Skynet Architect

Chapter 60 The Moon Waits for the Moon (4)

There are many levels of civilization in the universe, and they also have their own core production capacity. Each civilization has its own characteristics.

The development of civilization allows each civilization to have a new development and a new good direction.

Si Fan stood here, looked at the products in front of him, and slowly screened them out.

"This seems to be a reaction force aircraft for flying, but the availability of this thing is too low. The opposite planet should be a low-gravity planet. The human form is quite interesting, and it is so similar to humans." This is how many civilized races Si Fan has seen.

Their basic shape is similar to that of humans, and there may be a difference in height. For example, on this low-gravity planet, it seems that humans are generally about two meters tall, and their aircraft are also customized according to the height of two meters.

From these things, many things can be seen.

It's a pity that it's impossible for Si Fanna and the others to come in with so many people, and these people like themselves are looking for opportunities.

In terms of the ability of modern people to find opportunities, it is absolutely the best in the world. No one can find opportunities better than modern people.

A few of them went out, and Si Fan kept watching here.

Aircraft is their main product. It can be seen that they have very high requirements for flying, and they even have to leave the atmosphere for a short time to reach another planet.

"This is interesting. It may be an environment where several living planets are together. The theory of a lonely living planet in the universe is completely wrong." Look at these things carefully.

In addition to aircraft, this planet is very good at making all kinds of cosmic equipment, and it should be a mechanical civilization that is higher than the earth.

There is a lot of industrial culture throughout the system.

Looking carefully, Si Fan always thinks about the consequences of industrialization in his mind.

"These guys are similar to humans on Earth. They have the same physical condition as humans on Earth. After industrialization, medical treatment is inevitable." Si Fan knew something would go wrong when he looked at these people. The commodities here are all kinds of industrial products, and they are all very hard hard technology products. Si Fan, who uses a large number of these products, does not believe that there is no pollution at all.

Taking a closer look, Si Fan can be sure that their natural environment has already collapsed.

Possibly, Si Fan is the first in the entire universe to enter this trading world in this way.

Those who can trade here are the rulers of the planet. They don't think about so many things, and they don't squat down carefully at the auction house to find something, what the other party should need.

They are all rulers.

Si Fan is not, Si Fan is a part of this planet, he never even thought of ruling this planet.

It has been an unknown number of years without a member of the trading house from a new planet joining.

Compared with the starry sky, human life is very short.

Si Fan, a special person, was here and soon found what he wanted.

That is some of the things for sale here.


That's right, it's the medicine. He looked at the most inconspicuous place at the end, a sample of the medicine, and then the number written on the back, looking very incredible.

This number is actually 10,000 grains.


The quantity they sell is 10,000 pills, but what about the price of the medicine?

Same as aircraft.

Of course, it is the lowest-level aircraft.

Soon Si Fan found the corresponding price.

Ten yuan of cosmic coins is less than an aircraft. It is a very simple children's toy that children can use. It can fly at a height of 2 meters above the ground for about one and a half hours. The speed is very slow and very safe.

Extremely safe.

Si Fan has never discovered that there is such a safe thing. If this thing is worth ten yuan, then the efforts made by Si Fan for safety are worth nine yuan.

It's that exaggerated.

"Life in this place is very valuable." Si Fan looked at some introductions of this guy.

Mainly for the introduction of drugs.

Taking a closer look, Si Fan can confirm that the bacteria in this world are different from the earth, and the medicine they sell is used to suppress the body's reaction system.

Si Fan thought about it for a long time, and used a drug to get close to them.

Anti-inflammatory drugs.

That's right, it's anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that are usually very cheap, but in this civilization, they have to be used with a very high value. At least Si Fan thinks that it is a very high price for humans on earth to exchange them.

"Maybe this is what they need." Si Fan has already made up his mind to develop in this direction.

As for the software work, I still need to continue. That's money, and I can get some things that I can't usually get.

This is value.

And carefully looked at the shop, and recorded their things.

Look again at the acquisition list of these people.

Si Fan was speechless.

"Is this the big foodie empire?" Si Fan always thought he was in the big foodie empire.

But no, all these guys want is food.

Aquatic food, with a delicious evaluation of 5 or more, is worth 0275 universe coins per unit.

In Si Fan's view, this unit was compared. After all, the units used on the earth are still different.

This is all determined by oneself. In the universe, a share is about one kilogram more than that of the earth. Such a weight, Si Fan, will be directly calculated as one kilogram, and the calculation will be done when there is more.

The gap is not very big.

That is to say, seafood that should be calculated in tons on the earth is calculated in kilograms here, which is too scary.

They had nothing to eat, no food.

How funny is this?

In fact, it’s not funny, they ask for a delicious rating of 5, which is the most difficult thing, you never know how high-end the other party’s delicious rating of 5 is.

Look at each other's request.

Si Fan didn't look much, and went directly to the next shop, but remembered the number of this shop, well, Si Fan directly set it as follow, so that he can find it directly, and Si Fan already has a general idea in his heart. type.

But the level of the next two civilizations is too high, too scary.

People directly sell space-class battleships, and various high-tech industrial core products.

Tens of billions of cosmic coins every minute, you simply can't afford it.

Such a boss should just buy something from others in the future.

And more, when he discovered the things in the fourth store, he was more sure of his opinion.

The fourth civilization is more interesting, and very interesting.

When entering this civilization, the first feeling is that this is a civilization of local tyrants.

You have never seen that the layout has already been carried out in this trading hall.


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