Skynet Architect

Chapter 464 Uranus War Academy

When they got here, Haman, Ahmed, and William looked at everything in front of them in shock. Is this really the hot spring of a mountain they thought?

This is not at all, it is the size of a small town, as if the volcano was cut off in the middle, and a huge hot spring can be seen here. This is simply a small town, but now the location of this small town is full of a huge hot spring .

It can be said that Si Fan has a special liking for hot springs, and he has rich experience in building hot springs. The hot spring in front of him is a huge achievement.

A hot spring like a small town, you can't see the other side from this side.

When strolling here, you might have lost your way, and there are water flows everywhere.

"This Si Fan is really crazy. How many people can take a bath here at the same time? Hundreds of people? Thousands or even tens of thousands?" There are many people who doubt this, and the doubter is naturally Haman.

He really didn't believe it, and Ahmed said firmly beside him, "There are tens of thousands of people taking a bath here at the same time. Si Fan is simply too powerful. I really don't know when he will build one in our country."

As Si Fan's daily bragging, Ahmed is very conscientious.

After all, let their country develop from a very poor pirate country to the present, a country that is thriving despite its small size.

Both William and Harman moved forward, almost touching the city.

"Hey, hey, let's go in and try it out. This guy from the hot spring, Si Fan, says he can cure all diseases. Don't you want to try it?" Song Yang was excited when he got on and off the tram.

Of course, the paper kite girl Du Huan kept looking at the hot spring or the town in front of her.

It really doesn't look like the hot spring town that others say, there are only a few hot springs in it, but here are hot springs, huge hot springs.

In the core area, the green fluorescence inside can be seen from the outside.

A large amount of groundwater is gushing out. There is already groundwater here, and now it is gathered together, which is quite domineering.

Seeing Song Yang's appearance, Haman was a little entangled. This guy is very nervous. He used to be a prodigal son, but he is already different now, but his carefree personality remains the same.

Others are still wondering why it is so big.

Song Yang has already entered the hot spring.

It's just a changing room that can be passed through very quickly. After changing a set of clothes easily, he appeared in the hot spring a minute later. Haman and the others were a little dazed. They looked at Song Yang stupidly, not at all. Know how he did it.

"Hurry up and change your clothes too. We will gather at the hot spring later. Since we are here, let's have a good soak and see how we adapt." Song Yang rushed into the hot spring first.

When the warm hot spring wrapped his whole body, he shouted loudly "Shuang!"

One word is enough, it is cool, it is very cool. This is the most intuitive of Song Yang. When he enters the water, he can obviously feel that there seems to be a very awesome substance flowing along his body in the water. The warm feeling caressed him, and then it slowly seemed like a massage.

"Really, I've never felt it before." Song Yang directly found a place very close to the surroundings and sat down. Behind him was the track of the flowing water, and he could easily and casually grab delicious food.

The temperature of the rice wine placed on it is just right, making people want to taste it quickly, and some side dishes are also good, the outside of the body is impacted by the water flow, it is very comfortable and warm, and a glass of rice wine is really good. What's more, the whole body is warm.

"Hurry up." He called the others.

Ah Med is the most imageless. When he was the poorest, he didn't have a good life in Kyoto. Now he doesn't care so much. He changed his clothes easily and went straight to the hot spring.

Prince William and Harman are much more personable.

"Let's go together and see how happy they are."

"Miss Zhiyuan, we met inside."

He greeted them lightly, and then he went in.

Harman just yawned, but followed suit.

The paper kite girl Du Huan looked at them with a look of incredulity, as if she didn't know why there were such strange people in the world.

"Really." She didn't know what she said, but she entered it curiously.

Inside, Song Yang had already begun to enjoy all of this.

"You said, can this really prolong life? It is necessary for good health. Si Fan will not lie to us, but what he said is too unreliable?" Song Yang asked.

I don't know who to ask, I just said it casually.

Ahmed answered, "It's nothing, as long as it's good for the body, bubbles will do. As for longevity and so on, the current medical conditions can keep up."

The four of them started to enjoy life, they came more for vacation, but Zhiyuan girl didn't, he came to see if his card was working.

It was only when I got here that I realized that everything can be swiped with an ID card. When I first came in, other people paid for it, and each person had an entrance fee of 10,000 US dollars.

It's that expensive, and she doesn't need a penny.

As long as you come in, you can eat all you want, take a bath as you like, and the hotel is free.

Doted on by thousands of people, she writes her own affairs on YouTube, and then keeps refreshing to see what others think.

After all, she is also a bigwig with millions of fans, and her YouTube has already become a hot spot of attention.

Today, I put the photo of this hot spring on YouTube, and then announced the price and the so-called efficacy, and the whole world trembled.

The effect of longevity is so amazing that no one believes it, but prolonging life and alleviating all diseases has been seen by people.

Of course, remission is not cure, but there are always some diseases in this world that cannot be cured, as long as it can be relieved, it is a good thing.

For example, if a person with cancer can persevere for 20 years, then maybe the cancer will not kill him at that time, and other diseases will die directly?

No one can say for sure, this is a long-distance running game with death, and it is not a bad thing to be delayed. On the contrary, it is a good thing.

Many diseases are actually caused by the inability of the body to keep up, and the immune system cannot be cured instantly.

But as long as it can be delayed, it will recover naturally.

So when youtube was released, Girl Zhiyuan began to enjoy it happily.

She believes that sooner or later this place will be a city, and this is the center of the city. After all, there are people who have a city.

And here, there are bound to be countless people, ten thousand dollars is expensive, not expensive, life is what matters.

He can already feel that some cervical and spinal diseases he suffered from sitting on the computer chair for a long time are recovering rapidly. Or delay.


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