Skynet Architect

Chapter 562 Sin (Nineteen)

These crabs are simply terrible, Ahmed is going crazy in pain. Dream Novel Network ()

He burst into tears, and at this moment he just wanted to rush over.

In that hut, Si Fan, a melon eater, took his wife-to-be, Zhao Jianjia, to be a qualified melon eater.

"Hahahahahaha, these guys really dare. These crabs are treasure crabs from Booty Bay, but I brought them in one by one from the crab island next to them. They are all terrible guys, if they are not afraid of water. , I’m also afraid of the fish in the water, I can’t handle them for a long time. Now I dare to heat them up.” Si Fan laughed to death, anyone really dares to touch these guys.

Crabs are on a small island next to them. They seem to have evolved to go ashore instead of relying on sea water. They search for food on the shore and on the ground. They have evolved to the point where they do not rely on sea water, but they are still close to the sea.

Because of their need for a moist environment, they also need an occasional dip in seawater.

Just can't adapt for long.

Such living conditions make the crabs occupy these beaches a bit special. This is their home, and you don't dare to provoke them at all. Now they dare to run on the beach, it's just a joke.

The introduction of these crabs is just for fun, for my usual adventures, or to take friends on adventures.

More so, spoofing these guys.

Usually there are too few entertainments, so I always have to find some.

"Do you think they can go into the water?" Si Fan asked Zhao Jianjia next to him, they were all looking forward to it.

Zhao Jianjia was eating potato chips and watching several people on TV. Professional cameras are everywhere, and the Skynet system can switch angles and distances at any time.

It's like a movie cut.

"I said they will definitely go down. They are all very conceited people, not to mention that they have already reached their destination." Zhao Jianjia's judgment was obviously correct. They looked at the crabs on the shore and slowly began to shrink. After returning, several people have already started to discuss.

"Hey, let's go back now?" Song Yang was the only one who raised this point. Don't look at him being caught just now, and his face is covered with purple beans, which is obviously very miserable. But he was the first to suggest turning back.

He knew Si Fan too well.

Die can't, they can't, die,

But if it's miserable, maybe.

It's very possible, Si Fan is a bad guy.

Ahmed was the first to shake his head.

"No, we'd better look around to see if there's anything there, since we're all here, and since it's called Booty Bay, it's a bit embarrassing if he doesn't give us something fun." He said, and he started to slowly Into the water.

To say that the water is actually quite safe.

After all, there is only one killer, and it depends on the mood. There are very few other fish, and many of them are edible. This is also where Si Fan comes to eat seafood. Of course, there are delicious fish that can survive all over the world. There are too many species, looking at the appearance of a few eels in the sea, the saliva is about to come out.

Harman obviously knows the goods, and he has seen a lot of food

"This Booty Bay is not where Si Fan stores his food, right? You see that there are a lot of delicious fish." They said this, and several people have seen a lot of edible fish.

It looks like a really good place.

Prince William is also seeing these places, but his eyes are on the distance.

"There seems to be a boat here. Look at the one floating on the sea. He is thrown here and drifts with the current. We can go to the boat first." William suggested, which is very good, and several Ren also have this idea.

Song Yang has the best execution ability, he watched the boat not far in front of him swim directly.

The distance here is really not that far.

And when the foodie Ahmedang arrived here, he discovered something good.

Dive in.

Go straight to the bottom of the sea.

His speed was very fast, and he came out in about ten seconds.

This speed is really no one else.

At this time, what came up was a huge oyster.

Oysters are big and look very fat. His saliva remained.

Harman even took out a Swiss Army knife from his waist and handed it to Ahmed.

The foodie Ahmed directly opened the shell with a Swiss army knife, cut the connecting fascia, and then exposed the fat meat.

"Hey, it's really a good thing. I don't know where Si Fan got these oysters." He said, drinking the gravy inside the oysters.

The taste is really good. After that, I gently opened the oyster meat and sucked it in.

With a sound of "Hoo!", it entered the mouth, and then began to chew wildly.

Make a "Mmm!" sound.

"Hello. Is it really delicious?" Haman asked beside him.

This guy is simply disgraceful.

At this moment, Song Yang in the distance had obviously got the boat, and he turned around and shouted, "Hey, I'll come back to pick you up. The boat is quite complete."

He gave a cry and started rowing back.

To be honest, there is Si Fan's stock in it, which is quite complete, and several people are waiting.

Obviously, Si Fan has prepared very well, and there are really good things of his own in it.

Si Fan put a lot of things in it.

Song Yang rowed back, the face was obviously unreadable, but the things inside were still good.

"Hehe, this guy is really planning to hang out here." There are diving suits, oxygen, useful sabers, and stoves here, which is too much.

These are the things that Si Fan usually plays, and now they are all here.

Everything you need for daily use is included. It's enough if you want to live here.

Ahmed looked at these things and quickly grabbed the diving suit.

"I'll go down and get some good food, let's eat something to replenish our strength, besides oysters and black gold abalone, this guy is very wealthy." He put on his clothes as he spoke.

Several people are crazy.

This guy Si Fan is really kind to him. The living environment of black gold abalone is very demanding, and the fishing will be restricted, but at Si Fan's place, the transplantation was successful, and it is still in the process of breeding.

This is more fraudulent.

They looked at each other, this is a big business, aquatic products, seafood are consumed all over the world, no one dares to underestimate it.

While it's not a particular concern for them, it's worth introducing.

A few guys think so, but Si Fan who is far away doesn't think so.

He and Zhao Jianjia continued to eat melons. The watermelons were almost finished, and they were preparing to see if they could find something else delicious.

"They are now researching and taking away your delicious food, aren't you worried?"

Well, there is still sound now, after all, they have electronic equipment on them, and these electronic equipment can be monitored.

It's just that they don't know it.


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