Skynet Architect

Chapter 99 The Battle Never Ends (15)

It feels silky smooth and is as easy as cutting butter. The long sword in Ye Zai's hand seemed to be specially prepared for cutting the armor of the bugs. The angle of penetration was perfect. After entering, the sharp middle of the blade could smoothly tear their joints.

The armor has become a decoration, and the very fast Ye Zai lowers his body as much as possible when facing the bugs, so as not to let the strength of his legs make him float in the air. The low gravity of the moon is simply a nightmare. Get up and wait to die.

Ye Sun would not allow himself to enter such a sad situation. He used a little strength in the air to try to control himself. Most of the attacks of the bugs were down-to-earth. When they did not jump up, they attacked Sometimes the speed becomes very slow.

"Okay, that's how it feels." On the battlefield, as if entering no one's land, and still following the Terminator's side, the loyal ones are only performing the Terminator's tasks, all of which are back-ups, as long as they resist the first attack, The bug's follow-up attack will be exhausting. At this critical time, it is up to them. Facing the calm attack of the bug, after a wave of attacks, no matter whether the opponent is dead or not, they must retreat.

In the innermost part of the battlefield, Si Fan looked at the situation on the battlefield very optimistically, all directions were resisted by the terminators, and the bugs were constantly dying.

What deserves Si Fan's attention is that on this battlefield, it seems that the movements of the bugs are a little different.

"These bugs seem to consciously take away the corpses of the bugs, unlike the time on Earth." Si Fan paid attention to the situation on the battlefield. It was the same as before, throwing away the corpses of the bugs casually.

That's what Anthony did at the beginning. Now it seems that the bugs are not all his management mode. The bugs in the universe have begun to collect corpses, and they don't care about the corpses of the Terminator at all. Instead, some weapons are dropped on the battlefield. , will be collected by them.

Si Fan saw that the bugs seemed to be doing this consciously, so he knew there must be something strange about it.

Ninety-nine percent of the reasons are resources.

Bugs also need resources. From the pictures taken by satellites, we can see that the bugs are really mining resources to produce bugs and produce what they need.

"The Red Queen." Si Fan called the Red Queen.

Behind him, the Red Queen had silently appeared, answering Si Fan's call.

"Host, do you want to start cleaning up the battlefield now and form a battlefield cleaning force?"

Si Fan ordered the Red Queen to start cleaning up the battlefield. After the order was completed, he had already walked out with his hammer.

The hammer in his hand is his own dream.

He wants to test, to test what the meat ball that bug on the battlefield turned into is.

"Modern warfare is all about fighting for resources, and so is the war in the universe." Si Fan happily walked to the front line, approaching the terminator on the front line.

By his side, more than a dozen terminators all had enough combat power, and they were all directly controlled by the red queen, and their control performance could be said to be the best.

They will dedicate their lives at any time to ensure that the hammer in Si Fan's hand will not be damaged.

This is their highest order.

The base of the moon is in the central area of ​​the huge crater, and below it is the place where there may be meteorites. Outside, it is surrounded by relatively high terrain. Such terrain is at a disadvantage on the earth, but this is the moon. The terrain is completely different, and the gravity is also different. If they dare to jump up, they will wait for death, so the bugs ensure that their legs are almost all on the ground, and they must reduce their speed as much as possible, not only that Si Fan was also surprised to see that the attacks of these bugs really seemed to have changed.

It is incomparable to the bugs we encountered on Earth, and it is still different from the bugs in the battle just now. Their speed seems to have slowed down a lot, and their attack speed is very slow.

Si Fan rushed over and found that if he dodges the bug's attack, he can easily dodge this kind of attack, which is simply a blessing to Si Fan.

"Die." On the battlefield, the battle surface has been opened several hundred meters, and the battle has turned into a melee, but humans have the upper hand, and bugs will always appear in the sky. They jump up and prepare to attack .

