Skynet Architect

Chapter 540 The Taste of Freedom

"Boss, this is our only chance. We have done too much to sell resources, and we are too aware of the dangers. You see, Lao Mi never sells old things. He always uses other people's things first. Keep what you have.” Jiang Yilong is full of flaws, but what he said is not without reason.

Si Fan, who was thinking carefully, nodded from time to time. What Jiang Yilong said was right. These are the things that should be done. Now everything is preordained, so we must act quickly. ;

"Let's see what kind of workers we need, and take all the tasks that can be taken. It doesn't matter whether it is a coolie or not. Our current wages and the trade deficit with aliens are too big. Being a coolie is better than now A hundred times." Si Fan said so.

And keep looking at the high-tech work here, since it is a coolie, why not be a high-end worker?

After seeing it, Si Fan really found that there are quite a few technical jobs, and several of them are very suitable.

For example, re-test software operation problems in about a petabyte of human bytes and find the cause.

This task is really very heavy, and the machine can't handle it anymore. They have to search for each byte. The most important thing is that the programming method is completely different, and all the people who are searching have to relearn each other's computer language.

Or I don't know what computer language is, anyway, it is the language of the machine used for calculation.

But the rewards given by the other party are also very awesome. The rewards are directly given to a cosmic life support system, which can be customized according to Si Fan's requirements.

Such rewards are very valuable to Si Fan, and after he completes the task, he actually has such a system, and this customization can expand the rewards of the system.

The most important thing is that things may not be particularly difficult to obtain from aliens, but these aliens are still difficult to solve the cumbersome work.

Even though they have intelligent systems and databases, maybe even everything is very modern, very scientific, and very advanced.

But there are some things that are insurmountable for them, just like a doctor can't heal himself. Knowing what symptoms you have can be cured, but try to perform an operation on yourself?

This is the case with software. They have their own requirements and appeals, but when they really start to analyze and test the underlying data, they can't really meet their desired requirements.

Especially the kind of low-level data that cannot be simulated in the upper-level system.

This is very tricky, like a paradox, and it can't be solved, and it has entered a dead end.

For the aliens, countless such problems need to be solved. They took tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to slowly evolve. The whole process was very slow, but it really took them infinite time in the end. Solved, and more problems have actually been placed on the trading platform during the process of solving, and a certain price is exchanged for people in the low-tech era to help complete tedious tasks.

In their view, this is a task that can only be accomplished through the hard work of hundreds of thousands of people across the planet for several generations, and this task can bring their era into the next era, which is a sufficient price.

But he doesn't know that there is such a wonderful existence as the earth in this universe, and the number of human beings on the earth is close to tens of billions, and this number is still increasing.

If they knew, they would definitely collapse, but they didn't know it, they just knew that as long as the task was completed, they would earn money.

Si Fan looked at such tasks and started to collect them all.

Such a task has an advantage, they will provide the underlying technical prerequisites for training, and then let them complete the task.

After all, each civilization is different and needs to solve different problems, just like people on earth are always binary, who knows what base they are.

"Jiang Yilong, look for such tasks for me and see how many there are." Si Fan wrote out the task requirements in the bottom-level document,

It is almost something that people on earth can solve smoothly.

When Jiang Yilong was looking for it, he was very quick, and within a short while he had found the answer.

He looked at this data for a long time and couldn't regain his senses.

"This statistic is exaggerated, Boss, we can't take on so many tasks." Jiang Yilong was a little embarrassed.

Now Si Fan became curious and went over to take a look.

At this glance, I feel dizzy.

Almost all civilizations, all civilizations in the direction of science and technology, all have such tasks, and there are still a lot of them. Anyway, they seem to think that no one can complete them, so let’s hang them by the way. As long as they can be completed, they will Just earned it.

Seeing this, Si Fan was immediately excited.

"Adding conditions, the other party must be binary, and look for cost-effective tasks from the level of task rewards and task difficulty." Si Fan said.

And in a strange galaxy far away, an unknown number of light-years away, it is a galaxy with seven or eight stars, but their distance is very far away, and it is not a star as the center, but a huge planet as the center.

But the only place on this planet where intelligent creatures can live is that small one.

Now, the director of their intelligent data processing center is going crazy.

"Quickly, analyze all the data. If our own people can't do it, we will hang up the task, and hang up the task with a high reward, so that others can stop their own development progress and help us analyze the reward." He said through gritted teeth.

This is not easy.

creatures of this planet.

Well, they are almost the same as human beings, they have the same body shape and the same facial features, but the needs for oxygen and the survival needs of living things are somewhat different, and more importantly, their skin colors seem to be somewhat different.

That's all, but the basics are the same, they are also mammals, and they also have two arms and two legs.

Not as scientists and novelists imagine.

Perhaps, their fantasies were just fantasies.

The guy's request was immediately hung up.

And it took only a dozen or so minutes to hang up, which is equivalent to a little more than two minutes on the earth before being connected.

The other party's staff hurriedly reported: "Report, someone has already taken over the task."

As soon as the words fell, their manager went crazy at that time.

"What? So fast? What did you give each other?" He asked frantically.

If the items are not so good, no one will grab the order.

He hurried over to see the answer.

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