Skynet Architect

Chapter 558 Sin (15)

This young man was none other than the young man who admired Bruce Lee very much, that Lee Da Lung. Dream Novel Network ()

He is extremely entangled. Here, Si Fan has already opened a super intermediary center. The oss of Skynet Group has enough ability to swallow the entire market, and even go one step further. This is nothing to Skynet Group.

But for Li Dalong, a purebred American with a Chinese name, this is an unshakable super behemoth.

His dream that was just about to arise was shattered by Si Fan's actions.

Standing in the corner, he looked at the new decoration of his shop, and looked at his shop that was about to appear. He already had the feeling of collapse in his heart. The world seemed to be dark. He seemed to feel his depression. The weather changed. It was a little depressing, and there was a cloud in the sky that came nearby.

The humidity of the air was a few points higher, Li Dalong looked up at the sky, he hoped that there would be rain, preferably clear raindrops, so as to cover his eyes that already had a little tear.

It is a pity that this rain has not come down, and no one knows how much rain, how much volcanic ash, and how much sulfur can be in the rain clouds in this area. Rain is a disaster here. Dodging and being poured on the body must be cleaned up quickly. If there is a delay, the result may not be so good.

The young Li Dalong didn't know whether his choice was correct. He stood here in despair. The owner of another shop next to him came out. This guy was a standard South Asian named Ruan Jin, and he didn't know that his family knew well It was a coincidence that Huaxia Culture had such an embarrassing name anyway.

But he is already a native of the United States, and he lives well here. He was the first batch of applicants for this disaster, but he didn't choose a house, he chose to live in this city.

As a guy without too much ambition, he knows that it is not practical for him to choose a house. Although this country claims to be equal, he has many difficulties when doing tasks. He doesn't know if he will be excluded. , but opening a store will not work. Skynet Group has given a lot of discounts, and he can open the store he wants by himself.

So he opened the store.

A Vietnamese restaurant, a very delicate restaurant, the place is not big, only about 30 square meters, and there are not many tables, only four tables. The space inside is small, but it has Vietnamese characteristics.

He runs his own restaurant here. According to his philosophy, with so many people, it is impossible for all of them to eat other things and only eat the collectively provided meals provided by the Skynet Group. ?

Most of those given are emergency food, which can be eaten for a day or two, but it becomes unbearable after a long time.

At this time, other meals are needed to satisfy their appetite, so some craftsmen have started to open their own restaurants. These guys who complete the task are not only suitable for fixing their own houses, they also have a working part of it, Some tasks are used to make money, and some tasks will have certain reward funds, which allow them to live easily.

Now that they are going to eat, Ruan Jin has a chance to make a profit, realize his dream, and start his American dream.

He stood proudly at the door of his restaurant, thankful that he found a good place. The guys doing the tasks in front are all rich people. Opening restaurants and pubs near here is the best business. The pub belongs to the United States As a wine tycoon, he can't compete with others, but besides a KFC and a McDonald's, he is the third restaurant to open.

The speed is fast.

After seeing that my neighbor was going to open soon, I also came over to celebrate, but when I walked over, I found something was wrong.

It was really wrong, he found that the American guy next to him was standing there as if he wanted to cry.

Anyone can see this, and looking at the shop sign behind him, he immediately understands. This guy is really unlucky.

The news that the boss of the Skynet Group opened a consulting company has already spread. Everyone is glad that they chose a good place, but only this guy, really the only guy who is looking for death. Si Fan is in the same company.

Isn't this a crash? It happened that there was a strongest competitor, even Buck, the guy who opened the tavern, was not guaranteed to die. After all, their target customers were different, and it was more suitable for poorer people. Sooner or later, some regular customers would be allocated, but This guy is sad.

"Dude, take a look. If you can't do the same thing, then do something else. You see, I'm not surrounded by western restaurants, so I opened a Vietnamese restaurant. They always need to change their tastes. , if you open another store, you will definitely make money." He persuaded Li Dalong in his own words.

Li Dalong, who was standing there, originally wanted to be quiet for a while, and then look for other business, but after hearing Ruan Jin's words, it seemed that he had heard some information.

"What did you just say?" He pulled Ruan Jin excitedly, like a madman.

Ruan Jin was frightened by his actions, he thought this guy was offended by him and wanted to beat him up.

Li Dalong is a loyal fan of Bruce Lee, of course he is a Lianjiazi, the muscles on his body are scary, and he has really learned all kinds of kung fu, so he has great strength.

When he pulled Ruan Jin, Ruan Jin almost pissed in fear, and immediately said, "I said, maybe you can think about changing your career."

He almost didn't know what to say.

Li Dalong said, "Not this, the previous sentence."

Ruan Jin said almost subconsciously, "I said I opened a Vietnamese restaurant, and they always need to change the taste."

The crazy Li Dalong seems to have found a life-saving straw, and his happy eyes are round.

"Yes, they always need a change of taste. The service of Skynet Group may not be so good. I can always help them find more ways out." He said happily, letting go of Ruan Jin.

How dare Ruan Jin stay here at this time, and ran away quickly.

I didn't dare to say anything more.

Here is the world of Americans, no matter if it is white or black, he dare not provoke him, so he ran away immediately.

He ran away, but Li Dalong didn't care, he just thought about the things in his mind excitedly, then he laughed and turned back to his shop.

The people next to him looked at him as if they saw a madman. Isn't this guy crazy?

This is what everyone thinks.


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