Skynet Architect

Chapter 534 I'm Getting Married

There was a change in the battle, Si Fan watched the battlefield silently. At this time, the soldiers of the United States were still the most ferocious soldiers on the battlefield. They charged like death squads who were not afraid of death. They didn't care about their lives at all, as long as they could charge in. . Dream Novel Network ()

For Si Fan, such soldiers are worthy of awe. They know that they will die on the battlefield, and they are not afraid of death in the face of powerful insects.

However, modern human wars have long been different from the past. Modern wars are all long-distance attacks, using guns. When fighting, everyone pulls out the front and uses the most violent attack to meet the enemy.

On the front line, several firepower points have been completely constructed, and the heavy machine guns seem to be ruthless flames devouring the enemy on the opposite side.

"Da da da!" The sound of shooting can be heard endlessly.

But this is nothing, the more exaggerated is still behind, the bullets are all bursting bullets, which will explode for a short time after penetrating the enemy's body.

Such bullets are expensive to manufacture, but now they are directly used in stock, as many as they are used, regardless of the issue of consumption, only considering how many enemies are killed.

Killing became instinctive.

The dead bugs fell one by one, and everyone poured as much firepower as possible.

The bugs on the opposite side seemed to be controlled by not many people, so they charged directly at them in a swarm. All the dead bugs became their stepping stones.

In the dark, the flames spouting from the muzzle of the guns are the best guideposts, and the muzzles of the soldiers are aimed at the bugs on the opposite side.

The battle started at four o'clock in the afternoon and lasted for several hours. The number of bullets was unknowable, and the bugs on the battlefield seemed to be endless.

Their combat effectiveness has not been shown much, but the number is really amazing.

Tens of thousands of bugs?

Don't be kidding, there are hundreds of thousands of dead now.

Si Fan also stared at the battlefield, feeling uneasy.

The battlefield at this time is completely different. In the direction of the Terminator, the soldiers are still fighting, and the robots will not be tired, but the players of those games are already exhausted. Most of them have already gone offline to rest. Groups of players began to join the battle.

The number of people invested this time is double that of before, but the fighting situation is not as good as those people. After all, there is still a difference between some great masters and ordinary high-end players.

And here, only one person is different.

That person is I am Changshan Zhao Zilong, this guy has just entered the state.

A person who really loves games is different from someone who is obsessed with combat and characters.

He really regarded himself as the white horse and silver spear Zhao Zilong, and he was really implementing all of Zhao Yun's creeds. On the battlefield, what is fighting is fighting power and willpower.

Bugs are crazy, they can only attack, but here, Zhao Zilong is the crazier person than bugs, all of his actions are based on physical instinct.

This is not his body, it's just a bug, but the body still exists, existing in his reality.

All the nerves in the body feed back signals.

Such is the complete human being.

His current signal reaction is very strong, as if this second is really the same as Zhao Zilong.

He forgot his name when his fighting power exploded. At this time, he was the peerless hero who killed seven in and seven out in Changbanpo.

This is not the top general, he has never led an army to fight alone in his life, but he is an absolute hero, a god of killing on the battlefield.

Personal fighting power is overwhelming.

Where the silver gun passed, all the insects died.

It's like that sharp spear, piercing the enemy.

"Kill!" A roar! All the players behind were full of enthusiasm and rushed to kill them. They were the real elites.

There is no mercy in the battle. In their view, these bugs are just like monsters in the game.

Without any psychological pressure.

The weapon in hand greeted desperately.

"Pierce!" a roar.

This is still the roar of my Nai Changshan Zhao Zilong, and then he took the lead, um, he should have rushed into the enemy group alone.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" With three cold lights, the enemy swarm was killed and injured in an instant.

Green blood flows into a river.

Slowly wither.

It is not the trumpets that sound in the battle, but the death knell.

The threat of death is always there.

The worms fell to the ground, slowly waiting to die.

Combat may be that simple, and death has become so monotonous.

The gust of wind gradually howled, and the place became a little cloudy, and the visual distance gradually weakened.

The information collected by Si Fan, who is looking at the whole scene, is the eyes of all the terminators, and the scene he sees now is slowly calculated.

"Damn it, more than 200,000 worms have died, and this is still endless. How much is this? It's definitely not the amount that Anthony can make. Is it really the worms who can make more worms?" Si Fan was also a little hesitant.

It's hard to fight like this. And more violent cloud bombs are preparing to be launched, and they can annihilate the opponent's main combat force at any time.

But who knows how much there is underground, it must be filled with oil

"Notify Gary Keller that it is time to launch cloud bombs into the opponent's hole. They can decide the specific time themselves. All combat weapons will be activated and all combat information will be shared." After Si Fan finished speaking, he continued to watch The fighting situation is over.

In the battle at this time, the scene has also changed. It is different from just now. The battle just now was just an ordinary battle. Now it has completely changed. in the group. .

It was evenly matched just now, the worms were constantly replenished, and then continued to advance. The Terminator was okay, but the soldiers are now facing collapse.

They use thermal weapons, and now the barrels have been replaced all over the place. All the guns do not fire for a long time. One firepower point can use multiple machine guns, just to ensure continuous shooting.

And the bullets were all over the place.

This has wasted countless resources.

This kind of battle continued, and these soldiers were the first to be unable to support it.

Three waves have been changed, but it’s useless. After the battle started, it was the most intense battle, and it continued. It’s too much for individuals. Some people have already fainted on the battlefield.

The current change is undoubtedly a booster.

Fighting, fighting, and fighting with cold weapons are the most useful. Firearms are not very effective, but they are only useful because one evolution potion makes them more vulnerable.

In real combat, melee weapons are still needed to break through.

Or rather, a more powerful weapon.

At this time of the battle, it was getting dark, and hope became even more slim.


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