang was happy when he saw that the interface of the mobile phone changed from gray and unpurchasable to the option of direct purchase now.

He was about to cry with happiness. With this car, he can contract up to a district and earn a lot of money. And most importantly, with this garbage truck, he can directly sell recyclable garbage to Skynet Group exchanged money.

Compared with other scrap metal recycling companies, the price given by Tianwang Group is much higher, and there are fewer problems and no extra money

The only requirement is that the environmental score requirements are very strict. If a few scores exceed 100, then many benefits will be lost. Now that he has finally reached the standard, he can move faster in this industry.

There are many such people, and he is looking at his garbage truck, which is a car that is making money every day and can guarantee a job every day.

This is the most exaggerated. Many cars cannot be guaranteed to work every day, and their charges are very high. For this car, the cost will be paid back in about two years, and there is still ten years of loan time, so it can be easily repaid.

Old Tang is definitely not a single case. The main reason why his environmental score is so low is because of his work. Our company is doing garbage collection. It really has an advantage in this respect. As long as the environment is If you make a contribution, you can get rewards from the Skynet Group.

And 100 points is just the basis for environmental elites, and there are even some people with negative environmental protection points.

The higher the better, after all, the higher the environmental index, the higher the pollution you cause.

Here, Lao Tang has fulfilled his dream, finally has his own new garbage truck, and his future life will enter a new level.

And more people are more confused.

A small paper mill in Beihe Province is now in a gloomy state. All the employees stopped working and looked at their manager in horror.

"No, manager, this environmental index is related to buying a house, studying, education, loans, food, travel in the future. There are so many privileges, how can we not fight for them?"

"But have you looked at the environmental index of our company's employees? All of them are hundreds of thousands. It will not be easy to buy a bus ticket after this figure. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Skynet Group doesn't sell us houses anymore. How can we survive? Ah." The very down-to-earth factory workers said to their managers in horror.

The manager was also sweating profusely. He didn't even dare to look at his environmental index. This data was a nightmare in his heart.

Others are hundreds of thousands, but his environmental index is more than ten million, and he can't enjoy any public services casually, and he will even be charged additional fees.

He is going to have a big head now, an environmental index makes their paper mill unable to continue production.

Their chairman is also having a headache. He has already gone to the paper mill in person, and then looked at the production line that has been shut down, and then looked at the equipment that has been shut down, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Isn't our company just unqualified for environmental pollution? How did the group find out, it's really terrible."

After finishing speaking, he called out to his deputy.

"Xiao Wang, please contact someone. I want to buy the cooperative energy battery pack launched by Skynet Group, as well as their sewage purification system. Be quick." He is really going crazy now, the points in his hand What is displayed is not a negative number, but a positive number.

The environment of more than 3 million yuan is a little bit. If the other party didn't give him a one-month buffer, he would probably go crazy.

This environmental index is still in trial operation now, and all the advantages and disadvantages will be directly told to you, so that you can know how you pollute the environment, and the punishment will only be implemented after one month.

He looked at the factory and wanted to dismantle the factory. Doing something casually is better than a high-polluting one.

In the past, there were all kinds of great gods who were not easy to serve, but now Skynet Group directly dominates the terms, making them instantly confused.

Everyone's Skynet World's push is about this environmental index, and Huaxia is naturally the most difficult to manage.

There are really people in this country who have ruined their reputations.

It may also be that they have done these things before and turned a blind eye to the sewage discharge of paper mills, but it is completely different now. Since the environmental index data is available in the Skynet world, everyone has their own account. They all already have their own environmental index, which is their points.

The less points they have, the more things they can enjoy, and they can enjoy more benefits.

The few workers in the corner of the paper mill looked at the points in their hands, and they were all silent. There is no paper mill in this world, and they don't want to lose this job. After all, the salary of this job is still good.

Now it seems that this environmental index has turned their life into the worst situation. They can get wages, but all the national treatment they enjoy is gone, although many officials have not announced or agreed to these things.

When the news was just announced, the official had already stated that this was a private statement of the Skynet Group.

But for the Skynet Group, these things are really possible.

Because they have seen that in the world, all pro-Rice countries are supporting this reform, and have begun to use it. The environmental index is becoming a standard to measure a person's contribution to the world's natural environment.

When the current environment emerges, and when the world needs to control environmental pollution, all the big polluters who are lagging behind will be exposed without a doubt.

All kinds of companies are gradually appearing on it.

And the one that topped the list is not Huaxia, but an environmental management company called Global Natural Ecosystem.

That's right, the world's most polluting company is actually a company that manages the environment.

When Si Fan saw this company, he was stunned.

And the eyes of the whole world are on here.

The action promoted by Si Fan has just started, and tens of thousands of companies of all kinds have already been targeted.

Don't think that this number is a lot, it's just the company with the highest environmental pollution index in the world, and they must be dealt with immediately.

What people never expected is that most of these companies are environmental management companies.

Since they control the environment, why are they big polluters?

Si Fan had a sullen face in the office. When you are in the environmental governance industry, you will feel the darkness of this world.

That's how he feels.

"I really didn't expect it. If I didn't do statistics, I wouldn't have thought that they have been dealing with the environment before? They can actually become a big polluter of the environment!"

But he has already guessed three points.

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