The one who spoke was a girl wearing a very cute kimono, but this kimono looked a little scary.

Well, I checked my eyes, it's Sadako's clothes.

Since the destruction of Tokyo, Japan has regained its strength. Their industrial strength is very strong, and their scientific research capabilities are world-class. ;

The entire Japanese economy has begun to usher in the next take-off.

Originally, there were not many basic industrial workers in the country, but now, suddenly, infinite power erupted, and a large number of people walked out of their homes and began to invest in industrial production.

Their background is still very strong, and now it has exploded and produced a lot of effects, just like the programmers in Si Fan's current project.

There are a large number of senior programmers in Japan.

They are the hardest. Working 16 hours a day is basically the most basic operation, and working overtime up to 14 hours is very habitual.

This is a country where overtime is unavoidable, they create a lot of value, they create monuments one after another, but behind them, there are so many basic ordinary people working hard.

And their learning ability is really strong, and their ability to steadily improve is also the basis for being able to stand at the top of the forest of the world.

Now, there are a lot of stupid people in Uranus, they come out, they come here to work, come here to study.

The girls also began to change their concepts, liberating a lot of labor.

The main reason is that their lives have undergone a lot of changes, and they need to enter the future era.

The destruction of one Tokyo gave countless Tokyos another chance, and they all wanted to become the next Tokyo.

And these ordinary people also walked out of their homes under the incentive policies one by one.

Young people are always those who have the most combat effectiveness.

They are motivated, energetic, and infinitely powerful. They are also the most creative when they walk here. The girls in kimonos are really domineering.

As for some patients with secondary illnesses, there is no way to recruit them. Si Fan actually saw a few guys in the death costumes of the god of death strolling on the street, carrying serious swords on their bodies.

There are all kinds of people, and there is a guy with an orange seaweed head who is carrying Kurosaki Ichigo's Soul Zanhundao on his back, with sharp eyes like a sharp sword.

Simply standing there is very majestic.


"Is he sure he's on Halloween?" That's totally out of style.

It's just that in Uranus, this is very appropriate. The people here can accept anything and any environment.

"It's really lively." Si Fan looked at these people and got a little excited.

"Hey, what else do you have for Huaxia Ghost Festival? It seems that there are no good activities." Suddenly, someone asked.

This guy is blond and blue-eyed, and he is a standard Frenchman. The romantic mood of pride and freedom is simply in their blood, and it can't be erased. It seems boring here.

This is also inevitable, how can we see some interesting things at this time.

They are the most entertaining nation in the world.

Now the situation is in an embarrassing situation, everyone doesn't know how to play, and it is very embarrassing for a few Huaxia international students to stand here.

"This, something we play on the Ghost Festival." He was still very embarrassed, what did Huaxia play on the Ghost Festival? Mom told you to come home early and not go out to play. .

Pfft, it's like a curfew at night.

Where is the real nightly entertainment.

At this moment, Si Fan had already seen their embarrassment, so of course he was interested.

"Let's go, I believe the library is ready for activities! Ghost Festival, of course there must be some special entertainment.

. " Si Fan said and pointed to the library in front of him.

This state library is still very eye-catching. It is on the street not far ahead, next to a park, or it can be said to be completely integrated with the park, because he is almost guarding the park.

It can be reached by crossing a stone arch bridge on the opposite side.

"What's so interesting about the state library? Are you going to the library for Huaxia Ghost Festival?" Someone was curious.

Some people followed directly.

Anyway, it's an experience, and it's what Uranus will definitely do in the future.

When you come here, you may definitely come into contact with some oriental festivals.

Just like today.

Si Fan led them forward, the Huaxia students were really confused, they didn't know what was going on. Just keep your head down and move on.

The street of Uranus is really quite long. Throughout the whole road, it is really like walking a ghostly road. Occasionally, there are hawkers selling goods on both sides of the road, and they have already made up into There are ghosts on the Yin-Yang Road, and several beverage store female bosses are dressed as Meng Po, and they are launching new drinks.

It's called Meng Po Tang, and the business is still good.

At the end of the road, the famous restaurant, Goby's Restaurant is opening, and the world's top chef Goby is cooking a very scary dish.

This is the big meal he prepared for the Ghost Festival, a series of bloody meat dishes, paired with the bright red wine that has already been prepared, there is nothing green.

Even the dishes are all relatively raw, and the food is authentic, and the hemoglobin that should have been processed is constantly oozing out.

The burnt feeling has been given up today, and this bloody feeling is what I want.

But in fact, these delicacies are delicious, not as scary as the eyes see.

Goby is waiting for people to pass by.

While he was waiting, he suddenly saw a lot of people, about seventy or eighty people approaching the library.

And such people are constantly increasing.

He was a little curious.

Looking at the crowd in the distance, Gebi was also a little itchy. This is the first time he participated in this ghost festival in Uranus, and he brought the Chinese ghost festival here. He knew that if he wanted to have fun, he still needed a lot of new customs. Otherwise it's not fun at all.

This dish is an appetizer.

An appetizer for entertainment, of course.

After eating, there is a bloody smell in the mouth, and the ghost festival is more atmospheric at this time.

Slowly, the crowd began to get closer and began to reach the door of Gobi's restaurant.

People wanted to go, but Gebi was already prepared. He shouted to the crowd: "Yin-yang road, forget your previous life and eat your previous life, and walk the road of the next life."

The voice is eerie and ghostly, which makes people interested.

This is like a prelude, which makes people feel a little bit of panic and a little bit of excitement.

This blood-covered delicacy is obviously exciting.

"Boss Gebi, today's delicious..."

Gebi said very happily: "Today is the holiday, everything is free, but you can't eat enough, the whole street has delicious food for you."

