Skynet Architect

Chapter 526 What is this?

The flame has become the most beautiful color, and the continuous bombing of cloud bombs has cost a lot of cash, and it has also turned this place into a paradise of flames.

Unlike the flames erupting from the volcano, the flames here are a bit more psychedelic, and the transpiring air has begun to distort. The environment of the earth is obviously different from that of the bugs.

"The oxygen inside these bugs should be used to propel themselves in the universe?" Si Fan asked in a low voice.

The Skynet system gave an affirmative answer.

While watching, the Terminator controlled by Si Fan finally left the area under Anthony's jurisdiction, walked out of the desert, and drilled into a long-dead broad-leaved forest. The forest became the best protective color, even though the plants were dead. , but it can still bring him some hope.

The sunlight has gradually penetrated the thin volcanic ash, spreading light all over the earth. The traces of the volcano do not appear here, but here only the volcanic ash is relatively thick, and the ground is covered with rotten leaves. The insects are living more and more demons. Fat white bugs wriggled among the rotting leaves.

Some small insects are hidden among the dead leaves, occasionally poking their heads out, turning their two tiny antennae, staring at some super small insects in the forest.

Suddenly, the forest frightened and the grass moved. Above, a spider that was very huge for a bug passed by. Its speed was really as fast as a sports car in the jungle.

In other words, he is no different from a sports car.

It was a mechanical spider, its six legs were tossing vigorously, and it disappeared in the grass with just a slight touch.

The leaves fluttered, causing layers of ripples, and then there was nothing, the silence like death, only the Terminator like the flying spider.

slipped away.

Before the battlefield was clear, Si Fan had already fled, and Anthony's treasure was still hidden in his body.

On the battlefield, countless incendiary bombs and cloud bombs continued to explode, leaving only a piece of barrenness on the ground, without any trace of life, without any insects, all of them had fallen into the vortex of death.

By this time the war was doomed to die.

Countless cloud bombs in the air are thrown in continuously.

They can also see what is in the depths of the abyss.

Where is a burrow below here? Below is a huge bug nest. It wasn't that after Anthony laid down the bugs, the expansion speed was a bit exaggerated.

In the camera, this picture is a bit exaggerated. Below are layers of honeycombs where countless bugs are born. This is a bug nest, and bugs keep rushing out, and then they are covered by flames.

Anthony in the bottom can't live anymore. Si Fan can be sure that when the flames burn, he is already doomed. Since he took the system given by the aliens and broke away from the other party's slavery, he is already doomed to be an abandoned person. child.

Here, if Si Fan didn't find this guy, death was his best ending.

The battlefield still needs to be overhauled and cleaned up.

Slowly, everything here has been cleaned up by the flames.

Nothing left.

Death is a basic operation, and there is nothing to say.

Even if the matter is over like this, Si Fan doesn't care about it now, and turns to leave.

Now, he is going to look at the system, and in the middle, he will find a few friends who are dog-headed military advisers, and see what kind of price to exchange for something from the aliens.

The principal's office in the depths of the Uranus War College is a very strange place. Behind it is a huge warehouse. This warehouse can be said to be extremely huge, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and a height of seven or eight meters. , the outside is strictly protected by barbed wire, and there are constant patrols inside.

The level of secrecy is definitely the highest, and people who don't know must think that there is a very important secret in it.

But at this time, there were only a few people in the warehouse.

Well, maybe count those lazy guys too.

"Si Fan, are you sure you can contact aliens? We have prepared a lot of things according to your instructions.

As long as it can be traded, it can be delivered immediately. "Harman is now dressed casually, and the hairstyle on his head was shaved very short at some point.

It seems to be very refreshing.

On the contrary, Ah Med seems to be insane. He changed into a formal suit, but he seems to be getting a little fat now.

Prince William is still the same, but the attribute of silently pretending to be aggressive still remains unchanged.

Scratching the meal he was not used to, Prince Haman continued to stare at the machine in front of Si Fan.

Unlike when he got it from Ahmed, the trading system in Si Fan's hands now only has a central cylindrical part.

It looked like pure metal.

Looking at this thing, Si Fan turned his head and said to Harman: "Don't underestimate this thing, this is not the main machine for trading with them, it is probably used as a key to connect aliens trading center."

After this introduction, Si Fan inserted the small metal rod into the machine below.

This machine is rather huge.

How should I put it, this warehouse originally had a basement with almost the same space as the above, but now the basement has been filled with all kinds of machinery, and the equipment inside is all running at full speed. Countless chips are almost on fire, but all their CPUs are now cooled with liquid nitrogen, which is a bit domineering, using a mature liquid nitrogen cooling system to ensure that the temperature of all parts is kept at the best temperature middle.

The amount of liquid nitrogen will also be adjusted. Hundreds of thousands of liquid nitrogen replenishment devices and cpus make up this huge machine. All their data analysis is to support the small machine in the middle.

A machine about the size of a computer, but very sophisticated.

this thing.

It was made by the Red Queen from the Skynet system, and it was regarded as part of the production line that dismantled the Skynet system, which Si Fan could not touch.

That place is protected to ensure that the Skynet system can accept the next owner. Unfortunately, all of them have been sold by the queen and directly given to Si Fan.

After having these, Si Fan was full of confidence.

"Wait, the connection will be made soon, see if we can connect to the aliens, as long as we can succeed." Si Fan said to Harman next to him.

Harman is quite nervous now, staring at a display screen in front of him.

He doesn't care even if it's a screencast, he's just excited. It's as if you can't stop.

William just looked at these things lightly.

"What is this? Our computers in Great Britain have already started using liquid nitrogen to cool down. Is this a routine operation?"

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