Skynet Architect

Chapter 366 Maybe Not Good (15)

After reprimanding the soldiers, Si Fan stepped aside and reached out to call for the Terminator T800.

"After the protection is done, open the door, put away all the 'huh!' for me, and let's take it away."

Si Fan's order was issued, and the Terminator T800 obeyed the order and walked directly to the gate, then turned around and said in a voice like a governor: "It can be closed."

Several people frowned, and Xiao Hei kept looking at the Terminator T800, and finally gave Si Fan a puzzled look.

Si Fan, who was about to take the things away, didn't seem to see anything. He was so cheeky and scratched his head unconsciously with his fingers, as if he didn't have much interest at this time.

If there is no interest, there will be ghosts. Xiao Hei is almost certain that Si Fan must have taken advantage of him, but the most disgusting thing in the world is called being taken advantage of by others. I don’t know why.

You just don't know how much they take advantage of you.

Seeing Si Fan's indifferent appearance, he wanted to beat Si Fan up.

If he hadn't thought about not being able to beat him, he would have done it long ago.

And Si Fan was even more shameless, and said directly: "You guys quickly seal the door, my subordinates will go and pack up those things, you don't have to worry about safety."

After speaking, he began to direct these people to work.

Because they had ordered it in advance to be sealed, they started to work quickly.

This can be regarded as being familiar with the road with a light car. Just buckle the machine up and it will be sealed.

It's just a huge cover, and then put the cover on.

People inside can open the door and go in.

The Terminator is not afraid of this thing.

They saw the door opened, and the Terminator walked in very calmly.

No, it feels like being pressed by the light and turned into a pile of minced meat.

It was not as difficult as they imagined. The Terminator seemed to be walking in the morning sun, walking to the center of the bottle very easily, and then quickly clicking something on the bottle with both hands.

After a while, they saw that the bottle cap was completely opened.

Everyone was shocked now, they all knew that the contents of the bottle hadn't been completely released, and the leak was enough to kill them.

However, they were doomed to be disappointed. Under Si Fan's confident smile, the bottle quickly began to absorb the light from outside. Within a few seconds, it seemed as if time had flown back. The light hung upside down quickly, and then all of it penetrated into the metal bottle among.

This is very convenient, but none of them can control it. After putting it in, the Terminator T800 screwed the cap on the bottle, and then clicked on it for a long time.

That's the end of it.

He just walked out so easily, opened the door, and waited for the outside door to open.

The narrators were already stunned. It was the first time you saw this warehouse being dealt with so easily, and everyone was a little dazed.

"Soldiers, have you forgotten your mission and work? My subordinates are waiting for you to release them!" Si Fan spoke at this time, and a group of people realized that they had been in a daze for too long, and hurriedly moved Terminator T800 unleashed.

As soon as he came out, T800 stuffed the metal bottle into his own body.

He ejected a small box, put it in the box, and retracted it into his body. The box was in his abdomen, and it was all right and safe.

Xiao Hei looked at Si Fan with some distress, his hands were still frustrating.

But with a thicker skin, Si Fan has never been afraid of anyone, completely ignoring his poor little eyes, and walked into the warehouse with ease.

"Let's come in and have a look, it's already safe." He said, looking at the wall carefully.

This wall is different from what he had imagined before. He thought that the wall would be riddled with holes, but when he got here, he realized that it was not at all. The wall was as crystal clear as a gemstone, and even turned into a gem. up.

"I really didn't expect that this room was very beautiful at the time. You guys got rich, you really got rich." Si Fan kept admiring, stroking the wall with both hands.

Different from what I imagined before, the current walls have undergone some changes. Most of them are like diamonds, shining light, and the others are all kinds of gemstones. What kind of masonry concrete, what kind of steel bars have long since disappeared It's like layers of gemstones.

Si Fan's gentle touch can feel the uncanny workmanship of nature.

That's right, this thing is really a gift from nature.

After hearing Si Fan's words, Xiao Hei had been curious for a long time, and hurried in.

When I entered this moment, I was completely shocked by the scene here.

The whole room is made of precious stones, most of which are diamonds, and the others are all kinds of crystals, all of which are crystal clear. He swears that he has never seen such a beautiful house.

It was really too shocking, what shocked him was not entering this room, but the power of this light.

All the materials here are decomposed, and then single molecules are recombined, only in this way can this effect be achieved.

It seems that he is not a scientist, but he knows the most basic knowledge. It seems that these diamonds are all composed of highly compressed carbon elements. They seem to be squeezed out of a single sheet and attached to the outermost surface.

It's just a pity that these things are at most good-looking exhibits. If you really want to exchange the gems here for valuable things, then forget it.

Money is really a lot for ordinary people, but for a country, it is better to keep it. If Area 51 is really announced one day in the future, the exhibition here will obviously be much higher than the actual value, not to mention the real value. They will not sell heavyweight treasures to individuals. They are all in museums, so why not just leave them here.

Si Fan was shocked by the beauty here, and also by the energy of the high-energy energy core of the universe, which is obviously squeezed out, which means that this core is completely squeezed out by continuous expansion and forcefully balanced. .

Everyone is shocked by the charm here, only shocked by his power, what a violent cosmic force, it is now stored in the body of the Terminator T800.

And this cosmic high-energy energy core is not the daily energy bar imagined by ordinary people. It is the energy used by space-level aircraft. The more cosmic high-energy energy cores, the larger the aircraft that can be built. The cosmic high-energy energy core is too small, so it can only be an exploration spacecraft.

And the one in Si Fan's hand now should have been unloaded from a certain aircraft, or it should have been lost.

As for what magnitude of spaceship to use.

Si Fan didn't know.

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