Skynet Architect

Chapter 521 Scream! brother

Space battleships seem to burn all their power to move forward. They are now on the side of the moon, facing the direction of the earth. Aliens don’t seem to want to appear directly in front of humans on earth, so they are still hiding. Hide your own news.

When facing the space battleship of the Skynet Group head-on, the explosive boy who can jump in space is used, and the effect produced is simply an explosion.

In front of Si Fan's eyes, the body of the battleship in the third quarter suddenly shone.

It's really just a flash, a flash of light, and then it's utterly dark.

The universe is not originally extremely dark, there are stars, and there is always light passing to every corner.

But at this second, there is infinite darkness around the space battleship. It seems to be the black hole of the universe, pulling and attracting everything.

The space battleship in front had several consecutive explosions again.

This time it was really desperate, all the jets exploded at the same time.

The resulting powerful airflow explodes in the universe and spreads all around. This powerful explosion force instantly generates thrust, pushing the front airtight cabin forward.

Keep going forward. Out of the explosion in the universe.

Si Fan, who watched all this, silently looked at the last hope.

In fact, it doesn't matter if all the space battleships in front are blown up. After all, it's just a trial version. If it blows up, it will be blown up.

"You guys are ruthless, I hope you can succeed." Si Fan muttered softly.

Don't care anymore after that.

The explosion in the universe has affected too many signals. More than 80% of the people on the earth have lost their mobile phones, and all electrical appliances have been cut off.

The time was not long, but it was not short, and many people fell into panic.

In the safe house of Uranus, Si Fan has completely calmed down.

"You should have received the news. The space battleship exploded. You know who the specific attack is. I don't want to say more. I want to send you the specific information. Now follow me." Si Fan ordered them domineeringly. .

A group of people are going crazy.

What's going on with Si Fan? It's not normal to let them follow after you open your mouth. If you really have something to ask them, shouldn't you speak up.

But now how to let them follow.

Dusty, originally very clean test flight site has been shrouded in flying dust, the strong air flow brought by the flight just now still attracts the volcanic ash outside.

This is no longer the barren land full of volcanic ash, but there is still a lot of volcanic ash.

Thinning is impossible, just not spreading anymore.

Now, volcanic ash is floating everywhere. After a group of people came out, they subconsciously looked for masks.

After all, they were prepared before coming here. One by one, they came out wearing very high-end masks that looked like gas masks, and looked at the sky covered by dark clouds.

There should be a space battleship coming here, but unfortunately... it should be gone now.

They all know what happened through their own channels.

If the environment is like this, they will follow.

Want to see what else is there.

But the current Si Fan is different from before.

Walked a few steps outside, sheltered from the dust, and looked at the luxury cars parked in front of him. There are really a lot of Dragon Soul cars here. In the field of fully automatic cars, Dragon Soul has really come to the front. The name may not be good , but the parts and performance inside are really good.

Gradually, people also accepted that when translating this thing, the translation of the name always has a taste of secondary school.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can accept it.

Now, the price has gone up to the sky, and more than a dozen luxury cars of Dragon Soul's latest big universe project are parked at the door.

"Let's go to the Hell City of Uranus now. Give me a great power. Anyway, I have decided to show it to the world today, and let people see the power of industry. Look at the city with the most industrial power in the world." Secretary All ambitions are full,

Get on the front car first.

He is too lazy to do greetings, and he doesn't have a good relationship with these people.

The matter of face does not need to be taken care of too much when the status and status are different.

These people are not in the same position as Si Fan at all, they just came to watch the excitement.

After getting into the car, they really started to discuss the next thing.

Duke Lawrence is very cautious.

Looking at the self-driving big universe plan, several people were silent for a few seconds.

In the end, it was Duke Lawrence who said: "Si Fan is not normal today, the space battleship has already blown up, why is he still so calm?"

What he said was the focus of today, and space battleships were their focus. As for the city, they don't care, the universe is their future.

Space-based weapons have always been cheating things, but now they have become a reality. If they can really operate stably in the universe, the pattern of the whole world will change.

The present world is not what it used to be, and it can be won by fighting.

The current world is a world of technology. Whoever has an overwhelming advantage can dominate the world. Space-based weapons are a very good idea, but they were just ideas before, and only now are they real.

There are indeed space-based weapons and preparations are being made to attack them.

What an incredible thing.

Si Fan's actions are both surprising and understandable.

Their combat power is indeed very powerful. Now they need to face aliens and bugs to be so cautious, but when they don't need it.

That is the time to unify the entire planet.

There might not be such a time, if Si Fan really wins, he will have this strength and this reputation.

As for how to rule in the end, they don't know.

So Duke Lawrence is very cautious.

"It is certain that the battleship will leave the earth this time. It is enough for us, but it seems to be too bad to deal with aliens. Their main target now is aliens, and ours is also the same. The matter is settled like this. As for the future Let's talk about things while we live. That's what we mean in Great Britain."

These are the last words, and it is definitely not him who will speak later, but those who are taller.

Everyone present had already shut up, so they didn't speak anymore. At this time, talking is over, and it is something they have no chance to do.

Because their status is not enough.

Lawrence is also a mouthpiece.

Si Fan's actions were a bit terrible.

Not everyone can give up their rights, not to mention their rights are endowed by the people of the entire country.

They all need advice.

After all, it is not the era of the royal family.

And the others all shut up.

Even if it can be finalized.

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