Skynet Architect

Chapter 72 The universe is the end (4)

The worms in the hearts of these rich people are just creatures in the universe. Although they are very powerful, they are still killed by human soldiers. ◢Щщш

They never thought that the bugs in the universe are so powerful.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, the fresh blood on the ground was still evaporating, emitting a disgusting black color.

Si Fan squatted down and looked at it, and waved his hands in disgust, "Hurry up and get rid of it, the bacteria on this creature should not have been processed, and all of them still don't match the earth at all, we have no way of knowing whether they will harm the local damage to the environment."

While they were talking, two aliens came over. They were looking at the corpse very sincerely, and then they saw that they were holding a green instrument in their hands, and they were mad at the corpse.

The effect was obvious, and soon the white light could be seen covering the corpse of the bug, and then they handed over the communication equipment to Si Fan.

This is a device that looks completely different from a phone, and it should be said that it is something that would never be thought of at ordinary times.

It was a flower-like thing, which was very similar to the flowers around them. They admired this beauty very much, and they didn't want to avoid anyone when they were chatting, so they pressed the button directly at Si Fan.

A voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Dear customer, hello, I have received news that you have been attacked by the Horavis Zerg. Fortunately, the opponent has been solved. Our soldiers have sealed off their microbial proliferation area and are preparing to clean it up. , would you like to buy the heterogeneous microbe cleaning equipment produced on our planet?" This guy has reached the limit of his business, and he can think of business at any time.

Si Fan was also very helpless.

"Okay, just give me the price of how many universe coins." Si Fan didn't bother to talk to him.

Earth's technology is still not as good as some planets in the universe.

It can even be said that most of the people who joined the system.

There is no way, people have developed for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, countless planets may have survived the super disaster of planet extinction through the efforts of people.

Now the earth is actually in a period of catastrophe, and the natural environment has long since reached a period when it is as fragile as a piece of paper. It's just that Si Fan's stability over the years has allowed them to live temporarily.

The volcanic ash in the United States has also slowly fallen. Obviously, the law of energy conservation is still working, but the conversion of energy has become more advanced, and there are too many invisible forces in the universe that can be used. .

When Si Fan confirmed the purchase, the two soldiers in charge of the opponent took out a cylinder from their backpacks and smashed it on the air bubble in front.

There was no feeling, no sound, no color, but soon they took it out again, and even the air bubbles were taken back, leaving only the corpse of the bug.

"Hurry up to clean up the entire island. I will clean up all the bugs. Don't worry about the rest. Throw all the bugs to the laboratory for urgent disassembly and analysis. I want all their information."

The order was issued, and soldiers took away all the limbs of the bug on the spot, and they needed detailed analysis.

For this kind of battle, Jixia Academy and Skynet Group have jointly carried out a reasonable combination, and have already completed the design of several plans. When encountering this kind of bug, bring it back to the earth with the smallest cost, and then Conduct teardown studies.

Anti-gene weapons should be compiled, individual antibody poisons should be researched, and targeted weapons should be developed. As long as it is the way to face this kind of cosmic race, the earth has already begun to prepare for the war of the next era.

This is the way of fighting that really belongs to the people on earth. It is different from before, it is completely scientific fighting.

The whole process took no more than three minutes. Si Fan stood in the center of the crowd and greeted everyone.

"The wedding is going on as usual, everyone. I hope this little episode doesn't disturb you all. By the way, I want to make a small advertisement for you." Si Fan interjected at this time.

"Our Skynet Group, Jixia Academy, and Uranus War Academy are conducting a combat team training plan. Any country, group, or company can train and train space soldiers. The fighting group will have absolute sovereignty, can obtain loot on the battlefield, and can also obtain the ownership of the divided space mines, and can hire space mining teams to mine part of the mines." Si Fan said to everyone.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and some people didn't understand what Si Fan did. They couldn't understand it at all.

Si Fan also explained at this time.

"All the detailed rules will be announced by our company." Si Fan said all the things, which also means that a full-scale counterattack is about to start. The so-called national attack is just that Si Fan needs more people to participate in the battle.

This is a war for the entire earth, and no one knows the final result, but Si Fan knows that it is not enough to throw all the resources of the earth into it, and countless human beings need to work hard to make money before they can be replenished in the universe.

This kind of supplement is very expensive. Rare minerals in the universe are expensive, but ordinary resources are even more expensive. After all, they are in large quantities. How much rare resources can be used, ordinary ores are used in an astonishing amount.

The wedding continued. Even if the vows of the two were over just now, the cardinal couldn't continue to preside over it. Someone had already cleaned up the scene.

At this time, a temporary bishop cameo to announce the completion of the wedding and the guests can move freely.

There is no domestic wedding banquet where the bride and groom have to toast. Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia are also looking for their own delicacies among the crowd.

When it comes to food, Si Fan is absolutely not stingy, the food and wine this time are at the top level in the world.

To this end, Sivana prepared 7,500 deep-sea prawns, including various types. In addition, he also prepared 2,000 pounds of Miyazaki steak, 700 pounds of tuna, 500 pounds of Alaskan king crab, and 150 pieces. Maine lobster, as for black truffle and caviar, they are used casually.

However, it seems that the Hollywood stars who came to support them seem to love these things, and where these big names walk, there is always a mess.

It is worth mentioning that in the center of the island, at the wedding site, there is a huge wedding cake, a whole 19-layer cake, which is now being cut into countless pieces, and is happily distributed to everyone by old Bob.

In other words, old Bob is now a world-renowned chef.

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