Skynet Architect

Chapter 560 Sin (17)

The various benefits of the safe zone in Uranus have gradually been known to people. Even after experiencing two disasters and millions of lives died in the earthquake, these profit-seeking people still rushed to this area one after another. Fertile soil, they have enough awe-inspiring words to cover up their greed. Dream Novel Network ()

Of course, it can also be said to be a group of people struggling.

They are lunatics and have nothing to say. They can be said to be for the resurrection of the country, for the land of the United States, and for the construction of their own country.

They have a lot to say.

Si Fan in Uranus is very happy to be busy in his shop. He uses the ability of the system to develop the most convenient, efficient and effective arrangement of their own tasks for everyone, and then allows them to complete their goals faster. Even fast and good.

Of course, there are always a few small stubborn ones, such as Little Pok, this guy requires perfection, even the most inconspicuous brick in the fireplace requires a score of 85 or more from the Skynet Group before it can be used. The task completion is not enough, the score is relatively low, and all the goods are directly exchanged into cash. Take full salary.

They are all making absolute efforts in the process of rebuilding the city, but Little Pok has relatively high requirements.

This is heaven, a harbor of struggle, if it is a battleship that can see the future, then other people outside are evil spirits struggling in hell. They can do anything to reach heaven, and they work hard for a simple goal.

That's right, when the first wave and the second wave came to Uranus, it was very easy, as long as they apply, they can come, but when the third wave comes, all they need are professional talents. If you are not the most Okay, then it will be eliminated. What this city needs is reconstruction, not for you to dawdle.

The household registration system here is very clear. You can take on tasks only after you have confirmed your household registration. An ordinary citizen can get rewards for completing tasks later.

This is a bit like the previous strategy of the United States. I have to say that they are very effective. They can prevent some people from coming over, and those who come over will also become cheap labor. They have worked hard for this country for many years. People, you don't have an excellent job, you can only work hard to train the next generation.

That's just right, you have devoted your whole life to him, and finally cultivated talents for them, isn't this the best?

Si Fan copied this routine, but he used it more kindly, and only for three years, and paid them back their wages, but they couldn't enjoy the treatment of citizens and couldn't do tasks.

They are destined to be the 30 share laborers, and the rest can easily handle everything.

They are vested interests.

Even so, there are still a large number of people who want to come to this city. They would rather work in vain for three years than become Uranus people. They all know that the development of this city must be very good. As long as there are super geniuses in each field, they want top people, if not, they can only use other people's methods.

Don't say anything discriminatory, they don't discriminate against you for anything, they just don't need you.

Everyone is watching, and some ambitious people have already set off. ,

That's right, they had already set off a long time ago, and they formed a convoy one by one to move forward from the wilderness.

It was as if they had just opened up the American continent. They were carrying civilian guns, and the road ahead was a huge bulldozer. This bulldozer had been remodeled by some people, and it was beyond recognition.

I have to say that Lao Mi's personal ability is really comprehensive. Many people can do some basic electrician, painter, carpenter and other jobs. The masters of the store united to super-modify all the vehicles,

A lot of equipment is used.

These guys are all lunatics, their abilities are very strong, and their resources are not bad. Relatively speaking, everyone needs a set of things that they are good at.

It's just that they are different from those who can directly apply for admission. They are good at many things, but not necessarily those people are proficient.

Even so, they can still be said to be masters. Compared with ordinary people, if they don't have special skills and special abilities, it is wishful thinking to enter this super team. They don't want waste.

In the most central position of this team, that is a super monster.

I saw this super luxury truck before the disaster. It is exactly the same as Optimus Prime in the movie, but his name is not Optimus Prime, but Peterbilt 389, a super truck. The performance of this truck is classic, and its appearance Under the premise of not changing, the internal structure has been updated for countless generations, and its expensive price guarantees that the performance of this car is absolutely top-notch.

With so many prerequisites, let alone the performance of this car, it is definitely the top in the world. If so, it must be a very important function?

However, this car is now in the center of the entire convoy, with a full three compartments, and it is constantly advancing. The internal structure of the compartment has been remodeled, and it is surrounded by multi-layer air filtration systems. People in it will have a good time. living environment.

There was a large group of people inside at this time.

That’s right, it’s a large group. The people in this carriage are almost full. People all have their own small beds, and the living environment is even more crowded. People here live in three-story beds with upper and lower beds. Those are high-end locations.

The only place for a single bed is where the leader of the people lives.

This is a man in his forties, with a bearded head that seems to have a scar extending all the way to the back of his head.

Mad Max.

People don't know his name, they just know his nickname. This is a real ruthless person, but now he is just the owner of a transportation company with more than a dozen heavy trucks, and now he is conducting a smuggling campaign.

Brazen smuggling.

"Boss, are we going to settle here this time? A safe zone makes us give up so many things? It's good to keep doing the smuggling business. How can one person earn 20,000 U.S. dollars in travel expenses? " said a little brother next to Max.

Mad Max, the maniac who was feared by everyone, was calm.

"I must first obtain the resident status of this Uranus. No matter what the price is, you must hurry up. As for the smuggling, I will leave it to other people to do it. We can just charge the money."


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