Skynet Architect

Chapter 108 Never stop (4)

Compared with Freeport, their Lijiang Port has become a small broken fishing boat wharf, and it is estimated that they will only be able to dock fishing boats in the future. As soon as the free port was built, there would naturally be no one left. This is bad news. Deprived of their few chances of survival.

Ren Tianliang will not let such a thing happen. Their company's stock has plummeted, and the daily limit is commonplace, and now it has been completely suspended.

There is no chance to stand up, and the dream is shattered where the wind blows. In this port, they are the losers, and the failure is a mess.

Now, he wants to fight for the dominance of this place. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a freighter now. There are thousands of fishing boats relying on him for food in Lijiang Port, and they are constantly being mobilized.

Ren Tianliang stood in front of a luxury yacht and proudly looked at the fleet behind him. This was a fleet of thousands of ships, all filled with the roar of fishing boats. The ships gradually appeared from far to near where they could see. .

Right here in the damn place.

Every fisherman looked at the port in the distance with hatred. It is now almost a wasteland, but the places they can see now are all under construction. How fast is a very huge construction site? I am not a fool, of course I know, it is estimated that this place will become a super big port in a few years.

It's a pity that they don't have much to do with this port. This is an international transportation center, and this is the future transportation hub of the entire Northeast Asia, so it must be very important.

But the only thing that is deceptive is that these fishing boats cannot survive in this port. What they need is the wharf where the small fishing boats are located, not the behemoth in front of them.

In their eyes, this is where huge ocean-going ships dock.

Among the crowd, several ship bosses didn't look very well at the front. They looked at the front fiercely, but everyone was very depressed. Occasionally looking back at the arrogant Ren Tianliang, it was really filled with righteous indignation. A fishing boat also consumes a lot of oil when going to sea. Every time they go to sea, they cherish every drop of oil. The money they earn must first pay off the oil fee before they can be counted as profits.

Now this trip is doomed to have no income, and the sailing distance is much farther than their usual fishing. How can such an environment make them happy.

Anger is inevitable, and I dare not hate Ren Tianliang, because he is the big boss of the dock, and he can make them lose their jobs with a single word, so they must be held together, and all the anger is thrown on the Skynet Group.

What are you messing around with, isn't your normal life pretty good? What kind of port do you have to do, okay now? Ren Tianliang came to harm them.

The fishermen are not fools. How could they not know that most of the Skynet Group’s activities are their cakes, and the fishing industry Skynet Group will not take over too much. After all, people’s ports make more money, and how much is a fishery? , are all small port businesses.

They came out for Ren Tianliang, and their hearts were bleeding while driving the fishing boat, but Ren Tianliang didn't care, he just wanted revenge, so that this damn port couldn't operate and couldn't be built.

He didn't care if his terminal was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the arrival of the Skynet Group, he just knew that this terminal would definitely be better than him in the future.

Then why not torment you, we are all here to build the wharf, but you have made all the money and eaten all the food, and he is not willing to let him pick up the leftovers.

Crazy people are subconsciously shifting the responsibility to others, and the Skynet Group is the biggest scapegoat.

It seems that everything has become a predetermined number. At this time, the kindness that people pursue has become a fantasy, and only the last madness is left. They sailed directly to rush over.

In the direction of the port, there is a huge construction site, the port is under construction, Si Fan watched his own port gradually being built,

He was also very happy, and was ready to take the train and go to be the assistant of the agricultural expert, but at this moment, he saw fishing boats galloping towards him in the distance, and they were moving forward crazily, constantly increasing their speed.

This is a bit exaggerated in terms of covering the sky and blocking the sun, but the vast expanse is really spectacular.

Si Fan dragged his chin with his right hand and looked at the group of people in front of him with great interest.

"It really took a lot of thought." He whispered.

The speed in the distance is even faster, it is not so fast, but it can be said to be resolute.

At this time, Si Fan decided not to leave, and looked at the solution when he was not here.

While he was waiting, a dozen ships suddenly appeared in front of him.

This ship is not a destroyer, it is not for fishing boats at all, it is an ordinary patrol boat, but it has weapons on it, a small broken cannon on the bow, so stubbornly coming over.

Their speed is not very fast, but everyone knows that such patrol boats are definitely several times faster than fishing boats at full speed, and the engines they use are not of the same grade.

When these ships appeared, it seemed that there was really an invisible wall in the harbor, blocking them.

In the fleet, Ren Tianliang yelled loudly through the walkie-talkie.

"They all rushed over, they didn't dare to run, they were all pretending, it's okay." He shouted loudly, just wanting to let others rush over.

And his speed also decreased a little at this time.

It is impossible to rush over. There are more than a dozen boats here, lying in front of them. When someone stopped the boat, there was a sudden sound.

The roar of "Boom!" was deafening, the ship retreated a few centimeters abruptly, and a small shell flew out, directly bombarding the front ship.

This guy is the largest fishing boat here, and the boss of the boat is not at the bow.

A cannonball flew over like this, and shattered the bow of the ship in a whirl, and then heard: "Boom!", and the bow of the boat disappeared.

The ship was suddenly stunned and stopped at sea.

Gradually, other ships were also bombarded.

This is no longer a warning, it is direct law enforcement.

They on the boat didn't know that their actions were all videotaped, and Si Fan was watching.

These people shouted loudly: "We are Chinese people, you have no right to attack us, you are provoking."

He roared loudly, and the people on the opposite patrol boat answered very well.

"This is Te Niang's free port. The port is managed by the Skynet Group and belongs to all human beings. If you want to make trouble, you can come here. I dare not bombard you to death. If you demolish your ship, you can go to the insurance company and cry." .”

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