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Si Fan in ordinary clothes doesn't look so eye-catching, and coupled with his young age, even with a Terminator, he doesn't have the aura of a big man.

In fact, the so-called great people are just people whose abilities have been increased countlessly in your heart, and finally you look up to the mythical people.

Si Fan is just an ordinary person, a very ordinary person wherever he goes, he doesn't have a very serious habit, he does everything rashly, even saving the world is a matter of chance.

In this conference room, he is so out of place.

"Little Mr. Rockefeller, don't you invite me in? Or let's talk for a while at the elevator entrance." The elegant Si Fan really seemed to be a nobleman at this time.

Behind Little Rockefeller, there are really famous Wall Street investors. They all came here to wait for the normal gluttonous feast. Even the old guy Buffett has arrived. He sat in the distance and was very calm. A world-class The financing was just to make him interested, and he was really dismissive before, being mysterious.

But when Si Fan arrived, the old man stood up. He looked at Si Fan in surprise, his hands trembling a little, and it could be seen that the old man was really excited.

Si Fan's arrival at this time means it's too obvious, it's the Skynet Group's financing.

This is not a question of the cakes I imagined before. What is the economic size of the Skynet Group? The world's top super giants, the world's top companies.

The value of the company with the highest market capitalization in the stock market is more than one trillion US dollars, but sorry, in front of Skynet Group, that is the younger brother.

Before the Skynet Group went public, the estimated price of the Skynet Group was ten times that of theirs. There were too many core technologies, and it had reached a state of insanity in various fields. The daily needs of a family were almost all out of reach. Net Group has it all covered.

They provide fewer jobs, but all the money is thrown into the market, from various infrastructure funds to various urban planning funds, all return to the market and into the pockets of various countries. But it is a big taxpayer, and the profit of Skynet Group.

The profits of the ass, Si Fan's tossing efforts, and the profits of the Skynet Group are all tossed into it.

Now, Buffett looks at Si Fan. He knows that an era has changed. If the previous development model is followed, the Skynet Group will continue to start infrastructure construction, but in fact what they do is very low-level.

It is very moist and silent, and the profits earned are actually the basic industry itself.

All the mines almost collapsed for Si Fan, and the express delivery business with a lot of labor began to decline.

But in fact, Si Fan only took root in these two industries. On the contrary, because the cost of materials has dropped, the profits of many companies have increased instead, and the materials of society have actually become more abundant.

This is amazing, now that the purchasing power of the world has started to rise, and people's lives have become better.

These, Buffett has already researched very thoroughly. When Si Fan arrived, his mind went back and forth, and he finally decided what he wanted to say.

"You're finally going to raise money. I don't know how big your actions are? You can actually make you give up your own ideas?" Only the old man Buffett is qualified to ask Si Fan.

Regarding this, Si Fan would have told the truth a long time ago.

"There is no other reason, it's just that the time has come, and now it's time to start financing. As for the goal."

He also pondered for a while, and then said: "Is it okay to be a hero for the reason? To... guard the earth, and also to kill those aliens."

Gradually, Si Fan also began to feel heavy. This is a heavy topic that cannot be spoken. What they have to face is an absolutely unfair war.

Buffett suddenly fell silent, and the young Rockefeller on the opposite side also fell silent, and they looked at Si Fan.

Unlike Si Fan, the information they have now is higher than that of ordinary people, but the absolute core is still in the hands of the boss.

The news they have grasped is still a step behind.

Now, when Si Fan said it, all the Wall Street bigwigs shut up, and they were really a little terrified.

Are aliens really here? Going to war?

They were a little flustered. If a war really started, how should they face it? They are just financial geniuses and the overlords of the financial circle, but they are fighting.


They will, with financial support from the rear.

Looking at Si Fan, they asked, "Is the Skynet Group raising funds for the war? How much do you need?"

They ask directly.

This is not Buffett, he is more calm.

But this question was none other than Rockefeller Jr.

Si Fan didn't trick him, he just gave the answer directly.

"Money is not enough, we can only raise as much as possible, even if we coordinate all the resources of the whole earth." Si Fan is very sure, it is nonsense to go to war with alien planets, anyone can conclude that alien planets Since people in the world can go to the earth, they must also be able to go to other planets.

In the war for resources, the earth is at a disadvantage.

They are completely unequal.

For Si Fan, no matter how much money he has.

Buffett on the opposite side counted, and they were all silent. All they know is money, and what they can use their power to do is money.

What they used to do was to use money to leverage everything in the world.

Today, they encounter problems that cannot be solved, which are beyond their cognition.

When encountering an unknown world and needing to confront, they have no ability.

When the amount of funds of the other party is several times or even hundreds of times that of your own, and you need to start a war in an unknown field.

They don't know how to deal with it.

In other words, ginger is still old and spicy. Others have no idea, thinking about the way they face their opponents in their heads, but for an old guy named Buffett, although he has not experienced things that cannot be grasped in his life, his predecessors have experienced it.

He has experience, got it in someone else's mouth.

"Mr. Si Fan, no matter how much money this war costs, whether it will be won or not, and no matter what the outcome is, we on Wall Street say that we will support you in this battle even if you spend all the money in the world."

"You are a real hero." Buffett said so, with a final word.

Little Rockefeller nodded silently, leaving professional matters to professional people. Some things can't be done better by the old man, so they can only be handed over to people who are good at fighting.

Any layman would probably do the same.

Unless they want to make trouble. Or take advantage of it.

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