Skynet Architect

Chapter 385 It's time to show real skills (6)

He knew what these gold mine gems were.

I deeply know that this is not a gold mine at all, nor is it a gemstone. This is a finished device that some powerful forces in the universe can manufacture.

Planetary Defense System.

That's right, this is a basic defense system of the planet, a system for protection when there are foreign weapons or unexpected situations attacking.

They were not originally designed to defend against people, nor were they afraid of any biological attack, but simply to prevent accidental attacks.

Many planets in the universe have wiped out all the creatures of an era due to the impact of huge meteorites. This kind of powerful damage is unstoppable for people.

So they developed this system to defend against natural disasters. With this kind of defense, meteorites will not fall frequently. This is also the reason why space garbage is discarded casually. Living planets will have protection, not afraid of the universe. Garbage violations.

Silently looking at these crystal clear and large gold brick-like system components, Si Fan was really happy.

In this way, the earth will be safer, but it is a pity that even if there is this thing, it is useless, it needs to provide energy, and now the earth does not have the confidence to provide energy.

Only by completing the task, the ultimate task of building the city, the huge energy system will be unlocked slowly, and Si Fan will be able to start this huge machine.

"Let's go, I want to see how many things you really have in your collection, and how good the scientists on Earth are," Si Fan said.

The science and technology guys in this universe are not confident, but the scientists on the earth are really powerful.

"Don't worry, the smartest people on this planet will always be the mainstay of this planet. They have worked hard for this planet all their lives and have left behind many great inventions and materials." Xiao Hei said that the scientist is very confident.

Si Fan also admired: "There are too many great scientists born in the United States, and many of those world-renowned scientists have worked in the United States. Many of their inventions have been taken away by you, right?"

It is true that there are too many scientists in the United States. They have created amazing machines. They are extremely smart, which will be remembered by this country. Their wisdom is outstanding, and they have left a piece of information.

Now a lot of information is in Area 51.

He and Xiao Hei have left this room.

When I walked to the door, I still didn't look carefully at the huge warehouse. They were all the same thing, with the exact number of parts written on the side.

Si Fan could see it clearly, 17,365 yuan, not a little bit less, this is the total number of parts here, the huge parts are piled up in the whole room, as long as people see them, they will be amazed at their beauty.

Few people know that these are used to protect the planet.

"Don't you just look at it? How beautiful is it? You know that I sat in this room for a long time when I first saw it. No one is not attracted by this beautiful stone, and they are very hard. We now I haven't thought of a way to destroy him yet." Xiao Hei praised the beautiful parts to Si Fan.

But I didn't know that Si Fan wanted to complain a long time ago. It's a waste to put these things here. They should have a better way to deal with them, so that there will be no incidents about Anthony.

Look at what Anthony looks like, does he look like a normal person who gets the system?

"Let's keep going, how long before we can see the spaceship? I'm really curious, what does the alien's spaceship look like?" Si Fan was really looking forward to it.

Xiao Hei seemed to understand Si Fan's thoughts, and said to Si Fan with a smile: "If you want to know, then let's go ahead and have a look. In fact, many people have seen this alien spaceship, so there is nothing to be curious about." .”

As he said that, he led the way, and Si Fan followed and walked forward.

This walk only takes a few minutes. I never thought that there is such a large space in the underground Area 51, and it is still a long corridor. This corridor seems to be a bit narrow, only a meter-wide road is rugged and narrow, and the walls around it are pasted with cement, and then painted with ordinary latex paint, which looks like a shoddy smell. .

Walking from here, I walked around for a long time, and I didn't know whether it was up or down. After walking for a long time, suddenly the front of me suddenly opened up.

I can only use this word to describe it. The light in front of me seems to have countless lights shining on the eyes, and the body is all white. I feel the warmth on my body, making people think that I have come outside.

But if you look carefully, you will immediately find that although the light looks like the sun, they must not be outside.

Only possible in deeper places.

"Welcome to our secret place in America, Area 51!" Xiao Hei came here and introduced Si Fan solemnly.

The light dissipated, and Si Fan could gradually see what it looked like here. This was a super-large hall, where it entered the eye, it was dazzling white, and then there was the design of the large curved surface. In this super-large circular hall, The sense of layering is full, and the smooth walls are covered with silver-white silver-plated industrial silver, which looks very modern.

In the center of this hall, are three spaceships.

Of course, this is not a spaceship on the earth in the strict sense, but a spaceship sailing in the universe.

It is different from the impression. They are all biased towards the sphere.

This is a relatively stable shape in the universe. The most central position is a very severely damaged spaceship. Except that it can be seen that it is a spaceship, it is impossible to tell what kind of disaster caused him to become what he is now. .

Dilapidated and dilapidated, this is a spaceship destroyed in a cosmic catastrophe.

But he is so huge, with a diameter of more than 30 meters, he swears that he is different from any spaceship on the earth now.

And this huge sphere only occupies half of the height in this underground space.

The entire space is nearly sixty to seventy meters high, and this is an underground space.

I don't know how there is such a large space. In the central area are these three spaceships, and there are small rooms all around.

These small rooms are more terrifying. He soaked the corpses one by one in embalming fluid.

That’s right, it’s a corpse. The probability of life being born on a planet in the universe is a miracle. Human beings were born in the miracle of the Milky Way. When people on earth are born, life on this planet is also born. If you want to find life again, it may be To extend beyond the Milky Way.

And these weird cosmic beings in front of us are obviously not seen in people's imagination.

After all, people's fantasies still have templates. And they are not in the life consciousness of the region at all.

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