Being alone, walking on this street is really suitable for the occasion. If others are black and white, then you are a lonely ghost, don't care how lonely you are standing at the intersection.

The soul-calling flags placed on the street kept fluttering, fluttering with the wind, and constantly swaying.

It seems to be in a ghost town, there is a feeling of depression everywhere, there are not too many people, but gradually Si Fan sees some interesting things.

After walking a few steps forward, a row of archways gradually appeared on the street. When he saw this, he smiled.

On the outermost side, there is actually an archway with the three big characters of ghost gate on it.

The characters used are not simplified characters, but seal characters, which look very tall.

Don't think that Lao Mi doesn't play with these things, and they don't join in the fun. Now people can gradually be seen on the street.

Outside the gate of ghosts, there are really desolate figures. The porch with a height of seven or eight meters looks so high and wide, making people feel half a head shorter.

Standing a little below here, you will appear to be very small, and the road behind you will be deserted, and you will feel that you are alone.

No, there are also some little sluts floating slowly there.

Seven or eight young people, probably college students, were all wearing white cloth strips that they got from no one knew where, and they looked like they were floating in the street. They were all wearing long clothes, and they couldn't see their feet. Just walking in small steps.

It looks like a ghost, but as long as you think about their shapes carefully, you will really see a ghost.

"Is this wearing the tablecloth on your body?"

Si Fan was stupefied, and he went crazy watching it. This operation is so slippery, I can't say it. The tablecloth is clearly visible. The whole is milky white, and there are slender stripes on it. Looking at it It looks pretty good, but I don't know if it was barbecue or steak last night, and it was stained with large oil stains.

Just like that, they were still torn and cut, and a hole was made to make it into today's clothes.

Si Fan could confirm it when he walked past him.

They ate barbecue yesterday, and the rich smell of barbecue sauce wafting in the air was very tempting.

Life is like this, you won't feel very hungry when you don't meet, but when the smell of meat floats by, your stomach will twitch.

Only then did Si Fan suddenly realize.

'It seems that I didn't eat tonight. What time is it. "Si Fan, who was a little hungry, really felt that time passed quickly.

Walking a few steps, the tall archway is very real, but you can only find that the archway does not exist all the time, it is a temporary splicing device, just like Lego toys, which can be spliced ​​together , Wherever the event is held, it can be directly spliced, which is very convenient, and the specific shape can be changed at any time.

It's true, it's very convenient.

But today is the night of July 15th. Naturally, the gate of hell is opened. In the distance, after passing through the gate of hell, there is another world, which seems to be painted on the ground with a special fluorescent agent, extending far into the distance.

Walking on the ground really has a floating feeling, and the light on the ground is changing every step of the way.

Morning light appeared on the ground, but the color was pale and somewhat terrifying.

The light changes, and figures seem to appear at any time.

Si Fan laughed. The holographic projection technology is actually used in this place. Each of these shadows is projected, but it is very realistic, as if there are really ghosts coming out of the ground.

And when the street continues to move forward, people can gradually be seen.

Just now, it was true that no one could see, but in such a short time, there were already quite a few people.

This number is still increasing.

"Brother, go to the shop next to you and buy something casually.

You can rent a set of clothes for free. Today is Ghost Festival. Is it really appropriate for you to wear casual clothes? "The young lady passing by probably thought Si Fan was handsome, so she came over and said to Si Fan.

Unlike many places, there are scammers and scams everywhere. There has never been a successful scammer in Uranus, and there has never been a successful thief.

This is Uranus. There is a pair of invisible giant hands holding the lifeline of this city in the air. Anyone who wants to turn the city upside down has been crushed to death.

So here is happiness, there is no crime, and the city has some utopian qualities.

It's not about the beauty of human nature, but it's about achieving what everyone wants to achieve.

You can strike up a conversation casually on the street, Si Fan turned his head and looked over, it was another girl.

