Skynet Architect

Chapter 361 Maybe Not Good (10)

Who will do things that are not beneficial, and no one is an uncle of the new era. There must always be interests in the mall.

Xiao Hei was pointing forward in the room.

"You can find any direction, any place, do whatever you want, and do whatever you want. We, the United States, are your strongest backing." Xiao Hei is so straightforward.

This made Si Fan laugh.

"There is nothing left in your country of America. Two earthquakes, one volcanic eruption, the cities are gone, the buildings are all ruined, the factories are gone, and more than half of the people are dead. What else can you do?"

"There must not be enough manpower when we are developing. Even if I take on all the hardest and most tiring construction work, you will not be able to resume production. Fortunately, your industries are all factories abroad, otherwise it will be even more uncomfortable now." Si Fan said .

Xiao Hei nodded: "That's right, we have laid out the whole world a long time ago, it is nothing at all to encounter the current disaster, and we can still resist the past, but the current reconstruction work may take decades , the entire industry resumes."

He looked at Si Fan meaningfully.

It takes several years to set up a set of equipment, and they have countless factories that need to be rebuilt, and this time the whole country of the United States adopts a very rogue construction method.

That is the separation of industrial areas and living areas,

The transportation capacity has been completely different after several changes in the world. On the contrary, decentralized transportation has caused more inconvenience, and repeated transportation management has caused more troublesome transportation channels.

The new era has arrived, and the United States must establish a new type of management capability in the face of disasters.

Professional things are done professionally. Now the United States is reborn from the ruins, and the entire system needs to be rectified. This will make it easier to manage and unify.

Xiao Hei has long been prepared. During this crisis, he will create whole industrial areas, large industrial areas and chain transportation systems, and even put them all into the smart headquarters.

The times are advancing, and Si Fan really doesn't know what to say when he looks at Xiao Hei who has regained his glory.

This guy is crazy. He is building a country that is a hundred years ahead. The foundation of this country was laid by him, Si Fan.

Looking at the scorched earth, he just waited for Si Fan to speak.

Xiao Hei is looking forward to his future.

"Si Fan, this is the country created by us Americans, and it is also the country created by you, Si Fan. You will be the hero of this country, and you are also an honorary citizen of our country."

Si Fan is still very useful for this kind of false title. The United States is not a country where you can shoot the top bird. Here you have to show your strength, show yourself, and show yourself. Only in this way can you be loved, although hatred of the rich is the world Common problem, but many people still like those who have really helped them.

Si Fan is such a person, at least this generation of Americans will adore him very much.

He rebuilt their country, and no one was taken care of by Si Fan, the whole country was under Si Fan's construction.

Everyone is enjoying the benefits given by Skynet Group.

Under Xiao Hei's expectant eyes, Si Fan who was opposite picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

The bitter taste in the mouth made him tremble all over, followed by the strong aroma of the wine and the sweet aftertaste in his mouth.

The taste is absolutely great, the taste is the best year, the best year for the best winery,

It tastes better than those treasured wines.

One is the psychological advantage of drinking, and the other is really the taste of drinking.

Si Fan pointed to the table in front of him and drew a circle.

"My request is not high, I hope that there is a plan that you can approve and cooperate with."

The circle looks like an arrow.

Xiao Hei looked at the thing Si Fan drew in front of him suspiciously, but he couldn't guess what it was for a long time.

Finally, he asked with a flushed face, "What is this you drew? Do you want the company to go public? Do you want two daily limits?"

He really couldn't remember what it was.

Looking at his poor drawing skills, Si Fan really wanted to cry, but what the hell is the daily limit? This is obviously a rocket, okay?

He scribbled and corrected it for a long time, and finally stopped writing at all, drew a circle on it, and wrote rocket, rocket.

Now the truth is out.

Xiao Hei looked at the picture with embarrassment.

"You said this arrow is a rocket?" He couldn't believe it. This is a rocket? Primary school students are not so abstract in their paintings, okay?

Xiao Hei couldn't help but look at this masterpiece.

"In the future, let's talk about things directly. I think speaking with words is better than drawing images."

Regardless of these, Si Fan pointed to the abstract painting on the table and said: "I want to cooperate with the United States to develop rockets, but I will not explore further outer space, I will develop and build on the moon."

Si Fan's request is simply shocking, okay? The moon does not have the conditions for human survival. If only a few people can maintain it, and use rockets to transport supplies, but if a large number of people live on the moon, it is impossible.

But after looking at Si Fan for a while, Xiao Hei shut up. He knew that Si Fan was qualified to develop the moon. After all, the robots of Skynet Group don't need water resources, they only need electricity.

And power generation is the specialty of Skynet Group.

But Xiao Hei still said after looking at Si Fan: "No other country will agree with your idea. You are our hero in the United States. We will support you, but they will not."

This is inevitable, what will they do if you swallow the moon all by yourself. If the resources on the moon can be transported back, it will be too scary.

You must know that the moon is completely different from the earth. Its ground is very hard. After analyzing the soil samples, it is found that it contains a large amount of titanium, which is rare on the earth, and other hard metals, such as zirconium, iridium, and beryllium. , if these metals can be mined, it is simply a huge treasure house.

Although titanium is not very expensive, the relatively low-purity titanium on the market costs 60 yuan a kilogram, but 99.99% pure titanium is worth 1,000 yuan a kilogram.

The proportion of this thing is still very large, and its value cannot be seen individually, but if the entire moon is full of this thing, it is amazing.

In Xiao Hei's eyes, the entire moon is still of high mining value, and he knows the secrets of the moon better than others.

It's just that they won't be announced.

There is no need to develop the moon, which is the result of their decades of exploration.

Now Si Fan wants to develop.

"Really, no one will agree. There are interests on the moon, very large interests, but there is no condition for people to occupy it." Xiao Hei persuaded.

But it was useless, Si Fan just smiled and said nothing else.

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