Skynet Architect

Chapter 555 Sin (12)

Following the direction Si Fan pointed, Li Dalong saw Jiang Yilong who was lazily watching a movie. Anyway, there was nothing too much going on, this guy was just doing foreign work. Dream Novel Network ()

Just at this time, Li Dalong came over, and by the way, he slapped the manual he bought for fifty dollars just now, which looked like a huge English-Chinese dictionary, on the table.

"I'm here to pick up the mission." He said with confidence.

"And!" Jiang Yilong smiled, and patted the brochure in front of him.

"You're trying to scare me by reading the contents carefully. Everything you want to know is there. Take your time to find it. I'm only in charge of handling business, not explaining it." Jiang Yilong said.

That's right, he's really not in charge of explaining, but just handling, there's no way, if you let him explain, the work efficiency will plummet, and Si Fan is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

Li Dalong was stunned, it was too foolish for him to read such a thick book.

But looking at Jiang Yilong's expression and indifferent attitude, he knew that it was useless to ask any more questions. This guy seemed to only do what he was supposed to do.

In this way, he can only read the manual by himself. This very thick manual is really troublesome if he wants to. Fortunately, there is an index in front, which allows him to read it conveniently.

After searching painfully for more than half an hour, and after reading a lot of useless information, he finally found what he wanted.

This is one of the benefits given by the entire Skynet Group to those who returned to the city early to contribute to the city's construction.

That is Skynet Group's promise that it will assign tasks according to the progress bar system it has made, and when you complete certain tasks, the rewards given to you will start construction along the way, with precise positioning and precise completion.

As long as you can complete more tasks, your house will become bigger and better.

Of course, some of them are high-rise mansions in the sky, it doesn’t matter, anyway, they will give corresponding methods, such as progress modeling. Sometimes, Skynet Group will help you get it done in the fastest time. The tasks completed by yourself with work, hard work, and daily energy will all be reflected in your rewards. The degree of completion of each task represents the degree of decoration of a certain part of you.

If you are perfect, then this part must be like a work of art. If you work hard and don’t work hard, and the evaluation of completing the task drops too much in the end, your house will be miserable. This is an eyesore. There can be problems in some places, but the flaws that can be seen in front of you, and some places are too poor in quality, I am afraid you can't bear it yourself.

After reading the clauses one by one, Li Dalong realized that if he entered the pit, it would be like entering an abyss, and he would not be able to live a good life anymore, all because of running around for this house.

He still has lofty ideals.

Looking at this thing, he asked Jiang Yilong: "I don't know if this task can be done by others."

Jiang Yilong was taken aback, he didn't want to answer, but this matter happened to be on his mind for a long time, so he also turned around.

Both looked at Si Fan, making Si Fan a little embarrassed.

"Others can help to complete, but only 30 of the share, and the highest completion is only 70," Si Fan replied to him.

That answer was what he wanted.

"You mean that others can complete 70 of them instead, and the highest degree of completion is only 70?" Li Dalong asked.

Si Fan didn't bother to say anything to him, so he just kept silent and didn't reply.

This shows his attitude. Seeing Si Fan like this, Li Dalong knew that he would not talk to him anymore. He looked at the manual in his hand and seemed to see a new way to make a fortune.

"Sir, I want to choose my own house," he said.

Of course Jiang Yilong wanted to find him.

He put the phone aside, then clicked on a software on the computer.

"All you can choose is here, and that's all that's left for now." Jiang Yilong said.

Li Dalong looked at the plots above. It would be a lie to say that he was not excited. These are the best places in the city. He knows exactly what the price of owning a house in this place is.

This is nothing, when he saw the following tasks, his mind was like a stormy sea.

In fact, according to rational analysis, ordinary people cannot afford any of these houses in their lifetime.

But just put it here now, there is a progress bar telling you that he is only one decision away from you.

This is a very dangerous signal, let people know that it is possible, there is an opportunity, and those who really got it don't know how precious this opportunity is yet, and those who just got it should be thankful that they are the first batch of people who got the opportunity .

Dae Lung Lee might just be the one stuck in the middle. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he severely disgusted Jiang Yilong once.

"Excuse me, if I provide this house with 17,258 tasks now, how about before?" He asked Jiang Yilong cautiously.

Jiang Yilong glanced at it, and his head gave numbers instantly like a computer.

"The original number of tasks was 11,325 tasks. Now the number of tasks has increased and the difficulty of the tasks has increased. It prevents people from cleaning houses like playing games. The completion of tasks in the future will affect more things, whether the quality is good or not. You will know what it looks like in the future." Jiang Yilong said.

Li Dalong slowly analyzed the information in it, and knew the benefits inside. This is an opportunity for everyone from Skynet Group, but there are also business opportunities in this opportunity, and it can operate if there is a relationship between supply and demand. Among them, 30 other people help The completion share is an important part of it, and if he wants to complete a business, he has to go back and plan it carefully.

When he left, Jiang Yilong also smiled and looked back at Si Fan.

There seemed to be some embarrassment in the room. Seeing this, Little Pok greeted Si Fan and left.

Immediately, there was some bitterness in Jiang Yilong's smile.

"Boss, you are right. Sure enough, people have desires. Humans are profit-seeking animals. When they smell profit, there are always some geniuses who will think of more genius ways to make money."

Si Fan shook his head: "Don't worry about it, it's a good thing, he can be said to be working for us, all things can't surpass one thing, this house was built by us, the land is ours, we control everything Resources, if he wants to make money, he must make money from our loopholes."

"I do hope he finds some special way to make money and we're tired of dealing with it.

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