Skynet Architect

Chapter 417 Volcanic business


Near the volcano, one must learn how to do volcano business. In Sunset Town, there is Sunset Town's own business. The scenery here is not beautiful, but there are still crowds. Please search on Baidu (

After Si Fan and the others entered the store, they could easily find what they wanted.

A set of mining equipment.

I didn't have this idea at first, but after seeing other people's achievements, it seems that this is also a good entertainment, and it is also a way to get close to the volcano.

"Let's try to buy some equipment? Then go on an adventure?" Si Fan suggested.

Donna next to him was interested. Jiang Yilong, the obese Dihai, was really in hell. He really didn't want to go to this kind of place.

But there is no way, Si Fan said it.

No one in the team denies it, and they want to see it too.

This has been established.

"Boss, no one has brought us a set of equipment. The things will be stored with you first. Let's take a break and get those things." Si Fan greeted the boss.

The boss at the bar came only when he heard the call.

This is an uncle who looks to be in his forties, with a bumpy face, he looks like someone with a story at first glance. He drinks strong coffee, probably without sugar cubes, and his face obviously has that ferocious bitterness when he drinks it.

He didn't look for too much equipment when he came here, he just took a list.

"These devices are most suitable for those of you who want to play tickets. I know that if you can't hold on, it's not worth buying too good equipment. The collection equipment is almost the same, and the survival equipment is better. It's just right." He took out a set of equipment list.

It seems that it has already been prepared, let Si Fan watch.

At first glance, they are really good things for adventure. As for mining, they are the most common equipment, and they are very light in weight. If you bring these things, it is basically all luck.

Vivian next to her was very satisfied when she saw these devices.

"Sir, the equipment provided by Lauter is very suitable for you. These things can ensure your daily operation safety. As for the income, I don't think you will care too much about them." Vivian said.

This is a fact, but few people would say it, Vivienne is really a straightforward girl.

Si Fan nodded at this time: "Okay, let's use this equipment, each person will get a set, and we will get it later."

Following these words was the credit card that Si Fan handed over. This card was pure black, making a group of good people in the bank want to take a closer look at Si Fan.

The whispers are real.

"Huaxia people are really rich, and they all use black cards." They discussed in a low voice, which made Si Fan feel uncomfortable.

They all said that Huaxia people are really rich, and how about Huaxia people, but Si Fan knows in his heart that Huaxia people have no money, but a small number of people who have money are all abroad.

It's useless to be sad. Only when you truly have wealth and status can you decide everything. Si Fan is working hard to change people's views on Chinese people.

This is the core of everything.

It is also the motivation for Si Fan to work hard.

The boss simply swiped Si Fan's card, and then carefully distributed the goods to Si Fan.

There are no clerks in this store, and he did it himself. The cost of hiring clerks is too high, and he is not willing to pay high salaries.

After all, the clerks here watched so many equipment and took them out. They only needed to dig a few times outside to get the gold, and Guisunzi worked hard to help you sell the goods.

"Let's come back and get the things," Si Fan said.

The boss Laut said very sincerely: "Don't worry, sir, I guarantee that all your equipment will be ready and waiting for your acceptance." He assured again and again.

Although he didn't buy the most equipment, Si Fan was the only one with a black card here.

Having this card means you are a billionaire, and billionaires don't come to this place most of the time. Count the gold here.

This is for those looking for an opportunity.

It was about ten meters away from the shop, and Si Fan could take a good look at the town.

Sunset Town, the name is very beautiful, but it is still very difficult to see the sun. The sunset here is very strange. You can only see it for a period of time in the afternoon, and the rest of the time is foggy.

If you want to see the sunset, you can only look forward to it slowly. There may only be a moment of sunset time, and then you will enter the volcanic ash.

Life is not only about living in front of you, but also living in the distance.

The same goes for Sunset Town, the name is very beautiful, but the sunset cannot be seen.

After walking a distance of more than ten meters, Vivian led them into a tavern.

Unlike those previous taverns, the taverns here are also where people come to relax.

Si Fan didn't refuse, and told Vivienne, just go shopping anywhere.

In this case, the tavern seems to be a good place.

But when he arrived at the entrance of the tavern, he wanted to laugh.

Bell and Glass Tavern, the name is really worry-free.

The sign is in the shape of a bell hanging on a wine glass.

It's really pretty, Si Fan noticed it, and he was somewhat kind to this boss.

Walking into the tavern, it is not smelly of alcohol, but very clean.

A violinist who doesn't know where is playing a symphony of fate, which makes people very nervous.

And directly opposite the entrance of the tavern, what you can see is not an ordinary wall or bar.

It's a huge blackboard, with words written all over it with chalk, and a lot of various white strips stuck to it with magnetic magnets.

Si Fan can't see it, but the drinkers here often go to have a look. If there is an IOU they are interested in, they will take it away by themselves.

"This is the Bell and Glass Tavern, and there are many entrusted tasks hanging here. Without modern equipment such as computers, it is more popular." Vivienne continued to introduce, and she excitedly took a note and handed it to The guy at the bar next to him got 2,000 dollars from the other party.

Baby with the smell of ink.

Si Fan and the others also came in at this time, and found that this is not a place for mercenaries, but a place like a trading market. But the things that are traded include intelligence, information, finding people to do things, and buying and selling.

Like a chaotic market. Most of this area is the business of volcanoes.

It aroused Si Fan's kindness, and went to the task of looking at the blackboard.

It didn't matter after seeing it, he immediately felt that it was really easy to use.

Investigate whether there is a gold mine near Volcano No. 7, and the reward is 5,000 US dollars.

Find a natural hot spring near Sunset Town, and the reward is 2,000 US dollars.

Bring a folded ear cat pet from New York for $500.

Such tasks are all.

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