There are really a lot of girls on this street, it seems that they are very interested in ghosts and ghosts.

This time, it was a black girl with chocolate-colored skin. It should be half of non-black blood, so it looked very pleasing to the eye.

Of course, this chocolate color is not black, but a very healthy complexion.

She looked at Si Fan carefully for a long time.

"You have a great figure. It would look great if you put on a Huaxia ghost costume." She said that she had already led Si Fan forward.

Ahead was a very ordinary shop, a bakery.

A normal store of this kind would not do clothing-related activities.

Nothing to do with their business.

But people are willful.

When Si Fan arrived at the door, a slightly chubby and kind white old man came out from inside. He looked at Si Fan with special enthusiasm.

"You don't need to buy bread. You can choose whatever clothes you like. We rented these to make everyone happy today." He was obviously very generous. As for money, he didn't care at all.

After Old Bob invited Si Fan in, he showed off his clothes.

It was rented by him, and it can be seen that they are very attentive.

Different from the greasy and disgusting clothes in some film shooting bases in China, these clothes have obviously been carefully maintained and are very beautiful, and it is obvious that they have put their heart into making them.

This is Uranus. People are very serious when they do things. When everyone is serious, how can the quality not improve.

Looking at the clothes in front of him, Si Fan became entangled, so there is still a gap between the clothes in front of him and the ancient Chinese clothes. There are many shapes of ancient Chinese clothes, but they are different from the ones in front of him.

This should be a modern improved ancient clothes.

It not only has the atmosphere of ancient Chinese clothing, but also looks handsome.

It is no longer a simple Hanfu, and it is nothing more than the clothes of that era.

As long as good-looking on the line.

Si Fan just took a few glances and saw Gui Li's clothes.

It is estimated that the foreigner does not know whether it is a ghost, because the name has this word in it, and it looks like a ghost, so he brought it back.

"Well, that's all."

Who wears hangers? I want to be so handsome that the audience will be blown away, okay?

"Skynet Architect"

Bu Tianji works

Being alone, walking on this street is really suitable for the occasion. If others are black and white, then you are a lonely ghost, don't care how lonely you are standing at the intersection.

The soul-calling flags placed on the street kept fluttering, fluttering with the wind, and constantly swaying.

It seems to be in a ghost town, there is a feeling of depression everywhere, there are not too many people, but gradually Si Fan sees some interesting things.

After walking a few steps forward, a row of archways gradually appeared on the street. When he saw this, he smiled.

On the outermost side, there is actually an archway with the three big characters of ghost gate on it.

The characters used are not simplified characters, but seal characters, which look very tall.

Don't think that Lao Mi doesn't play with these things, and they don't join in the fun. Now people can gradually be seen on the street.

Outside the gate of ghosts, there are really desolate figures. The porch with a height of seven or eight meters looks so high and wide, making people feel half a head shorter.

Standing a little below here, you will appear to be very small, and the road behind you will be deserted, and you will feel that you are alone.

No, there are also some little sluts floating slowly there.

Seven or eight young people, probably college students, were all wearing white cloth strips that they got from no one knew where, and they looked like they were floating in the street. They were all wearing long clothes, and they couldn't see their feet. Just walking in small steps.

It looks like a ghost, but as long as you think about their shapes carefully, you will really see a ghost.

"Is this wearing the tablecloth on your body?"

Si Fan was stupefied, and he went crazy watching it. This operation is so slippery, I can't say it. The tablecloth is clearly visible. The whole is milky white, and there are slender stripes on it. Looking at it It looks pretty good, but I don't know if it was barbecue or steak last night, and it was stained with large oil stains.

Just like that, they were still torn and cut, and a hole was made to make it into today's clothes.

Si Fan could confirm it when he walked past him.

They ate barbecue yesterday, and the rich smell of barbecue sauce wafting in the air was very tempting.

Life is like this, you won't feel very hungry when you don't meet, but when the smell of meat floats by, your stomach will twitch.

