Skynet Architect

Chapter 408 Super Large Hope

The plane is gradually landing. The passenger plane you usually take feels huge. Even if you have taken the double-decker passenger plane Airbus A380, you have sighed the size of this plane. The comfort of this plane tastes a wider space than usual passenger planes. Only when you reach the c5 Galaxy can you know what it means to be small.

C5 Galaxy is a plane that gives you absolute impact. It is not easy to park this kind of plane, so the width of the current cargo airport runway is 1.5 times that of ordinary airport runways. It is a dedicated cargo airport. track.

It is also specially prepared for this kind of giant monster.

The huge plane landed slowly, and his fuselage looked very thick, as if it was a giant! The slap on your face makes you defenseless.

It seems that it really gave you the urge to avoid it, and made you look up. Looking at the huge plane, Si Fan also wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

Now the United States does not have the ability to produce again. Their factories are gone, and they have no ability to rebuild.

But they still have technical talents, and they still have the ability to manufacture. It just takes a while to recover.

And what about Huaxia?

That is, it really can't be built, there is no reason, the simple manufacturing process and equipment are not enough.

The plane landed slowly, and after decelerating for more than 3,000 meters, the huge fuselage finally landed slowly, and the docking position happened to be near Si Fan's warehouse.

And the final movement is a spin, with the butt of the plane facing the warehouse.

Then the huge airplane cabin opens up, which is a really huge warehouse that holds their metal.

The entire aircraft warehouse is like a cave, but this time the transport is metal, and it is not full.

The full load of this thing is 130 tons of cargo, and the metal on it now is 100 tons, plus a wounded person and some things.

When the cabin was opened, a hospital bed was pushed down. This is a very immature soldier. He has no injuries on his body, and he is still awake now, but his leg is gone, one leg is gone, and he knows his own. The half of the leg could have been brought back and part of it could be repaired. Although it can't be done with force, it can still be hung on the leg. At least it looks beautiful. Now it's gone. The leg was lost on the battlefield, and he can't bring it back, but he is also happy of.


This is stronger than anything.

When he saw Si Fan, he straightened his eyes, and the first question was his family.

"I want to bring all my family members to the United States and have the identity of the United States." He only has this request.

I laughed at this request. But Si Fan knows that this is a complete change for their family, this is a new and promising country, and they hope to enter this country.

"Don't worry, this reward will definitely be enough for your family to join the United States, and there is also a financial reward, everything depends on your credit, and you will conduct a new type of prosthetic test to create a new foot for you." Si Fan explained it to him so simply.

He heard about this soldier just now, and when he heard that Si Fan had proposed a reward for escorting Anthony, and that this guy went to Anthony to seek death, he couldn't help laughing.

Now, the guy is back, with the news he should be bringing, and Anthony's stuff, and that's enough.

"Tell me what you know." Si Fan asked directly.

The little soldier on the opposite side was completely relieved now, and he began to tell his story on the spot,

Anyway, the doctor has already performed a normal operation on him. Don’t try to save the lower half of this leg. Fortunately, there is still a part of his calf, which means that he can be fitted with a prosthesis normally, and it will not delay walking. He doesn't care about the sense of touch, it's worth it if he comes back alive. Not to mention getting what you want.

At this time, he took out the eloquence that almost every black man can show, and began to talk about his discoveries.

It's really exciting for him because it's been an adventure for him, and he's done it.

When Si Fan listened to Anthony's performance after he got the body below, of course there was also the matter of Anthony who had no desires at that time.

He almost died laughing, and he also knew some other details, so he also knew what was going on in that cave.

Anthony's old nest was obviously not a good place, it was dark and humid, and he slowly remembered the nutrient-rich environment in the groundwater, the large amount of algae and the huge beehives on the shore.

These are all things he will solve in the future.

And the last and most important thing, of course, is Anthony's phone call.

This phone has been placed by the side.

Si Fan also saw the call, but he didn't move, but a Terminator came over.

He was afraid of any facilities.

"Open this phone and have a look." Si Fan ordered.

A few Terminator leaned over, and the eyes began to scan.

They have infrared function, and they can be easily scanned. This is a very ordinary phone, but some components inside have been modified, and the internal software should be changed.

He hurriedly asked the system to record the changed part, and it would be good if it could be imitated in the future.

When everything is done, the Terminator activates the phone.

The moment the phone was turned on, a bunch of messages could be clearly seen on the screen of the phone, and the system also started to connect, collecting data quickly.

That is, in less than a second, a software in the phone suddenly disappeared. This mobile phone also seemed to have become a very ordinary mobile phone, and those different original parts suddenly became what they were before.

Seeing this, Si Fan was a little dazed.

"Hold the grass, what kind of technology is this?" Si Fan didn't know what was going on.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it is going to be returned to Anthony, and it can also hack his cosmic alloy.

As for whether it made Anthony useless, well... Anyway, Si Fan didn't plan to deliver the goods first.

Alloyed first, of course.

"Take this phone back and give it back to Anthony." Si Fan said, and the soldiers behind started unloading.

At this time, Si Fan finally saw the cosmic alloy delivered by Anthony.

This cosmic alloy is completely different from the previous imagination. It is not a very special alloy, and those special metals used as additives have already been used.

In other words, it is not certain how much original special metal is in it.

Anyway, the current alloys are all beautiful silver.

Not the silver color of metal, but a silver color that is more beautiful than mercury. and.

They are one time shaping! This is the dream of a super-large machine.

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