Skynet Architect

Chapter 578 The strategy has changed

She was waiting for her wedding, a real wedding, but Si Fan didn't care about it at all. He was preparing a wedding gift, but the gift hadn't been finished yet. Dream Novel Network ()

After all, the spacecraft mission of space exploration is too boring. Si Fan really doesn’t know when it will be completed. When I got Alpha to try out Body One, I thought it was a spacecraft, but I found out after the mission was handed over. What the hell? The upgraders of the era they give directly.

And if they want to get the previous reward, the spacecraft, they need to continue to complete their other tasks.

The rewards of the task have been changed, but the name is actually the same. You say it's a trap or not.

Si Fan is also very painful, and now he is completing a new round of coding tasks, but this time the coding is much simpler.

The deciphering work has also made new progress, mainly because after the upgrade of the era, various computer companies have also made new breakthroughs, and the codes with specific meanings provided by the Red Queen played an important role.

These codes give an important basis for breaking codes.

After they have these meaningful codes, they can slowly guess what the other codes do.

As long as there is a breakthrough, there is a direction after all.

Such a life seems to become a constant task of taking orders.

But more, Si Fan saw more hope.

When he was debauched on the sea, he stopped playing the trading system that kept looking at the world of black and white blocks. The constantly refreshing numbers here made Si Fan look at the transactions inside.

These transactions were made by others, not receiving and processing information orders like Si Fan. It was a real transaction, a large amount of material transactions, and the number of orders was much higher than Si Fan's transaction this time, which made people dizzy.

Only when you get in touch with the universe can you realize how small you are, and the Alpha Trial Body No. 1 also knows the specific price.

Expensive, but not too surprising.

It's just a million.

And more transactions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions are everywhere, but Si Fan doesn't even know what to use for the things that are traded.

This is the backwardness of the earth. In front of those giants, they are nothing.

Looking at the information at hand, Si Fan gradually began to look for a way out.

But not too much, and not too often.

If he doesn't do it, someone else has already done it, and this person is Ahmed.

Harman and William are looking for a way to create here, and they want to see if they can create something to sell here.

But the despicable Ahmed is looking at other people's transaction information.

"Well, these people seem to be quite similar to human beings. They actually need clothes and food. Food trade is still very frequent, but their food seems to be different from ours." He recorded in a low voice, giving He has a team of over a hundred staff members who are constantly recording news, and every piece of news here is very precious.

Ahmed carefully recorded the things and then passed them on.

Easily get what you want.

The people below began to analyze the data continuously.

"Ahmed, what are you going to do? Although the above OEM orders can make money, the profits are not very large. It is certain that there are also some civilized human beings with a very large number, or they still have machines that can be used in batches. Production. You see, most of the clothes produced are very standard clothes, and the prices of those custom-made clothes obviously vary greatly, so we can start from this aspect." William has long had his own ideas, and they are going to To be innovative, to be your own cosmic brand, Si Fan provided a platform for them to trade and that was enough.

And Ahmed, looking at these various orders, suddenly had his own idea.

"I'm not the same as you guys. I don't have such high pursuits. I just need to have food." He smiled like a villain, and his phone kept sending out messages.

Of course, the people below started to execute quickly.

"Don't you want to choose innovation? I don't want to. I will build a copycat. There seems to be no convention in the universe that cannot be imitated. Then I will first manufacture and then imitate. Let's start with the simple ones. No matter how difficult these high-priced products are, We have to make some, and copy them.” He had already prepared his own route, imitated, and then started his own path, building an imitation kingdom.

Everything has a mind of its own. They have their own path.

Life is about facing choices one by one. Ahmed chose the cottage, and Prince William chose innovation. And Harman.

This guy is more powerful. He started to form his own team, conduct analysis, and look for orders here. When there is an order whose entrusted price is higher than the production price, he instantly picks up the orders from both parties, and then directly connects them to earn money. price difference.

This consumes a lot of computing power and the ability to collect the market, but he is still happy.

Compared with the other two people, this can be regarded as the third way.

However, this road is more rugged and difficult to find.

When they were looking for a way, Si Fan had already been enjoying his vacation very calmly. All factories and research institutes were constantly discovering new things. These were enough. The times were advancing and the earth was developing. When they need to trade, they always have to sell to aliens.

For Si Fan, the oversupply is the biggest problem

The overall production of materials on the earth is actually very high, but they have never been able to find buyers, so they have been looking for lower production costs. When the sales of materials are no longer difficult, they should actually change this. everything.

As long as there are qualified workers.

This is a math problem, and the answer is simple.

People are all looking for their own path and thinking about a better life.

The "home" island finally welcomed some other guests.

Si Fan, who was floating on the sea, lay on the sampan, quietly feeling the floating waves, and then fell asleep like this. He didn't know how long he slept. The warm sunshine gradually put away his warmth, and the setting sun was not so It's beautiful, at least for Si Fan. When lying on his stomach, Si Fan's hands gradually rippling in the water.

These rippling hands are somewhat attractive in the sea.

His hands just floated like this, and when he fell asleep, he didn't have much strength, anyway, he just didn't know where he was floating.

In his sleep, in the dream, he had eliminated the bugs, and the people all over the world elected him as the president of the universe. When he was about to start his succession, suddenly there was a strong wind, and Anthony came back from the universe.

Before waking up from the dream, suddenly, there was a burst of severe pain, and Si Fan yelled "Aww" in pain.


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