Huge volcanic deposits of gold spread from the towering volcanic summit to below.

Up, you can't see the top of the mountain, towering into the thick black fog, down, there is a winding path, if you don't go deep into it, you can't find your way back.

Not to mention the rough roads, finding the way has become very difficult.

Most of the miners have gone up the mountain. They are really rushing to the top of the mountain. The towering volcano is the gold mountain. It is just like a dream to dig out the dog's head gold casually.

They desperately searched for everything related to gold on this high mountain, and exchanged it for what they wanted.

Houses, cars, yachts, even airplanes, whatever they want, as long as they have money, they can get it, it's very simple. Even women.

Most of the women get to know each other slowly, and then become husband and wife after going through the hurdle of money. It's not that they have nothing to do with money.

How much capital you have is what kind of woman you can find. It seems that everything is a law, and your own value must be equal.

They dare not imagine such a requirement at ordinary times, but if they have this huge golden mountain, then everything is not a problem, they can enjoy life to their heart's content, as long as they work hard and dig hard.

Si Fan and his team found their target. This is directly in front of them. The mountain is very high. You can only see what it looks like from a distance, but when you get close, you won’t know it for a long time. After that, you don't even know where you are.

After walking for a short time, I can already see this huge mountain peak, the ground that was broken long ago, and the fiery red rocks.

Vivian was still a little excited.

"These are all areas that can be excavated. The traces on the ground are left by the previous diggers. We still need to choose carefully if we want to find nearby treasures rich in gold."

They looked at the endlessly mined places, and they were really scourged.

"These people's mining is really too messy." Si Fan said.

He pointed to the messy ground in front of him. Many places have been mined crazily, and even dried up to the ground.

Even the original land has been dug a lot, but what about the others?

The land hadn't been excavated at all.

That is to say, they seem to be mining indiscriminately. They just mine where they think it's better. They don't care about the environment, and it doesn't matter whether the local mining will cause pollution, as long as they think it's OK.

This choice allows them to squander at will, and now they have land that looks like a dog has gnawed on it.

"Let's just collect nearby. In fact, this is an area with a lot of gold, but it has been mined, and now it is very irregular, which makes everyone feel that mining is not cost-effective." Vivienne introduced.

In this situation, Si Fan didn't bother to say anything about sustainable development. This fucking volcano is full of money, and they are all crazy.

But it will definitely be managed in the future, right now.

He said excitedly, "Okay, let's start digging and see who can find the most beautiful gold!"

This is where the interest comes. He does not lack money, but happiness is lacking.

Si Fan took the lead, and several people hurriedly got busy.

At this time, you can tell whether you are working or not. Donna can handle general administrative affairs in an orderly manner despite being around Si Fan, but in fact, she is the legendary king of mouth. , may not be able to do well.

She's a manager, and she's always been trained that way.

When he gave her a suitable digging tool, it was still very difficult. She squatted on the ground softly, pressing the mining machine with both hands, and then pressed it on the ground to start the switch.

"Buzz!" A few trembling sounds ended, and a large number of broken stones appeared on the ground.

There is no way, this volcanic rock has just been formed, even if it cools down, it is not particularly hard.

Slowly, she dug into the ground and started looking for gold with her hands.

What they were looking for was dog head gold. Either a large piece of this thing was found, or very little was found.

The clumsy Donna lay on the ground and searched slowly.

But the other person in the team, Jiang Yilong, was very relaxed. He was very strong, and he easily crushed all the volcanic rocks on the ground with a machine, and then began to sift the rocks with the sieve he brought. It was useless, the crushed All thrown aside.

Gradually, a large pile of crushed stones were slowly decomposed, and all the rubbish was slowly thrown away, placed in a pile next to it, and then re-screened. His efficiency was much higher, just like Si Fan's. Compared with the richest man in the world, he really likes these shiny little things.

As for Si Fan, he is still carefully looking for more strange things here. The terminators around him are just destroying, and then he starts treasure hunting. Even the stones here are not carefully screened, but just tidy up casually. Then start exploring the next area.

There must be something wrong with these money-greedy guys if they didn't come to search this place carefully. It's definitely not what they usually think, and they gave up here.

After all, this place is relatively close to their resting place, so supplies and transportation are more convenient, but they have to run to the mountains, which is not normal.

Standing here, Si Fan looked at the hard land in front of him. It was the fertile soil that Si Fan hoped to find what he wanted to find here.

"A large area has not been developed. This is not normal. So, do you think we are all fools? Will a group of wild beasts give up their prey at the door? No!" Si Fan said in a low voice.

Several terminators began to quickly crush the volcanic rocks on the ground.

The cleaning speed is very fast.

In a few minutes, dozens of meters nearby were cleaned up, and a large piece of garbage also appeared.

But at this time, something that made Si Fan frown finally appeared.

When they were working, suddenly an electric pick made a strong and harsh sound.

"Buzz!" The sound of the electric pick should not be like this at all. Before, the underground should be very easy to clean, but now when cleaning, the electric pick is obviously not very easy to use.

"Hey! What's the matter?" Si Fan walked over curiously and looked at the electric pick.

The electric pick that was supposed to be powerful enough to shatter the ground could no longer make such a dull sound.

On the contrary, it seems that the battery is out of power, and it can't be used at all.


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