It is very easy to dig a big hole in ordinary ground, but with the help of the Terminator, it is even easier. Now it is good. The electric pick did not produce cracks. As for the excavator, you can use this thing Don't even think about it, not to mention that there are all volcanic rocks here, as long as the rocks can be shattered, that's enough.

Looking at this strange land, Si Fan knew that there must be something wrong, and this situation represented only one.

That is, there are special deposits here.

The earth is really a very magical planet. The probability of a planet that can give birth to life in the universe is very low. Someone made an analogy, throwing a very complicated machine into a huge whirlpool similar to a washing machine. After the end of this distance, the machinery is automatically assembled.

Such a probability is infinitely close to zero, because the living conditions of life on earth are too harsh, and it is almost impossible to replicate.

This is a miracle.

And the substances born in such a planet must also be miraculous, but many things are usually not cared about by people, or are directly collected by some countries, and they decrypt them.

It's like Area 51, there are a lot of good things there, and he didn't use the biggest cosmic alloy at all. He has other arrangements for those things.

Up to now, there may be such a thing here, after all, this is a newly erupted volcanic magma, and I don't know how many years it has been brewing in the center of the earth.

The magic of nature's creations is definitely not something we see every day.

It also gave Si Fan a better understanding.

And the remaining soul of the building may also have some magical places. Anyway, Si Fan hasn't met him recently.

Squat carefully to check the situation.

The rough volcanic rocks on the ground, also known as basalt, are not particularly hard. Such rocks will not create a very difficult environment to destroy, but here, it is not.

The stone here is very difficult to break, and there are debris everywhere, but the damaged places on the ground often make it very difficult for those guys to clean up.

So they gave up here, the gold is everywhere, they might as well find a better clean up place.

So, it looks like a mess everywhere, but there are still many solid stones.


It sounds like it's very strong, but it looks like it's all holes, and it can be broken into pieces at will.

Si Fan gradually saw these stubborn basalts.

All basalts seem to be the same, but the difference here is that the basalts here are completely indestructible, even if they are not very strong basalts, they cannot be destroyed at all.

"It's really interesting." Si Fan lowered his head and touched these stones carefully. They are no different from ordinary basalt, they are very ordinary stones.

But now they are not ordinary, just like this gave Si Fan infinite curiosity.

How did they come out, and why.

"Dig out some for me, destroy them, you can destroy them casually." Si Fan ordered the Terminator below.

In fact, they also carried other equipment, which were carried by the Terminator. They belonged to special equipment, and they were generally used for rock collection. Therefore, under Si Fan's order, they quickly started to destroy.

The basalt on the ground began to be destroyed rapidly, leaving the original ground.

It is obvious from the layering that there is an area covered by volcanoes.

This can only be seen after digging down a huge pit tens of meters deep. It should have been a small hill next to it, but now it is gone and it has become a whole.

The direction of the soil below has already changed.

There was a lot of movement, half an hour of construction, and the area that was excavated was about one meter square. The Terminator worked quickly. After a while, Donna and Jiang Yilong also came together. Only Vivian was still digging hard.

She is different from Si Fan, she really wants to dig out gold from here, and now she is looking for ore everywhere with her small shovel. Si Fan and the others carried a lot of equipment, and there was a lot of gold for plumbing around them. Donna and Jiang Yilong were not the kind of people who could clean up carefully. They dug a lot of places, and finally left a large area The land has not been re-excavated.

The final result is that Weiwei went through the screening carefully, and then reunited with the ones she had screened. When she was the other party, she drew a circle around the pile of slag very well, so that people would know that this place was the one that was caught. Cleaned up.

Si Fan didn't know what she was doing, he was just watching what he found.

"You also found out?" Si Fan asked.

The two of them have access to high-level secrets, even some of Si Fan's rare metals.

Donna nodded first.

She has been with Si Fan for the longest time, even longer than Zhao Jianjia, so she can easily understand Si Fan's words.

It took Jiang Yilong a while to remember.

"This should be the change caused by those magical substances? Let's get rid of them." He said excitedly.

It's true, after taking it away, they can make it, make it into the equipment they need, and then put it into the company.

They are the middle and upper class who want the company to expand the most. Maybe they will be the general manager of a new company, or even the executive president. That is really a dreamlike opportunity.

They all hope for such an opportunity.

At this time, Si Fan said, "I don't know if these things can be collected, let's get to them first."

After speaking, he also ordered to go on. The Terminator began to rapidly fragment the basalt.

The stone was originally very soft, but now it is very strong, and it is still very difficult for the Terminator to use powerful breaking tools.

The burst of sparks was very large, and slowly spread around, spread out from the middle, and splashed on the ground, turning into fly ash.

It seems to have lost its power.

In the middle, for Si Fan to see for the first time, the shining light is so dazzling, and the light that emanates makes people feel relaxed, as if the whole person has been softened.

But the rocks around here are very hard.

It was so hard that it was surprising that the equipment they brought was difficult to break.

"The flashing light seems different." Donna whispered beside her.

Si Fan had already discovered that the green light was so dazzling and intoxicating, he knelt down to look at the light, and his hands were about to touch the source of the light.

Suddenly, he stopped.


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