This kind of attack is simply weak in front of some mechas controlled by humans who are easy to shovel. They are in the sky and cannot change the direction of the attack, let alone control their own bodies.

It's very easy, just aim the shovel at their bodies and dry them.

It's that simple to kill the opponent directly.

Si Fan watched the war, experienced the war, and then.

Turning the hammer with both hands, he rushed over to the group of insects among them, and hit one of them with a hammer on his knife foot.

Afterwards, it was obvious that when the power exploded, all the insects in the same direction were almost motionless suddenly, and the attacked insects themselves exploded first.

It's such an exaggeration. It feels silky smooth and is as easy as cutting butter. The long sword in Ye Zai's hand seemed to be specially prepared for cutting the armor of the bugs. The angle of penetration was perfect. After entering, the sharp middle of the blade could smoothly tear their joints.

The armor has become a decoration, and the very fast Ye Zai lowers his body as much as possible when facing the bugs, so as not to let the strength of his legs make him float in the air. The low gravity of the moon is simply a nightmare. Get up and wait to die.

Ye Sun would not allow himself to enter such a sad situation. He used a little strength in the air to try to control himself. Most of the attacks of the bugs were down-to-earth. When they did not jump up, they attacked Sometimes the speed becomes very slow.

"Okay, that's how it feels." On the battlefield, as if entering no one's land, and still following the Terminator's side, the loyal ones are only performing the Terminator's tasks, all of which are back-ups, as long as they resist the first attack, The bug's follow-up attack will be exhausting. At this critical time, it is up to them. Facing the calm attack of the bug, after a wave of attacks, no matter whether the opponent is dead or not, they must retreat.

In the innermost part of the battlefield, Si Fan looked at the situation on the battlefield very optimistically, all directions were resisted by the terminators, and the bugs were constantly dying.

What deserves Si Fan's attention is that on this battlefield, it seems that the movements of the bugs are a little different.

"These bugs seem to consciously take away the corpses of the bugs, unlike the time on Earth." Si Fan paid attention to the situation on the battlefield. It was the same as before, throwing away the corpses of the bugs casually.

That's what Anthony did at the beginning. Now it seems that the bugs are not all his management mode. The bugs in the universe have begun to collect corpses, and they don't care about the corpses of the Terminator at all. Instead, some weapons are dropped on the battlefield. , will be collected by them.

Si Fan saw that the bugs seemed to be doing this consciously, so he knew there must be something strange about it.

Ninety-nine percent of the reasons are resources.

Bugs also need resources. From the pictures taken by satellites, we can see that the bugs are really mining resources to produce bugs and produce what they need.

"The Red Queen." Si Fan called the Red Queen.

Behind him, the Red Queen had silently appeared, answering Si Fan's call.

"Host, do you want to start cleaning up the battlefield now and form a battlefield cleaning force?"

Si Fan ordered the Red Queen to start cleaning up the battlefield. After the order was completed, he had already walked out with his hammer, and the hammer in his hand was his own dream.

He wants to test, to test what the meat ball that bug on the battlefield turned into is.

"Modern warfare is all about fighting for resources, and so is the war in the universe." Si Fan happily walked to the front line, approaching the terminator on the front line.

By his side, more than a dozen terminators all had enough combat power, and they were all directly controlled by the red queen, and their control performance could be said to be the best.

They will dedicate their lives at any time to ensure that the hammer in Si Fan's hand will not be damaged.

This is their highest order.

The base of the moon is in the central area of ​​the huge crater, and below it is the place where there may be meteorites. Outside, it is surrounded by relatively high terrain. Such terrain is at a disadvantage on the earth, but this is the moon. The terrain is completely different, and the gravity is also different. If they dare to jump up, they will wait for death, so the bugs ensure that their legs are almost all on the ground, and they must reduce their speed as much as possible, not only that , Si Fan was also surprised to see that the attacks of these bugs

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