So all such companies came back one by one and started to build their own headquarters. Those first-line super companies went to Uranus. Although there is no better tax rebate policy there, their research and development assistance capabilities are very strong. A system The R\u0026D area can give them higher profits and markets. Compared with it, taxation seems to be a relatively small proportion.

And on the streets of West City, now there are groups of people

At this time, Si Fan found a very inconspicuous small coffee shop on the streets of West City, and sat here watching the people who had just arrived.

They are smugglers in the United States dug out by the labor service company of the Skynet Group. They are all black households, but the Skynet Group gave them the opportunity to have a semi-official identity in this country and live in the sun.

Every guy who smuggled in this era worked hard, and less than one tenth of them managed to reach the United States. Others either met bad guys, were killed, or disappeared on the road. The country of the United States was originally a blessing, and if they were to end up in a sad ending, Si Fan felt that he couldn't bear it.

They are so tenacious, they work so hard, or they should have a good result, no matter how shameless the world is, it should give them hope.

So Si Fan gave them a chance, a chance to work here, they should be rewarded for their courage, and this group of people should be the hardest working ones.

When I saw them coming, I started looking for a place to live with my passport.

As for their luggage, they were all abandoned. What kind of messy things are not allowed on this road. Many people have lice on their bodies and luggage. They are just sleeping things. What are they carrying? Important items can be carried. Deposited.

Everyone can overdraw their credit limit and buy a set of clothes in this city, so the first thing they do when they get off the car now is not to find a place to live, there will be arrangements until the evening.

They're just looking for a place to buy clothes right now.

At this time, Si Fan just came out of the coffee shop. He wanted to get close to these people and see what kind of people they were.

When the method of death came out, it was obvious that they were Chinese people. At this time, Si Fan saw a large group of Chinese people scattered, but some of them still approached.

Si Fan can understand that they say that Chinese people are united abroad, but that is bullshit. Some mouse shit has already ruined this pot of soup. They borrow money in the Chinese circle without paying back, slander each other, and show off everywhere they do things for outsiders. What job.

It makes people look like clowns, but there are too many people like this, and they have brought disaster to this circle.

A lot of efforts that Si Fan has made here have been harmed by them a lot.

When the Chinese go abroad, the first warning they hear is now, don't trust the Chinese.

This is a pit.

So Si Fan is now in the past, just want to change something. He slowly watched these people approach.

As if passing by, he yawned, looked at the sun, and muttered in Chinese: "This vacation is really boring."

Pure Chinese seems to have a special charm in a foreign country, as if there is a spotlight that gathers everyone's attention.

"Brother, did you come to this West City before? Are you an employee of the worker's building of the Skynet Group?" This is a man in his thirties, looking at Si Fan with excited eyes.

Si Fan nodded: "That's right, today is a holiday, so I went out for a walk, it's too boring, and there's nothing to play."

He followed the words.

The man opposite was very excited.

"My friend, I'm from Pingcheng, right? It's not easy for a Pingcheng person to go to a foreign country to earn a living. I'm from Xiashu Village, which is also near Pingcheng. We are all friends outside here, and I still want you, a fellow villager, to take care of you in the future." He and Si Fan got close.

Si Fan does know where Xiashu Village is, but Heping City is not under the rule of one at all, and even according to the plan, it is seventy or eighty kilometers away, and it is under the rule of another province.

But people are so close, Si Fan originally wanted to make friends, so of course it will go smoothly.

"Okay! Come to me later if you have anything to do. My name is Si Bufan."

After Si Fan introduced them, they also exchanged WeChat messages.

After that, a group of people began to strongly ask Si Fan to take them around.

In fact, Si Fan knew that they asked Si Fan to take him to take a bath and buy clothes.

This is an inevitable thing. It is very troublesome to buy a simple set of clothes first, then take a bath, and then buy clothes. Most people don't like this, but Si Fan is different.

Si Fan just wanted to contact them.

Give them some warmth.

So when they asked, Si Fan immediately agreed.

"Brother Si Bufan, please take us to buy a set of clothes. Take a shower by the way, our brothers are all terribly dirty now, and we can't wear clothes anymore. We have high requirements at work, and we must be clean and tidy." He laughed speak.

Si Fan nodded: "Let's go, I'll take you to buy a set of underwear first, and then change into it after taking a shower."

As soon as the words fell, they were so excited that they almost screamed. What they needed was to settle down, and what they needed was someone to take care of them. Even if it's just one person taking them to buy clothes.

Everyone clutched a white card in their hands so hard that they were still reluctant to let it go. This was their identity card, and it was also a card that could be used to buy clothes with a loan.

This will be one of their most important possessions in the future.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you lose it. Using DNA to reapply is like, the ID card is not easy to use, only my DNA plus fingerprint can pass.

This group of people is starting to move towards a better life.

The store Si Fan took them to was certainly not high-end, or even the lowest-end grocery stall in the entire West City. He knew that these guys were reluctant to spend money. Yes, not desperately to spend money.

So they went straight to the underwear store where Ri Ben used to be. When they came here, the fellow villagers didn't feel strange at all, and looked at the store very happily.

Especially some of the young people.

"I didn't expect to see a specialty store for underwear again in this life." He was really happy.

And at this moment, Si Fan saw an acquaintance inside, a very familiar guy.

Colin saw a man beside him who was introducing Colin's identity, and Si Fan knew it after listening.

This guy Colin was actually caught. According to his visa, he could no longer stay in Visa City, so he could only be sent back to his country. Of course, he can still hold his diamonds.

It's a pity that they won't sell it for you. As for the air ticket back home, he needs to earn it by himself.

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