Skynet Architect

Chapter 37 Biubiu (1)

Hao Yuqing stood here, at a loss, not knowing how to respond, since he still has assets and divisions? What's happening here.

All the investment was paid by Zhang Qingfeng, and now he also has shares?

She slowly opened the contract in her hand.

***Old Wine and Shotgun Bar, No. 719, Paris 13th District, Hao Yuqing shares 72.15%, shares to be auctioned 25.42, employee shares 2.43.

This is the first contract, which is also the share of the bar, and below, there is an attachment.

It was Jiang Yilong who explained beside him.

"According to our conclusion, the real estate was purchased by Zhang Qingfeng in the early stage and given to Ms. Hao Yuqing as a gift at that time, so the real estate should belong to you."

This involves Zhang Qingfeng's early property. At that time, he had not caused pollution, and the money he earned was considered a gift in this definition.

As for Zhang Qingfeng himself, it doesn't matter when you made the money, he will pay back the money first.

After all, the people you face are different, and the execution is also different.

Hao Yuqing was stunned. She knew that these properties had her name written on them, but they were all carried by Zhang Qingfeng. Many of them didn't even know who belonged to her, and now they were all seized.

This bar is hers.

After seeing this copy, the excited Hao Yuqing hurriedly opened the following document.

My own, my own, or my own, although there are Zhang Qingfeng's shares in it, which were then confiscated, but there are not many shares.

"When defining the judgment standard, our upper-level actuarial team made a precise measurement, and finally determined that these assets are the income of your hard work. The money a person earns by his own ability should not be subject to any infringement under the condition of complete legality. It can be said that Jiang Yilong was very loud, and this was what Si Fan explained to him at the time.

Among them are the bloody memories of those actuaries who were scolded by Si Fan when calculating the parameters.

In their eyes, the investor was Zhang Qingfeng, and it belonged to him, but Si Fan denied it, adding the executor and the time of investment.

In this way, the answer obtained after conducting various calculations is that Hao Yuqing is actually the owner of these bars. In ten years, the bar has changed from just an ordinary bar to the current chain. Without Zhang Qingfeng's money and follow-up The effect of the investment is impossible.

But Hao Yuqing's efforts are also very important, even decisive.

So in the end, most of the shares in the entire bar belonged to Hao Yuqing, and she had the right of first refusal to buy the rest at the market price when it was auctioned.

These are all hers. In addition, there are some industries, many of which are earned by herself, such as her bar.

It's all hers.

Take all your proofs and look at some of the last completed properties.

Finally thought about it for a long time.

"I still have a house in the magic capital of Huaxia, should it be mine?" She asked carefully.

Jiang Yilong hardly had to think about it.

"Don't worry, the property that belongs to you will always belong to you, sacred and inviolable."

For such a certain thing, Jiang Yilong must of course guarantee it.

The manager of the Swiss bank at the back looked at the handling in front of him with great satisfaction. There was no need to be heartbroken.

They didn't want to hype, and this is how the really ordinary matter was resolved.

This is the rarest thing. Their standards are very high.

Hao Yuqing carefully counted her belongings, and looking at the bars in her hands, she already had a plan in her heart.

"Wonder how much it would cost me to buy back my stake in the pub I own," she asked.

Jiang Yilong found a specific list from another document.

Taking this thin piece of paper over and looking at the quotation on it, she finally had a smile on her face.

"Selling my house in Shanghai is enough to buy back all the shares in all the bars.

This time, the bars are all my own. "She was very happy.

Without him, Zhang Qingfeng, the quality of life may decline, but as long as these assets are still his own, he has worked hard for ten years, and the bar he built is his own, then he will definitely make himself a rich man again.

You know, these bars are all very, very well-crafted characteristic theme bars, and each bar gives people a novel experience.

When you come to the bar, you are like entering another world, which is the various themed bars created by him.

The characteristic themed bars gradually attracted more people, and also allowed many people who wanted to join in the fun to find a place.

There are even some sailors who really like those real sailor bars, where you can feel the monument of the greatest age of navigation. It feels great to have a glass of rum and two glasses with wooden glasses. .

Hao Yuqing took the lead with his sword and sold his feelings and creativity. He has persisted for ten years and can see hope.

Now, all the shares can be acquired, which is her own industry.

There are so many bars, how to eat is enough.

"Thank you, I really thought that all the industries Zhang Qingfeng invested in were cleared." She didn't know how to say it.

Jiang Yilong just smiled and said: "It should be yours, it's yours, everyone's hard work should be recognized, no matter what your status is, but we will not let go of other property at all, no matter what it is It's not Zhang Qingfeng's."

When this was said, all three of them laughed.

Jiang Yilong then blinked: "Out of this door, I won't admit what I said."

The three of them were able to handle it satisfactorily. Hao Yuqing put all the new certificates in the safe, and all the previous things in it belonged to Jiang Yilong.

very happy.

A woman who thought she would have nothing was suddenly recognized. An account manager witnessed the first worldwide property seizure case and cooperated.

As for Jiang Yilong, completing the mission is the greatest reward.

Things come to a successful conclusion, each has its own work.

But this matter is definitely not as simple as it is now. The storm that has set off around the world has just begun.

The news will soon all report the beginning and end of the whole thing, and the Skynet World of the Skynet Group will also officially start broadcasting public welfare announcements.

Of course, this public welfare is not chicken soup for the soul, nor is it the previous donations. Instead, it is a very simple notice, telling everyone that anyone who wants to destroy the environment on which human beings live will be sanctioned.

At this time, Jiang Yilong walked out of the Swiss bank slowly, and when he passed by a donation box near the door, he casually dropped a coin into the card slot.

"Buzz buzz!" The coin spins on the spiral funnel of the donation box, spins, spins, and finally falls into the small hole in the middle.

And the last thing he saw were four words.

Skynet environmental protection!

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