Skynet Architect

Chapter 532 Freezing Point

The bugs passed by quickly, and the legs of the knife jingled as they walked on the ground. Dream Novel Network ()

As if something happened.

Si Fan didn't care about these bastards, they were not a big threat, and their combat power was not as good as the Terminator's, but Si Fan couldn't expose himself now.

His only goal now is to take away Anthony's system.

Take away his trading ability. Si Fan doesn't care about this product's other abilities. In fact, they were given by aliens, but he needs this trading system, and it is very important. If he removes this system and modifies it, he can interact with aliens. deal.

Si Fan is now getting more and more authority from the Red Queen, and he already knows a lot of things in the universe. To solve his current predicament, trading with other races in the universe is the most basic.

The cave was a little damp, not quite like the surrounding environment, maybe it was created on purpose, and the dots of moss on the walls shone with a little fluorescence.

Maybe it's the effect of phosphorous powder.

After quietly observing for a few minutes, Si Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the bug had passed.

He can sigh casually, exhale casually, after all, it is only remote control.

In the factory, a group of people are still visiting step by step, looking at the equipment, they carefully record the operation of these equipment, and then pass it on to the company to judge the value here.

The instruments are also being transported from all over the world. They need first-hand data, which they have personally detected, and then wait for Si Fan to give him his conditions.

There has never been a free lunch. They understand better than anyone else, but the price is not worth it.

Looking back, they were all quite honest, one by one on the shelf like roast chickens hanging up, it was quite embarrassing to look at.

She smiled slightly, but didn't care too much, but the nervousness had already begun to dissipate.

Looking at the cave again, the worm has been away for a long time.

"Come on, keep going." Si Fan said, Terminator X had already started to move forward slowly, without sound or vibration, just approaching the cave step by step.

It is not difficult to walk through the rugged cave, and the phosphorous powder around it gradually thickens, and Si Fan can clearly see a lot of bones on the ground inside.

There are animals and there are people.

This place seems to have become a purgatory.

I don't know how long I walked twisting and turning, and finally after more than an hour, the road in front of Si Fan was no longer different.

The current surrounding temperature has reached nearly 40 degrees, which is always very hot in a humid cave, which means that they are already underground, and I don't know how many meters.

Now Si Fan is not in the mood to look at the measurement data of the Terminator, even if it is 10,000 meters underground, he has to bring things back.

After passing through the rugged passage, finally the eyes are bright.

"Squeak!" The voice was very small, and a tentacled camera protruded from the Terminator's head to record the surrounding situation.

This panoramic stereo camera is indeed very domineering, clearly sending the scene in front of Si Fan to Si Fan.

In front of me, it is a place like a fairyland. The cave is completely different here, and the temperature rises. It seems that there are several hot springs here. In the center of the cave is a huge pool. It seems that someone has specially repaired it. Yes, looking at Si Fan has a familiar feeling.

He is really familiar with it, he seems to have seen this statue before.

The statue in front of her is more like a goddess. The clothes cover the key parts, but reveal all that is exposed. It is very sexy. The scepter in her hand seems to be waving, but it sprays out clear spring water.

Seeing this, Si Fan almost vomited blood.

"Hold the grass, isn't this the statue I had in Ancheng? Why did it appear here? Is it fake or was it stolen?"

Si Fan was furious, and immediately controlled Terminator X to hide in the corner of the wall, and then took out the phone.

Dial directly to the branch office in Anseong.

When the phone was connected, the voice on the other side was a little familiar, but Si Fan didn't want to remember who it was, he said directly, "Give me the answer now, has the goddess statue in Ancheng been stolen?"

he asked a little angrily.

This problem is very serious. If it is true that his statue is stolen, it means that Anthony can steal things all over the world.

That also shows that he has the ability to transport.

The person on the opposite side was silent for a few seconds, and then seemed to remember something, "Chairman, the statue of the goddess in our Ancheng No. 7 Square was not stolen, but there is a defective product in the warehouse that was engraved by a bear child when it was first built." , that one is lost."

After saying this, Si Fan felt a lot better, which shows that the company still has some supervision over these sculptures and the supporting facilities of the community, and these defective products are generally not paid much attention to.

"Okay, now this thing is in the country of America, everyone in the Ancheng branch, the bonus for this half year will be cancelled, please pay attention in the future. If you find this kind of thing again, you can figure it out." Si Fan hung up the phone after finishing speaking .

Think carefully about who this guy is, well, I seem to have forgotten the name.

Then he didn't care, and continued to look at the scene in front of him.

After this period of detection, the angle of the picture in front of me is better, and there are more things that can be seen.

There was a bright light in front of him. During the detection, Si Fan found the signal of his company's generator.

Each generator has its own positioning signal emission control, this thing cannot be dismantled, and it is announced to tell everyone.

This thing is to prevent someone from using it on a large scale to become a cluster for industrial production.

So many people can still accept it.

If you can't accept it, you don't need it.

And now that the signal is received here, and the power is not small, it means that the lighting here is all provided by our company.


What is this called?

Si Fan was upset, but he stopped worrying about these things and looked at the screen carefully.

When you look carefully, you can still see the difference. This should be an outside room with a huge hot spring, but it is not for daily use. There are more landscapes here, and inside, look along another door In the past, I could see a naked bearded man laughing wildly, surrounded by all kinds of beauties, naked, just like that.

It seemed as if the usual moral restraints were gone here.

And you can occasionally see familiar figures.

After so few glances, Si Fan can already confirm that the naked man in the middle here is Anthony.

There is nothing to doubt, I have seen it before, it is just that this guy has two extra legs now, and the spider is no longer underneath.

But... after seeing him, Si Fan almost burst out laughing.


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