Skynet Architect

Chapter 119 Trouble Seven

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the battle on the moon has never been ordinary. The dust on the ground floats in the air, and then slowly falls. Without the drive of the air flow, the dust floats up obliquely in the air, and then descends with a standard parabola. Without touching them, they gradually descended as if they were not affected at all.

This phenomenon is very interesting. All the dust is different from that on the earth. There is no wind blowing, and there is no usual influence. It seems that when fighting on the moon, everyone has become an independent individual.

Dust is scattered in the sky, and no one can feel the difference in the sky.

In the swarm, several soldiers hid behind the Terminator, and when the praying mantis in front attacked, they suddenly stepped forward.

The handy shovel in his hand is aimed at the opponent's body and stabbed violently.

Their positioning is very accurate, that is, to abolish the connecting points of the opponent's upper and lower body at one time.

As long as this place is cut off, the worm will be useless for the time being, and it will be fine to wait for death.

This method has been used for a long time, and this time is no exception. The handy shovel in his hand shoveled the opponent in half at once.

Such bloody scenes can be found everywhere on the battlefield, but the difference is that when they shoveled down, the reaction was suddenly different.

The worm broke into two pieces and twitched on the ground. Just as the two of them were about to retreat, suddenly two black lights shot out from a distance. The light came so fast that they almost didn't even have time to react, piercing through their bodies in an instant. chest.

In the distance, it was a huge bug. He scanned all the people on the battlefield, and then he saw two black lights ejected and slowly began to twitch. After careful observation, he realized that they were two sharp thorns.

After shaking twice, it returned to him again with a whoosh.

This spike can actually be sprayed out and retracted, which is really unimaginable.

The fighting power of the bug seems to be really going to explode.

On the battlefield, I didn't see the melee ability of this huge bug itself, but the lethality of this long-range point kill is really superior. The spiky spikes are ruthless, and dozens of terminators are easily killed between the turns. , there is no chance of returning the phone.

Looking at the back, the Terminator is like a wild bee rushing out of a hive. The moment it comes out, it actually jumps out, just to avoid being blocked when it is at the door.

And the Terminator controlled by humans all ran out. They were given a little space before they could rush to the front.

In the front line, that is the real danger.

"Puff puff puff puff!" There seemed to be no sound, but the operator could hear the sound of his body being crushed, and the spear that penetrated his body just penetrated his body, and then was retracted.

Take it easy, without any mercy.

Death has become inertia.

"Soldiers, follow me to charge." Si Fan is very swollen in the crowd now, the armor on his body is not too painted, but this huge figure alone is attractive enough.

Those who fought on the battlefield looked at Si Fan's combat clothes,

Eyes are red.

Especially those who knew the inside story, such as Yan Meng, who was about to salivate seeing Si Fan.

"Hold the grass, is this the company's new equipment? So fierce?" He stared blankly at the armor on Si Fan's body. If he could have a real expression, it must be with his eyes staring like copper bells, his beard and hair All Zhang, it is simply Zhang Fei alive.

This is the version that has been humbled a few times.

"I want this, it's too fierce." Looking at Si Fan's equipment, Yan Meng's genes as a combat madman began to surge, and his mentality as a super battlefield brush was ignited.

Merit or something is never afraid of not having it, just brush it.

This is his attitude.

"I will also have such a set in the future."

He yearns for this battle armor very much, and has the idea of ​​seeing more in his heart, wanting to truly know the power of this thing.

He was advancing, and there were others following him. There were not a few such people. When the war started, they also knew to follow this general, because they got a lot of benefits from it.

What some people don't know is also coming from the crowd.

On the contrary, Si Fan looked back at them, a little curious, these people's combat effectiveness is good now, the handy shovel in his hand is used to slip up and fly, and it seems that they can kill the people in front of them just by waving it casually The bug, then slowly approached Si Fan.

Si Fan in the crowd strode over, followed closely behind by the red queen, her pace was not slow at all, she followed closely behind, following Si Fan's side.

"Your speed has to drop a bit. The load on your body is heavy now, and it is easy to disintegrate during the battle." Hong Hou followed behind, constantly reminding.

She is currently wearing a third-generation device, with a relatively slender figure and quick movements, but there is no nerve connection, and there is no such a big increase.

It's more of a difference in handling.

He couldn't react much.

People's own self-reactions are simply too easy to use.

But now Si Fan can use human's own self-reaction, which is the natural reaction of human beings.

It is not to mention how comfortable it is to step on the ground, and you can easily feel the deep pits and stones on the ground.

It won't be scratched, and the feet won't hurt.

Only very mild pain. But the physical response is enough.

The neurological reflex is enough to let people know how big the stone is.

Si Fan felt this way.

"I'm in good condition." Just as he replied, several spears suddenly shot out from the opposite side. He went straight to Si Fan and came over.

A black light flashed in his sight, and his heart tightened.

These feedbacks of perfect state were followed by the reaction that Si Fan had no order at all in his mind.

The body leaned to the side, but the right hand subconsciously wanted to grab it.

After that, it worked. Si Fan quickly held a spear in his hand, and the insects on the opposite side were obviously irritated by Si Fan's actions, or caught his attention.

What I didn't notice before was that Si Fan was just bigger. In his mind, this was a very ordinary opponent until the spike of his spear was caught.

The huge head also turned.

This made Si Fan really look at the bug with his eyes.

It is huge like a beetle, and the spears on its body are ejected from the holes in the carapace. It looks like a tank, and its combat effectiveness must be good.

After grabbing the spear, Si Fan didn't let go directly, but held it in his hand, and then jumped up, stepping on the contracted fascia behind the spear.

Violently tore the spear off.

The force was so heavy that Si Fan finally tore it apart by pressing it down with a hammer.

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