"Skynet Architect"

Bu Tianji works

The one who spoke was a girl wearing a very cute kimono, but this kimono looked a little scary.

Well, I checked my eyes, it's Sadako's clothes.

Since the destruction of Tokyo, Japan has regained its strength. Their industrial strength is very strong, and their scientific research capabilities are world-class. ;

The entire Japanese economy has begun to usher in the next take-off.

Originally, there were not many basic industrial workers in the country, but now, suddenly, infinite power erupted, and a large number of people walked out of their homes and began to invest in industrial production.

Their background is still very strong, and now it has exploded and produced a lot of effects, just like the programmers in Si Fan's current project.

There are a large number of senior programmers in Japan.

They are the hardest. Working 16 hours a day is basically the most basic operation, and working overtime up to 14 hours is very habitual.

This is a country where overtime is unavoidable, they create a lot of value, they create monuments one after another, but behind them, there are so many basic ordinary people working hard.

And their learning ability is really strong, and their ability to steadily improve is also the basis for being able to stand at the top of the forest of the world.

Now, there are a lot of stupid people in Uranus, they come out, they come here to work, come here to study.

The girls also began to change their concepts, liberating a lot of labor.

The main reason is that their lives have undergone a lot of changes, and they need to enter the future era.

The destruction of one Tokyo gave countless Tokyos another chance, and they all wanted to become the next Tokyo.

And these ordinary people also walked out of their homes under the incentive policies one by one.

Young people are always those who have the most combat effectiveness.

They are motivated, energetic, and infinitely powerful. They are also the most creative when they walk here. The girls in kimonos are really domineering.

As for some patients with secondary illnesses, there is no way to recruit them. Si Fan actually saw a few guys in the death costumes of the god of death strolling on the street, carrying serious swords on their bodies.

There are all kinds of people, and there is a guy with an orange seaweed head who is carrying Kurosaki Ichigo's Soul Zanhundao on his back, with sharp eyes like a sharp sword.

Simply standing there is very majestic.


"Is he sure he's on Halloween?" That's totally out of style.

It's just that in Uranus, this is very appropriate. The people here can accept anything and any environment.

"It's really lively." Si Fan looked at these people and got a little excited.

"Hey, what else do you have for Huaxia Ghost Festival? It seems that there are no good activities." Suddenly, someone asked.

This guy is blond and blue-eyed, and he is a standard Frenchman. The romantic mood of pride and freedom is simply in their blood, and it can't be erased. It seems boring here.

This is also inevitable, how can we see some interesting things at this time.

They are the most entertaining nation in the world.

Now the situation is in an embarrassing situation, everyone doesn't know how to play, and it is very embarrassing for a few Huaxia international students to stand here.

"This, something we play on the Ghost Festival." He was still very embarrassed, what did Huaxia play on the Ghost Festival? Mom told you to come home early and not go out to play. .

Pfft, it's like a curfew at night.

Where is the real nightly entertainment.

At this moment, Si Fan had already seen their embarrassment, so of course he was interested.

"Let's go, I believe the library is ready for activities! Ghost Festival, of course there must be some special entertainment..." Si Fan said, pointing to the library in front.

This state library is still very eye-catching. It is on the street not far ahead, next to a park, or it can be said to be completely integrated with the park, because he is almost guarding the park.

It can be reached by crossing a stone arch bridge on the opposite side.

"What's so interesting about the state library? Are you going to the library for Huaxia Ghost Festival?" Someone was curious.

Some people followed directly.

Anyway, it's an experience, and it's what Uranus will definitely do in the future.

When you come here, you may definitely come into contact with some oriental festivals.

Just like today.

Si Fan led them forward, the Huaxia students were really confused, they didn't know what was going on. Just keep your head down and move on.

The street of Uranus is really quite long. Throughout the whole road, it is really like walking a ghostly road. Occasionally, there are hawkers selling goods on both sides of the road, and they have already made up into There are ghosts on the Yin-Yang Road, and several beverage store female bosses are dressed as Meng Po, and they are launching new drinks.

It's called Meng Po Tang, and the business is still good.

At the end of the road, the famous restaurant, Goby's Restaurant is opening, and the world's top chef Goby is cooking a very scary dish.

This is the big meal he prepared for the Ghost Festival, a series of bloody meat dishes, paired with the bright red wine that has already been prepared, there is nothing green.

Even the dishes are all relatively raw, and the food is authentic, and the hemoglobin that should have been processed is constantly oozing out.

The burnt feeling has been given up today, and this bloody feeling is what I want.

But in fact, these delicacies are delicious, not as scary as the eyes see.

Goby is waiting for people to pass by.

While he was waiting, he suddenly saw a lot of people, about seventy or eighty people approaching the library.

And such people are constantly increasing.

He was a little curious.

Looking at the crowd in the distance, Gebi was also a little itchy. This is the first time he participated in this ghost festival in Uranus, and he brought the Chinese ghost festival here. He knew that if he wanted to have fun, he still needed a lot of new customs. Otherwise it's not fun at all.

This dish is an appetizer.

An appetizer for entertainment, of course.

After eating, there is a bloody smell in the mouth, and the ghost festival is more atmospheric at this time.

Slowly, the crowd began to get closer and began to reach the door of Gobi's restaurant.

People wanted to go, but Gebi was already prepared. He shouted to the crowd: "Yin-yang road, forget your previous life and eat your previous life, and walk the road of the next life."

The voice is eerie and ghostly, which makes people interested.

This is like a prelude, which makes people feel a little bit of panic and a little bit of excitement.

This blood-covered delicacy is obviously exciting.

"Boss Gebi, today's delicious..."

Gebi said very happily: "Today is the holiday, everything is free, but you can't eat enough, the whole street has delicious food for you."

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