Skynet Architect

Chapter 518 Barabara

Slowly opening his eyes, turning off the login device in his hand, Si Fan silently recalled the previous battle.

This battle is child's play to those real fighters, but to Si Fan, it really seems to have escaped from hell.

The threat of death, the extreme environment makes the moon crazy, this is the moon shown to Si Fan by the Skynet system.

The cup in front of him reflected Si Fan's somewhat pale face, and a drop of sweat slowly flowed down his cheek, drawing a long line on his face.

"System, come out!" The roaring Si Fan vented all his anger on the table, and the table made of Sequoia made a "bang bang" sound.

He didn't feel any pain at all now, only anger filled his brain and his eyes were red.

The system display screen in front of him slowly began to light up, and the figure of the red queen appeared in the void.

She was still so beautiful, and she was still sitting on the chair, which was different from before. At this time, her face was also pale after she was red, and her body was very weak. When she looked at Si Fan, she forced out some smiles.

The system will be weak, if someone said that before, Si Fan might laugh at him.

After observing for a while, Si Fan tapped on the table lightly, and looked at the Red Queen. At this time, the Red Queen was very pitiful, as if there were countless streams of information flowing on her body.

It looks dangerous like this.

The weak red queen spoke as weakly as a human being.

"As you can imagine, the base on the moon is actually a 1:1 simulated world, and the reality will be a hundred times more difficult than this." The Red Queen gave the real answer.

It's hard to accept, it's very hard to accept, but it's the truth.

Si Fan on the opposite side stared at Hong Hou, his hands trembling a little, he held the table and said fiercely: "Then why aren't we going to clean them up, we have no chance to defeat such bugs."

He just said that, but the Red Queen seemed to see through Si Fan.

"You don't think so. According to my calculations, you should be worried about something in it. After data analysis, selection, judgment and comparison, the system analyzes your choices and determines that the thing you are most worried about is the insect nest cultivation room. The matter of raising blood slaves."

Directly pointing out the key points has always been the characteristic of the Red Queen, and Si Fan is already used to it. He just waits when he sees the Red Queen, waiting for the Red Queen's reply.

"This is completely in line with the system's speculation and inspection based on the moon base, and the correct rate is 99.87%"

Si Fan, whose face was already pale, gradually turned dark.

The troubled Si Fan turned around and took out a bottle of Fat House Happy Water from the refrigerator next to him.

Regardless of whether the temperature is too cold or not, pull the ring and just take a sip and pour it down.

To this, the Red Queen didn't react in the slightest, she just waited for Si Fan to take a sip of her drink to suppress all her thoughts.

Then wait for Si Fan's outbreak.

Obviously judging from his previous behavior, Si Fan was still very impulsive.

It's just that Si Fan now forcibly suppressed his impulse, gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice, "Just tell me when you can go to the moon and when you can kill them."

This is the way to solve the problem.

The red queen shook her head.

"According to current technology, it will take 170 years to land on the moon on a large scale, and it is impossible to win this war..."

Always so cold and realistic, the answer of the red queen is simply chilling.

Si Fancai was the one who cared the most. He asked, "Why is it impossible? Will people on Earth be wiped out by them?"

That's what he asked, and he also thought so in his heart. Only when all human beings on Earth are wiped out will they never be able to catch up.

Who knew that the red queen would still joke around at this time.

"There is a math problem on your planet. It is called that car A travels 100 kilometers per hour, and car B travels 90 kilometers per hour. When will car B catch up with car A?" Just such a question.

Si Fan almost vomited blood.

This is fucking cheating, who can ask such an embarrassing question, there is no way to answer this question, because... I will never catch up.

Gradually, Si Fan's eyes also changed.

"Are you saying that the technological development of the earth is completely out of proportion to that of the other side, and that it will never catch up?"


The conversation ended here. Si Fan looked at the exhausted Red Queen, and said with concern: "You should take a good rest, can a system still be injured? How to treat it, tell me, I will give you the greatest support."

The red queen on the opposite side smiled.

"As long as your technology can outrun the invading bugs, you can fix the system."

"Sigh." With a sigh, everything seemed to be at a dead end, and they would never be able to surpass. After all, the opponent is still moving forward, and it is not moving at a slow speed, but advancing very quickly.

It's just unbelievable.

Everything is so strange.

The red queen left. flashed by.

But Si Fan knew that there were more things to come. The matter of the Red Queen had to be resolved, and it was resolved quickly. The Red Queen already had problems, and it seemed that he was always wrapped in secrets.

"Above the starry sky, there are still secrets." Si Fan turned around. Looking up at the starry sky from the observation deck on the top floor, he seemed to be able to see one or two small dots, one building after another, each one resembling puffs The same lair, with tortured and disfigured humans inside.

This is purgatory on earth!

Humans have evolved for thousands of years, it shouldn't be like this.

Si Fan asked himself in a low voice.

Skynet Group has already started to develop rapidly. The topic that the Red Queen asked Si Fanna was a false proposition, because any development has a bottleneck period, and bugs may get stuck somewhere.

But the development of the earth is not optimistic at all.

He almost gritted his teeth and resisted, not to mention that there is a future, if you can't kill the bugs, you have no future, and you will all become those blood slaves, raising little bugs for others.

What's the difference between that and being dead? Might as well be dead?

As long as this war is over, human beings lose, civilization will be gone, and all the things that people have worked hard for thousands of years will be gone.

Si Fan stared scorchingly ahead, the red queen disappeared and was injured, this time he couldn't recover.

What about yourself?

The Skynet Group has unleashed its greatest power and is constantly cultivating the struggle of all mankind.

He never thought of himself as a hero, but he didn't have any confidence in this battle.

Head-to-head with aliens, can you really win?

Amidst all the questions, Si Fan paced around in confusion.

He is confused, but some people are not confused.

Humanity will finally shine a new light.

And this light, in the middle of a construction site and barrenness, a man excitedly looked at a scroll in his hand. ()

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