Skynet Architect

Chapter 91 The Battle Never Ends (7)

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Who would have thought that the worm, which was so powerful that it made people desperate, had now turned into a ball of meat, and it was almost broken into scum on the ground.

It looked so funny.

After seeing it, Si Fan was also in turmoil in his heart. This is the real power, the power of the higher races in the universe. They have such a weapon that they don't have an advantage when facing bugs.

But he believes that bugs are also difficult to deal with in advanced civilizations, and in addition to having more advanced weapons, there must be corresponding evolution.

This is like telling Si Fan that the bug's high-end combat power is far from that.

Holding the hammer, Si Fan roared loudly: "Roar, for human beings."

Secondary two is not necessary, but still rushed.

At this time, you can gradually see countless corpses lying on the ground. The large areas with bugs are the corpses of bugs, but there are also human Terminator corpses mixed in. Most of them are torn to pieces. The bugs Definitely not a kind-hearted race, their fighting talent is almost instinctive, and the most powerful human army has already reached the tide after the first wave of killing.

Bugs have never been the type to attack alone. It is a rare situation for them to attack Sivana on the earth. Now when they really charge over, it is completely different from before.

They have become a true killing race, and plundering resources on the battlefield is their specialty.

And human beings are more of a living race, and what human beings yearn for is life, a stable life.

When Si Fan really started to touch the battlefield, he really felt what Zerg is.

"The battle lasted for 27 minutes and 59 seconds. The Zerg's main combat power has begun to arrive. The action speed has been reduced by 2% again. Our battle damage terminator is 7256." The red queen gave the final data.

It has been stated that the Terminator is almost gone.

In front of Si Fan's eyes, he could already see that there were bugs in all directions.

At this time of the battle, almost all the survivors are around Si Fan. Anyway, the Terminator is not their own, so they all fight desperately. So they are still fighting.

Si Fan is also constantly fighting.

"Come on, our task is to kill as many bugs as possible." Si Fan roared loudly, the hammer in his hand was already rounded.

If Si Fan was still getting used to this weapon before, he has gradually gotten used to it now. The designer of this weapon is simply a genius.

During the battle, Si Fan swung his weapon fiercely.

"Pfft!" There was a continuous cracking sound from Si Fan's earphones, and the bugs around him were cleaned up.

Five or six bugs were all killed. At this time, the next batch arrived, and their blades quickly came over.

"Ding ding dong." There were several terminators in front of them who directly used their bodies to resist the insect's attack, and then quickly retreated.

They have no intention of attacking, and the quickest way to unload their force is to quickly block the attack. This is the most basic way to face insects. If they let their sword feet accumulate enough power and eject them directly, the lethality is absolutely very scary.

Just such an attack can kill Si Fan's Terminator.

This is the best way to deal with it.

Blocking the attack, they quickly retreated.

"The next group, the next group, don't play yourself badly, this commander is still very powerful, this hammer will kill a few terminators, much more lethal than ours." The temporary commander who temporarily led the team led the team Help Si Fan resist the attack.

And Si Fan was also very wild, just rushed in like this, and took away the lives of bugs one by one.

"This weapon can be bought, and it is no problem to buy it in large quantities. With more weapons, it will be easier to deal with bugs." Si Fan said to the Red Queen.

The answer I got was a bit worrying.

"According to the information you provided, the sale of weapons is restricted. You can only buy more than 2,000 handles, and the price will continue to rise." The red queen's answer is always so sincere.

It was so heart-wrenching, Si Fan didn't know what to say, and just continued to attack.

Wielding a hammer.

The battlefield is gradually shrinking.

He also gradually focused on the base, the attacks were all mechanical, and he couldn't die anyway.

But now the entire base is completely different from before.

The previous base was a chaotic factory, but now the most central area is all metal walls, completely covering the entire core area, the interior already has electricity supply, and even formed a small living area, in this small area you can supply oxygen.

This is the rudiment of the entire base, only about a few modern residential areas, all of which are constantly replenished with metal. Looking at the data, Si Fan already has a basic idea in his mind, and the huge framework is still outside.

All he needs is such a large position.

"Let's start strengthening, and form a double layer of isolation, so that the bugs can resist a wave even if they attack our front." Si Fan ordered.

Immediately after the red start execution.

But this is actually inevitable. The first layer of defense inside them has been completed, and the second layer of fortifications outside is being built.

"The battle hasn't stopped yet, we have to hold them back." Si Fan shouted loudly.

Anyway, these people never thought of taking it back, so I can keep this Terminator, after all, the price of this weapon is really expensive.

There is no suspense in the battle here, it's just delaying time.

Looking through the astronomical telescope, you can see that their team is constantly decreasing. The bugs did not disperse, but seemed to have received an order, and they all approached this direction, forming a huge encirclement, and constantly shrinking.

Eventually, a siege was formed, surrounding them.

One or two thousand Terminator seems to be a lot, but it will be useless if it is surrounded, and it will be terrifying if it is surrounded by tens of millions of bugs.

One by one, the praying mantises are constantly raiding.

At this time, Si Fan saw a more powerful bug in the astronomical telescope.

It was a huge beetle like the dung beetle, and there seemed to be some strange bugs in the farther places.

"Mom, the first batch is meant to be put on the earth, right? They are all the lowest-level bugs, and they still have evolved bodies." Si Fan roared.

He saw a giant-like worm in the farthest direction. It was a worm that just walked out from the back of the moon. He was about 70 to 80 meters tall, like a tall building, and his body was all prismatic. specific functions.

Si Fan didn't know.

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