Skynet Architect

Chapter 548 Sin (V)

The figure of fat little Bob running in the ranch became a grand scene of the land reclamation team. All the cowboys came back after a day’s work, looking at the temporary houses in the distance, and looking at the small country-style buildings one by one. The construction was completed in a few days, and the interior decoration was also done quickly. Even if they lived in the temporary shack, they were happy.

The best entertainment is of course to go around in a circle, watching Little Bob being chased by the huskies and running around. Scare the guy a bit.

The cowboy Pocke in the crowd was different. He had three cattle dogs who had just followed him back from the pasture. They wanted to lie on the grass lazily and rest for a while, wanting to breathe quietly.

Eat a big bowl of dog food.

It's almost time for dinner.

At this time, the owner of the game, Little Pok, took them to the side of the pasture, looking at Little Bob running inside, Pok looked at the husky, one of the three idiots behind the sled, and suddenly smiled.

Smiling very wretchedly, he patted his pet dog.

"Go! Bite him." With an order, the three cattle dogs really ran out like wild dogs running wild. The strong short legs kept tossing around, chasing the fat little Bob and rushed away. past.

These three cattle dogs are not comparable to the little huskies. They are very fast, move very fast, and have great physical strength.

How could Little Bob stand up to this level of chasing, he was thrown to the ground in a few seconds, his face was covered with grass clippings and black soil, the volcanic ash was gone, and the black sludge was everywhere.

Little Bob howled in the grass. The little husky behind him is not very aggressive, just to eat sausages, he looks like a bastard and can be a thief if he is stolen. Those three cattle dogs are not him. The fat fat ass twisted and twisted.

Little Bob lying on the ground was crying bitterly, his tears were streaming down, his legs trembled from fright, and he kept crawling forward, with a painful expression on his face.

The opposite is the finish line, and every time he reaches the finish line, someone will always save him, and the distance is only a dozen meters away.

I don't know where the power came from, but Little Bob, the super fat guy, the magical fat guy actually crawled over.

All the cowboys were shocked. This little Bob usually struggles to walk, and it is a miracle to run. A half-grown husky can chase him halfway around the world. With all your strength, grab everything you can with your hands, use all your limbs, and move forward quickly.

It was really fast, faster than he usually runs.

In a blink of an eye, he has reached his destination, which is his usual destination.

There was a guy with an expressionless face in this place, wearing a black suit and the appearance of a marked bodyguard, standing here looking at the guy in front of him, he patted lightly.

"You're safe." He just said that, and then the little husky seemed to know something a long time ago, and quickly turned around and ran away with two sausages in his mouth. This is the reward he snatched, little Bob There is no sausage left on him, and he was eaten up by the little husky so quickly.

And those three cattle dogs didn't know what was going on, and they were still in a daze, when suddenly a sharp sound came.

"Squeak!" A voice that is barely audible to humans is spreading. The sound is so small that the people next to it can hardly hear it.

But the three dogs seemed to be going crazy, and they forgot their master's orders, so they turned around and ran away.

Without any hesitation, the shit ran away.

As soon as the three dogs ran away, Little Bob was like a deflated balloon. He no longer had any energy, and just lay on the ground panting heavily.

The man in black at the side waited silently for three minutes, waiting for him to recover from the paralysis, and then suddenly took out an electric baton in his hand.

"Now do strength training for half an hour.

"The order was very cold.

Polk in the distance is more concerned about his cattle dogs. These three little babies are his magic weapon and a must-win trick for managing the herd. They must not be damaged, so check it out quickly.

Simply, after the three dogs ran over, they were very honest, they didn't mess around, they didn't mess around, so they just stayed still, squatting beside their master, and let out a pitiful sob from their throats. A high-pitched sound.

Anyone who has raised dogs knows that this is the sound they often make when they are injured. Polk strokes the fur of the three dogs distressedly to comfort them.

Only the half-grown husky didn't care about anything, just foolishly ran around in the pasture, but there was one place he would never go to, and that was the place where little Bob was trained.

But as long as Little Bob comes out, he will chase.

In this way he has more delicious food.

He's just a dick, not really stupid.

There is a difference. He knows where he will suffer and where he cannot go.

This little Bob is out of luck, he is about to start training.

Everyone else thinks that Little Bob is a pastime, and it is just such a period of time every day, and then Little Bob will go to do other things. For example, shoveling horse manure, for example, brushing horse mane.

He always had something to do anyway.

Old Bob has been very distressed recently, and he worked hard every day at the runway ranch to see how his son was doing.

But every time I saw it, I couldn't bear it, and wanted to save my son.

It's a pity that the terminator of the Skynet Group will not listen to anyone except Si Fan's orders, and once it starts, unless it fails, little Bob will not be able to escape this miserable day.

No one knew how Little Bob was feeling. He was devastated, standing helplessly on a body fat scale to check his weight. No one told him this number, he was just a routine.

Old Bob outside can see it.

"In the past few days, the dead boy has lost more than 0.5 kilograms of weight every day, and more than 0.2 kilograms of fat every day."

He was admiring, although the Skynet Group's training was very tiring, but the effect was obvious, and the effect of fat loss and weight loss was obvious.

He continued to admire in a low voice: "Perhaps, he still has a chance to save it."

After finishing speaking, the old guy gritted his teeth and left again.

This is his daily routine.

And Little Bob works a lot on the ranch, exercises a lot, and eats a lot every day. The functions of his body have long been disordered. Now he is adjusting his diet, but he still eats a lot of meat.

But it's all pure lean meat and white meat.

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