Skynet Architect

Chapter 479 The Devil's Smile

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In the Rockefeller Building, the battle was already in full swing. All the employees of the company knew that there would be a huge company boss arriving today, and they were all ready to welcome him. They had the impression that a certain company should come to discuss financing.

Such a world-class company rarely encounters such a situation. Only when the entire country of the United States falls, can such companies gradually appear. They need financing to carry out the company's factory construction. Opportunity to get shares in the company.

These shares are very expensive, the value is also very high, and very safe.

Not all the financial circles are full of desperate people. Most of their investment shares are placed in relatively safe and secure industries, especially these high-quality assets, which are crazy to enter. Temporary loss of money is fine. Ten years of investment.

Only such share investment can guarantee their safety. This is capital.

Therefore, everyone from the bottom to the top of the company knows that when a large group comes to the door, it is a real crazy gluttonous feast. The world's capital will slowly flow into these companies, and then slowly wait for germination and asset appreciation. .

The shares here are not those ordinary projects that are fast and accurate, making quick profits, incubation, and withdrawal.

Money here counts as a fixed investment.

The money is the most important thing. Although the profit is high in short-term projects, it is rootless duckweed, and the risks are also very high. Many customers do not like it very much, and there are many opportunities to lose money.

These guys also prefer the current opportunity to cooperate with a world-renowned company and then raise funds.

It's just that today's financing target is a bit mysterious, and they don't know who it is yet.

In the case of so many people, someone in their company is already waiting, waiting for the arrival of this legendary chairman.

The company's top management is ready to go downstairs to greet them at any time, and even the giants of several nearby financial companies have also arrived.

Because it is said that the scale of financing this time will be unprecedentedly huge.

They don't yet know what company's chairman will be coming, but it must be a giant.

Standing ready, nearby employees are also walking around, looking for the legendary chairman.

But even so, the entire Rockefeller Building is still in operation, and occasionally there are people from Wall Street handling other things, but the large-scale customers that need to be received are not at this time, and they are all trivial matters.

They can still tell whether they are bosses or not. They know all the bosses of many companies, and they will gradually remember these companies.

What's more, the boss is a little different from ordinary people, like the young man who walked over just now, wearing a very casual t-shirt, carrying a commercial backpack on his back, and the big guy next to him, if someone else brought him He must have thought it was a bodyguard, but he also seemed to be a partner in this way, but he was more aggressive.

How could such a combination have the aura of the chairman of a large group.

So they naturally set their sights on the back.

They have to wait for the boss to arrive. For example, the man in his fifties at the back is wearing a custom-made suit and has two exquisite beards. He walks unhurriedly. One of his men opened the door.

This has a bit of the momentum of a company boss, but it seems to be a little bit worse, not reaching the world oligarch-level figure in their minds.

Besides, they didn't recognize who this guy was.

Si Fan just entered the Rockefeller Building in such a daze, and looked at the employees one by one looking at the man behind them, with eyes that seemed to want to take off his clothes. Si Fan felt that it was better to forget it.

"Maybe, they just don't know me, but don't bother them, go up by yourself." He walked to the elevator indifferently.

There are no people here anymore, and the three elevators are enough for everyone to use. Si Fan chose the elevator near the inside, and the elevator in the middle is guarded, as if it was prepared for himself.

Si Fan looked at it, um, it's already confirmed.

But he didn't care, and went straight to the last elevator.

The elevator in the middle can go directly to the chairman's office, but the place where they discuss things is in the conference room on the second top floor, so Si Fan can just take the other elevator directly. As for the elevator in front, it implies that the elevator used by employees has no upper floors.

Seeing Si Fan enter the elevator, no one was too surprised. After all, many customers came for a long time, and only the two girls at the front desk were a little puzzled.

They generally don't allow anyone to enter casually. They have to swipe their cards. They need to go to the front desk to check and make an appointment, and they have to swipe their cards if they want to go in. But today, because of the reception of **oss, these machines are temporarily suspended for customers. You can enter at will.

But this guy seems to be going straight to the elevator behind that.

Not normal.

They are thinking about it. Even doubt why this guy came here directly.

At this time, Si Fan had already entered the elevator, and directly clicked the button of the meeting room.

People are waiting, they are very anxious, they don't know if they will be able to wait for this ****oss.

Today's projects may exceed their imagination.

Looking at the elevator, they were looking at the elevator in the middle. There are only two elevators here, one is for high-level employees, and the other is for employees to work.

What they were looking at was the elevator dedicated to high-rise buildings, and they were all absorbed in it. The entrance of this elevator looked very high-end, and the decoration inside also had an aura of not taking money for money. Even the materials inside were all made by Skynet. Gold-plating technology ensures complete restoration of gold texture.

Only such an elevator can match the identity here.

But instead of waiting for a big shot, they waited for Si Fan.

After the guy arrived in the elevator, he took a special look at the person at the door.

The sound of "Ding!" obviously attracted them.

The floor of the large conference room is full of various display screens. Computers are everywhere here. The seats are not like the usual conference room, but come around a huge screen.

Si Fan was so familiar with the surrounding decorations that it seemed like yesterday.

This is the mansion he built himself.

As for the person on the other side, he had actually met him before, and it was the other person who came during the handover.

The heir of the Rockefeller family, Rockefeller Jr.

He inherited the family name. No one knows what his name is, this guy really...has communicated a lot with Si Fan.

Seeing Si Fan's arrival now, he was also in a state of bewilderment.

" did you come from the employee passageway?"

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