Skynet Architect

Chapter 67 The Moon Waits for the Moon (11)

After seeing these two tentatively set goals, I will not look for any more. Si Fan already has a goal, and after that, he just wanders around, looking for that particularly awesome civilization to see if he can do it. Can't get good stuff. {щww{suimеng][com}

Trading is always happy, looking for good things is like shopping for women, you can really find more fun, Si Fan is looking for fun here, and several other friends are looking for what they need.

They also want to make money. If Si Fan controls the terminal, he will earn more, but for the few princes, they don't have to think about the whole world, they just need to think about making their own country prosperous.

If Prince William knew what happened today, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

There are really very few times like this. When a few cheaters find their own opportunities, they leave him here.

It is still the same room, with several connected nutrition cabins placed beside it.

Suddenly, bursts of air came from the nutritious meal in the middle.

With a sound of "Chi!", the airflow pushed away, and a young man sat up from inside. Well, this is what Si Fan called himself. Although he was over thirty, Si Fan always thought of himself as a young man.

He sat up and unplugged all the instruments on his body.

This is to detect the state of the body, and the nutrient solution also begins to slowly flow into the recovery bin, and the nutrient solution will be discarded.

They are all very expensive things, but Si Fan still needs to use them.

After sitting up, he breathed slowly, lowered the beating speed of his heart, and waited like this for a few minutes, then looked at the clock in front of him.

The time was fixed at two o'clock in the afternoon.

He didn't know when he came in, and he went in with a few buddies when he came, and now they are still inside.

At this time, the sound of "cuckoo!" came from the stomach.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would still be hungry while sitting. I really didn't think much about it. It's been a long time since I've encountered such a situation."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, then pressed the button beside the cabin.

The lights flickered, and after more than ten seconds, several people walked in from the outside.

In the middle is an experimenter with a lot of freckles on his face,

She is a middle-aged aunt.

This is a very professional intensive care personnel. She is in charge of the bodies of several people, and there is someone in charge of the equipment at the back, who immediately comes to check and adjust every detail of the equipment. This equipment is carefully maintained by them, and their lifelong work It is to maintain these equipment, the most expensive equipment in the world.

They know the importance of these devices,,,, from the salary.

"Sir, are you feeling unwell?" the female special nurse asked Si Fan.

Take a good look at your body and try to stretch it.

There is no discomfort in the arms. Try the legs again. There is nothing special about straightening and bending.

Si Fan said after carefully checking every part of his body and making sure that he had no major obstacles.

"I don't have any major physical obstacles now, but I seem to be very tired, and the muscles in my legs are a little sore." Si Fan said.

This is his most intuitive feeling.

The female special guard made a record.

"Sir, according to your physical condition, I recommend that you do one hour of swimming training every day, 20 minutes of fast cycling, and systematic strength training. When your body bears the load of equipment, it will cause certain physical damage. .” The female special guard recorded these, and then gave her opinion.

Si Fan nodded.

That's right, this nutrition cabin is still at the technological level of the earth, not up to the standard of the universe, so there are still sequelae, and the nutrient solution used is also produced on the earth.

It's not that the earth is bad, but that they don't have such technology.

And buy.

Forget it, limited funds must not be wasted.

Just as he was thinking about what to eat, the nutrition cabin next to him opened.

The guy who came out was Ahmed, and he was the first one to start shouting after he came out: "Ahhh, there is something wrong with your nutrition cabin, why does it hurt every time you come out?"

He burst into tears, expressing that it really hurts.

Intensive care staff went over and immediately started helping to relax the muscles.

Si Fan looked back at this guy, who was enjoying the massages of the special nurses. Soon it began to relax, and the pain will not be too much. Only in this way can Ahmed recover.

Just as he was about to talk to Si Fan, the special guard over there had already come over.

"Mr. Ahmed, you won't be able to use the nutrition cabin again for the last week, and special training is required to continue using it." She said very harshly, and there was no need to think about it at all.

Ahmed looked at Si Fan with a sad face.

But Si Fan shook his head.

"If she says no, she can't. I'm no exception. You still want to make an exception?" Si Fan glanced at him, then stood up quickly.

It's kind of stupid to sit there.

Ahmed just sat up, feeling a little helpless.

"Okay, just tell me what you want, I'll listen." He waited for Si Fan's words, because he knew that there must be something wrong with entering here collectively to find opportunities.

"I mainly want to find a few more ways out for all human beings. As for you, as long as you can do it, it can't be expanded, and it must be limited to supporting you and your own people, and give me honestly Use most of the money to help poor areas." Si Fan said very straightforwardly.

Ahmed didn't care: "I actually didn't find anything, but it seems that the fruit trade in the universe is very interesting. They actually buy all kinds of finished fruits, and the seeds seem to be prohibited from being traded here, and the fruits have to go through the inactivation process." .”

As he spoke here, Si Fan understood that this was selling canned food to the universe.

This thing is not a huge business, it is mainly sold in small batches.

main reason.

It's not just a foodie's dream, the rich people in the universe also want to eat different things.

They're going to buy these things.

The requirement for inactivation is mainly to prevent the invasion of alien species.

The invasion of species from the same planet is easy to deal with, but alien plants, creatures, who knows what, can cause death disasters.

This is inevitable.

Listening to Ahmed's narration, Si Fan knew about grain trading. As expected, there was no direct grain trade, and all were processed and semi-finished products.

As for selling cockroaches, Si Fan still has to do it, the earth needs these things.

And what he wants to buy has already been determined, and now he is short of the final purchase.

The main thing is that Si Fan has to concentrate on making money. Some things are too expensive.

The matter has come to an end, Si Fan has to continue to wait.

See what the rest of the guys are up to.

At this moment, Si Fan looked at the medical staff and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Isn't this... the Zhang Jie from before?

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