Skynet Architect

Chapter 415 Only Flames Are Left

At the dark entrance of the cave, a few bugs seemed to move suddenly.

This trembling movement is frightening, and the little soldier is still in shock holding the mobile phone.

He didn't understand the phone, but what happened inside was still understandable.

"If, if I report what happened here, will I be able to get a lot of money as a bonus? Is it enough to get them here without dying?" the little soldier asked himself in a low voice.

No one wants to die, how could he want to die if he can survive, it's not crazy, if it's not for his family.

Gritting his teeth, he just needs to run out now and see how many rewards he can get.

Also, there is this mobile phone in his hand. He can tell from the position where the mobile phone is placed how much Anthony attaches importance to it. If he didn’t attach importance to it, he would not put it by his hand. The last posture seems to be trying to grab this mobile phone .

No one has ever been so obsessed with a useless thing, maybe there is important information in it?

The little soldier thought so, and he hurriedly put his mobile phone in the tactical backpack behind him. This backpack was used when they were fighting. It contained a week's rations, necessary equipment, and even a medical kit.

He hadn't eaten for a long time at this time. When he got something, he took out two energy bars from behind, that is, snacks made of concentrated cereals and chocolate. Usually, the specially made versions are available in the market. The ones they have are super concentrated, not very flavorful, not fluffy, but really hungry.

An energy bar was stuffed into his mouth, and he touched the bug next to him.

This is the bug that looks like a praying mantis. Now, after pulling it twice, the bug suddenly trembled.

"Fake, it's time to wake up!" He didn't stop, and ran away quickly.

Running desperately on two legs, I wish my father would give me eight legs, running in the desert, every step was determined, never before running so fast, he seemed to have turned his legs into wheels .

"Run." The time spent in ink was not in vain, the energy bar in his pocket was enough, the purified water was in his backpack, and the straw was already inserted in his mouth.

This is running wildly.

Two legs can be turned upside down.

No matter what is behind me, I can't control it, I can only run as hard as I can, only in this way can I barely survive.

He was so desperate that no one could see him at all.

Running wildly on the desolate desert is a very technical thing. If you step on the soft sand with your feet, you will be sunken at any time. This is really too dangerous. When you run, try to lower your center as much as possible. His body was almost bending over to run, even if he didn't care about any suffering, he just wanted to continue to avoid, continue to move forward, and continue to reach the destination.

The wind-like speed is a bit exaggerated to describe them, but if the speed of a cheetah is also the same feeling

The little soldier ran away desperately. He knew that it didn't matter whether he died or not. His family should be fine. He escaped successfully, and his family also hoped that most of them would leave that small African country and come to America.

If you die, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you have already determined that you can die. After you die, your family can join the country of America and come to the best country in the world.

At least he thought so.

Running wildly, this time he was not for his family, not for everyone to break away from the restrictions of the region, not for his relatives, but for himself, purely for himself.

In order to survive.

Almost all the potentials in the body have been activated. Only when a person is in a desperate situation can he see his ultimate. His ultimate physical strength completely explodes during running. The potential is activated. He really wants to run for his own life. .

Purely for myself.

At this time, his strength exploded, which is simply amazing.

A real man is nothing more than truthful.

After stabilizing the family, fight for everything for yourself.

This second of him belongs to himself, for... to earn his life.

Run, he seemed to feel that he had seen a movie called Forrest Gump, in which Forrest Gump heard that word when he was being bullied.


Running desperately, there is nothing else in my mind.

And in that cave, Anthony's recovery didn't seem to be that fast. Anthony's body, illuminated by the flickering lights, was covered with a layer of dark brown mucus, which was a little disgusting, as if it was nourishing the strips of bugs.

Anthony, who was lying on the ground, suddenly began to twitch slightly when he fused the body below, which seemed to be in great pain.

Inside the invisible body, the worm slowly connected Anton's nerves, Anthony's bones, and Anthony's fascia, slowly simulating his body.

However, this will not belong to his body after all, slowly began to spread, and slowly began to become one with Anthony.

The process is slow. But still loyal to the implementation, slowly, slowly seems to really fully integrated.

"Uh!~~~" After a very long hiccup, he first slowly opened his eyes and yawned. This is a normal reaction, as if he had slept for a long time. When he opened his eyes When he looked at the thing in front of him, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and moved his toes subconsciously.

Well, the left toe is working, moving, and the right toe! Also easy to use.

At this time, he opened his eyes and felt carefully. This is the feeling of the legs, the feet, and there are no longer so many knife feet, and no longer so many claws.

He can clearly feel his human body.

At this second, he was so moved that he was about to cry, this is a human body, this is his body, it finally came back, it was finally his own.

Anthony was really trembling all over now, and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

Some dripped in the eyes again, some were sour.

"I... I finally recovered my body, and I can finally find a girl." He happily touched his hand down and stretched out to his crotch.

Muttering in his mouth: "My beauty. I have billions of dollars worth of shit. I have no place to spend it. Now that I have a body, I want to build a road to Uranus! It belongs to that guy Si Fan. The site, I want to build to New York, I want to build a tunnel to New York, I want to be able to go to the Big Apple City, I want to go to the city that never sleeps, I want to go to Gotham City, that’s where I want to be!”

These places are another name for New York, and his destination is only New York.

At this moment, suddenly...

"Aw!" A voice, screaming frighteningly, seemed to be the howl of a banshee.

"My dick! My dick is gone!"


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