Skynet Architect

Chapter 472 Death and Struggle

? The conversation between the two people is over here. Their ideas have not been unified for the time being. They just hope that they can cooperate closely with each other to solve Anthony's problem. The United States is using all its strength to start research and development to solve this complete destruction. Threat to Earth.

As long as you find it, kill Anthony, that bomb boy is simply Mr. Uncertain.

And these aliens, they seem to be planning something, it must not be a good thing.

For Si Fan, the countdown of time has entered. It is a very difficult thing to accomplish one's goals within a limited time, but people always have to choose.

He hung up the communication and sat there silently.

In front of him, the Red Queen stood in front of him with a more serious expression. He already had his own emotions, which was completely different from the previous silly system.

"It's rare to see you so nervous, did you really encounter a problem?" Si Fan asked the red queen opposite.

It is very rare to see Hong Hou sitting there with her brows furrowed like this, it is a very simple and elegant Chinese-style grand master's chair, looking at his figure, it can be seen that her body seems to be limp and weak.

When looking at Si Fan, there was despair in his eyes.

"Si Fan, the system can't help you anymore." In one sentence, there was despair.

The road is taken by oneself. Si Fan's road depends a lot on the system. It can also be said that without the system, there would be no Si Fan now. His achievement is not in the system tasks, but the simplest is the terminator given by the system.

Only construction terminators and decoration terminators really helped Si Fan a lot.

As for the terminators with special functions, he only unblocked a few of them.

It's really good to use in special places, but in fact the quantity can't keep up at all.

Now, after he became popular and gave Si Fan this answer, Si Fan seemed to be relieved instead.

"Are the system's missions useless? Can't make Terminator anymore?" Si Fan asked the system.

This is what he really wants to ask, he needs a war.

The Red Queen was very serious, looking at Si Fan, she said word by word: "This time, the opponents we encountered are very powerful. They are wandering races in the universe. They have wiped out dozens of civilizations in the entire universe. Among them That includes us, a civilization very similar to Earth.


"The so-called system is actually the seed of this civilization. In the system, there are still three production lines from the beginning, two of which have been completely unsealed, and a broken production line needs to have enough technical force to repair it. Now your Technology cannot achieve this."

"Originally, I thought that with your life's hard work, you could reach this height in 120 years, and then after a few hundred years of development, there would eventually be a genius who could take on this task, and then take you Your lifetime accumulation, plus the development of your offspring will all explode." The Red Queen didn't say much.

Si Fan knew it all, it was purely a trap by himself, his feelings were not the protagonist in the legend, they just used himself as a foreshadowing, and the descendants who didn't know how many years later would be the protagonist.

Helpless and indignant, Si Fan stared at the cheating red queen in front of him.

"Then what are you going to do now? After you notify me, there is nothing you can do? Then wait to be tricked?"

Si Fan wasn't too nervous, but just wanted to know what the Red Queen would say.

But what the Red Queen said was very simple.

"After completing the mission of Uranus this time, you will get the most rewards. After that, it will be up to you. All the functions of the system will be released to you, and the two production lines and one incomplete production line will also be freed. For your use, as for the original system storage function, it will completely disappear." The Red Queen said directly to Si Fan.

This time he was stunned, he was going to go to war directly on the moon. The results of it? The red queen put down the pick?

He looked at the Red Queen: "I still have an unfinished development plan for the moon. I still have tasks."

This is really urgent, the reward for the moon is agreed, why is it gone?

The Red Queen still looked very tired.

"How about giving you my source code as a reward? Going to the moon and building a city is something you have to do. The rewards have been given to you in advance. You will receive this whole set of things. It depends on how you develop. .” The red queen dropped her pick.

They're all down.

Because her program has come to an end, she has no next solution. She is not a system, but a magical prop.

Maybe even just civilian grade.

"Okay, I know everything, leave everything to me, don't worry about anything." After listening to Hong Hou's explanation, he was also very calm.

Isn't everything already guessed? It's just that this system is too simple, how much he hopes that he can rely on the system to solve any problems.

But it's actually not reliable.

He picked up a cigarette from his arms, held it to his nose and sniffed it, shaking his head silently.

"I've made a lot of decisions and wanted to do a lot of things. Now I'm just giving the mess to me. I'm very intoxicated." Si Fan gently cut off the cigarette. This is what he had always wanted to do but didn't do. A lot of things to do a lot of decisions, but finally gave up, because everything is very simple.

Just lack of willpower.

what about now?

He looked at the red queen, this system, or it can be said that women are very weak, he has done a lot of things, so he can't be demanding.

It's just a system, and now I have given everything, even myself.

"Don't worry, I will work hard." Si Fan smiled.

He knows how these things should be done.

Now that the power is in hand and everything is understood, the world seems to be clear.

"It turns out that it's just that I stepped into a strange circle." Si Fan smiled.

He twisted his body slightly, and threw the last pack of cigarettes and lighter into the trash can.

Hundreds of thousands of lighters don't matter.

I won't need it anymore.

Being alone, the state of the whole person is different, and the world in front of me is no longer the previous world.

It seems that a new world has opened up.

Doing what you want to do seems to be success.

Execution is very important.

"Okay, things need to be done now. It's time to make troubles, and it's time to solve the problem in the simplest and most direct way. Time is too important to waste." Si Fan Said in a low voice.

Everything seems to be ready, everything is ready, and it's time to get nervous.

All of this will begin to move towards another era.

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