Skynet Architect

Chapter 487 Let's create the future

The greedy people want to get more profits, and more money goes into the Skynet Group. They may not know that money is not so important to the Skynet Group.

They want power, and they want money to become a kind of power to gather more people. These people will be kidnapped by money to do things they don't want to do or sit.

But they enjoyed it.

This is the magic of money.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Naturally, someone from the Skynet Group will do this. Now Si Fan is just fighting, and just wants to immerse himself in the battle with aliens.

Different from the previous ones, the temperature difference on the moon is very large. After arriving here, you can find that there is no usual fantasy at all.

What sneaked in at night, sneaked in to steal supplies while it was dark.

Don't think about it, understand the environment of more than 180 degrees below zero at night, wearing a space suit will kill you, and you continue to steal things, this is nonsense.

The temperature during the day reaches a maximum of 127 degrees. Even if you go out, you are looking for death. It is impossible to get close to the other party's camp. You can only take action during a specific two or three hours a day.

But the insects on the other side of your action also act, and it is the time of intensive action, they will develop rapidly and expand crazily, and all kinds of insects are densely scattered around.

This environment caused them to be unable to steal resources.

But their task is to obtain resources, at least to build the first batch of weapons and customize the first batch of equipment.

This is the problem they have to face now. When they really put the problem in front of them, they will gradually discover that the world is full of malice. It is conceivable that if they have been unable to obtain supplies, their The task is stuck.

And they all thought that they were really sent here, and they were all very careful now.

Now, Si Fan, Reaper, and Edward Scissorhands are near the crater of the moon.

If you want to avoid the whole moon, it is quite pitted, but it is very simple to fly, just enter the various pits, and then pray. Many pits will definitely not be searched, but after all, someone will be caught by chance. caught.

Now Si Fan is in a very hidden pit, waiting motionlessly for the bugs patrolling outside to leave.

These patrolling bugs are different from what we saw before. They are only about one meter in size and can fly.

In Si Fan's impression, all flying insects should have two wings, and they will fly only after being agitated.

But the bugs here are different. The patrolling bugs seem to have fixed wings, but they can also rotate. As the body jumps, the two wings on the body are still moving.

With the jump, the wings will still rotate 90 degrees, which is simply wonderful.

Looking at the strange patrol bugs jumping like fleas again and again, who can say that he is an accomplice of those bugs with amazing fighting power.

But in fact he is, and it works very well.

The distance of each jump is very far, and the area that can be monitored is very wide. It is such bugs that make it very difficult for Si Fan and the others to escape.

"It's not as simple as it was at the beginning. Now these damn bugs will avoid it." Si Fan complained.

The people in the team are almost deeply touched. They have long known that there is a pit here, but who would have thought that the pit is so deep.

The bugs can learn their fighting style, and then have a perfect response plan. They are really a race, not a program. When fighting, they are even more proficient than Si Fan and the others.

Seeing these damn bugs, Si Fan didn't know how to deal with them.

Reaper should be an old bird in the team. He waited silently, whispering, "Don't make any noise, just wait for them to pass by. These guys have compound eyes. Although they can see in many directions and have a very wide field of vision, But they have a flaw, they can't see through almost identical camouflage."

The god of death reminded them, and then he completely disguised himself, and did not move, just dodging quietly like this.

Everyone is hiding, they can't move, this is the territory of bugs, as long as they are caught, they will surely die.

This is inevitable, and each of them knows it well.

Lie on your stomach carefully, and you can’t hear the sound of the bugs flying above your head. Unlike the earth, there is no sound medium in the universe, so the transmission of sound becomes nonsense. Their sound is also based on the earphones and space suits of oxygen transfer.

Now communication is absolutely no problem.

The bugs outside obviously don't have any sound receiving system. The noise they make is actually quite loud, but they still haven't been found.

Several people used the camouflage carried by their space suits to avoid, and began to look for opportunities to move on.

Hiding here, waiting for the cold to come? That's all nonsense, absolutely impossible, they can only dodge carefully, wait for the opportunity, and run quickly.

The flea-like insects passed by quickly, and when they passed, Si Fan quickly raised his head.

No more bugs in sight.

"Let's go!" In a word, after finishing speaking, he was the first to rush forward. In front of his eyes was a flat plain, about a distance of several hundred meters. It is easy to rush over such a small distance on the earth, but Here, it is too difficult.

Are they walking or running? Just kidding, don't they just jump and jump when they walk, okay? Although the height of the jump is much smaller, they are really jumping forward.

That look looked funny, but for them, it was a kind of suffering. The risk of exposure after they jumped up was particularly high, so here, they used spacesuit equipment.

When the spacesuit is in the universe, it can be pushed forward by jet air.

Now Si Fan directly uses this setting to spray out quickly.

The people behind followed suit and flew over.

In front, there are some small amount of silvery minerals, shining brightly under the sun.

Si Fan ran towards them and cleaned them up.

The speed is very fast, and the people behind are also looking at the ore. When colleagues are looking for things, there is no fight, but if they find something good. The inferiority of human beings was fully exposed, and everyone rushed to this mine.

They know what it means to be the first to replace the equipment. As long as they have an advantage, they can get more resource support.

So, at this second, everyone desperately turned on the spray mode.

They want the minerals first.

And Si Fan, at this time, gradually fell behind by half a step.

He knew what these people were planning, but he had already discovered something important.

There is also some doubt that these places are really simulating the moon.


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