Only then did Si Fan suddenly realize.

'It seems that I didn't eat tonight. What time is it. "Si Fan, who was a little hungry, really felt that time passed quickly.

Walking a few steps, the tall archway is very real, but you can only find that the archway does not exist all the time, it is a temporary splicing device, just like Lego toys, which can be spliced ​​together , Wherever the event is held, it can be directly spliced, which is very convenient, and the specific shape can be changed at any time.

It's true, it's very convenient.

But today is the night of July 15th. Naturally, the gate of hell is opened. In the distance, after passing through the gate of hell, there is another world, which seems to be painted on the ground with a special fluorescent agent, extending far into the distance.

Walking on the ground really has a floating feeling, and the light on the ground is changing every step of the way.

Morning light appeared on the ground, but the color was pale and somewhat terrifying.

The light changes, and figures seem to appear at any time.

Si Fan laughed. The holographic projection technology is actually used in this place. Each of these shadows is projected, but it is very realistic, as if there are really ghosts coming out of the ground.

And when the street continues to move forward, people can gradually be seen.

Just now, it was true that no one could see, but in such a short time, there were already quite a few people.

This number is still increasing.

"Brother, go to the store next to you to buy whatever you want, and you can rent a set of clothes for free. Today is Ghost Festival, is it really appropriate for you to wear casual clothes?" The young lady who passed by probably thought Si Fan was very handsome, so come here Said to Si Fan.

Unlike many places, there are scammers and scams everywhere. There has never been a successful scammer in Uranus, and there has never been a successful thief.

This is Uranus. There is a pair of invisible giant hands holding the lifeline of this city in the air. Anyone who wants to turn the city upside down has been crushed to death.

So here is happiness, there is no crime, and the city has some utopian qualities.

It's not about the beauty of human nature, but it's about achieving what everyone wants to achieve.

You can strike up a conversation casually on the street, Si Fan turned his head and looked over, it was another girl.

There are really a lot of girls on this street, it seems that they are very interested in ghosts and ghosts.

This time, it was a black girl with chocolate-colored skin. It should be half of non-black blood, so it looked very pleasing to the eye.

Of course, this chocolate color is not black, but a very healthy complexion.

She looked at Si Fan carefully for a long time.

"You have a great figure. It would look great if you put on a Huaxia ghost costume." She said that she had already led Si Fan forward.

Ahead was a very ordinary shop, a bakery.

A normal store of this kind would not do clothing-related activities.

Nothing to do with their business.

But people are willful.

When Si Fan arrived at the door, a slightly chubby and kind white old man came out from inside. He looked at Si Fan with special enthusiasm.

"You don't need to buy bread. You can choose whatever clothes you like. We rented these to make everyone happy today." He was obviously very generous. As for money, he didn't care at all.

After Old Bob invited Si Fan in, he showed off his clothes.

It was rented by him, and it can be seen that they are very attentive.

Different from the greasy and disgusting clothes in some film shooting bases in China, these clothes have obviously been carefully maintained and are very beautiful, and it is obvious that they have put their heart into making them.

This is Uranus. People are very serious when they do things. When everyone is serious, how can the quality not improve.

Looking at the clothes in front of him, Si Fan became entangled, so there is still a gap between the clothes in front of him and the ancient Chinese clothes. There are many shapes of ancient Chinese clothes, but they are different from the ones in front of him.

This should be a modern improved ancient clothes.

It not only has the atmosphere of ancient Chinese clothing, but also looks handsome.

It is no longer a simple Hanfu, and it is nothing more than the clothes of that era.

As long as good-looking on the line.

Si Fan just took a few glances and saw Gui Li's clothes.

It is estimated that the foreigner does not know whether it is a ghost, because the name has this word in it, and it looks like a ghost, so he brought it back.

"Well, that's all."

Who wears hangers? I want to be so handsome that the audience will be blown away, okay?

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